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Archive through May 4, 1999

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Better not believe she is not living in Serbia.


Ps write clearly to her, cause she has trouble reading and understanding, although she pretents to know it all

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Don't know what to make out of your message,but i pray to god your right.
About ww3 that is.


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You broke your promise.

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What's for dinner? :-}

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These people are pitiful. They bring nothing to this site, which is polluted by their constant moaning about Serbian propaganda. Today fliers are being dropped by NATO over Belgrade as I speak, telling people the water is contaminated. That of course is all right, remember we have to destroy Milosevic (read: Yugoslavia) no matter what.

I hope the ghosts of these dead children and adults come back to haunt you. That would be a small price to pay for supporting the 21st century evil and enjoying it. You are not just brainwashed, you are also ignorant. 5 weeks ago you could not pinpoint Kosovo on the map, in case you had a map at home. So you embark on a media induced crusade to hide your guilt and weakness complexes which eat you from within throughout your sordid lives. You think the good guys must be the ones who said so, how convenient that they have the biggest microphone and the biggest guns. You think it is going to be okay when they kill the bad guys like in the low level films excreted by Hollywood. You life will then be easier, as you will be able to hi-five with other analphabetes you took pride in going to school with, "rejoyce ! We got the bastard (s) ! Did you see how we creamed them ? man, these graphite bombs look mean !"

So go on, relentlessly repeat whatever is on TV because that is the only thing to repeat. Anybody who disagree with you is a low life, incompetent and ill informed. It is irrelevant that they actually spend time researching valuable information, a commodity that is to you as available as the Holy Grail. Who cares that these stupid Serbs or pro-Serbs report events, soon they will not be able to communicate outside Serbia. Strange, these people...They keep searching for the truth watching TVs, reading on the net, newspapers, calling abroad. What for, it's right in front of them: Serbs are bad. Why design/ create a peace solution when it is so easy to destroy.

So carry on worshipping your governments. Don't forget, they are wonderful people, they only care about refugees, they said so ! they would give them everything, give them back their land (uh, sorry, a bit damaged...) and a nice little house to live in and a garden to grow potatoes with a healthy glow. Just ask anyone, ask the 161 Albanians flown to the UK.

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Hey, the gang of plonkers ! Look, they are your heroes:

Published in Washington, D.C. 5am
-- May 3, 1999

KLA finances war with heroin sales By Jerry Seper

The Kosovo Liberation Army, which the Clinton
administration has embraced and some members of
Congress want to arm as part of the NATO bombing
campaign, is a terrorist organization that has financed much of its war effort with profits from the sale of heroin. Recently obtained intelligence documents show that drug agents in five countries,
including the United States, believe the KLA has aligned itself with an extensive organized crime
network centered in Albania that smuggles heroin and some cocaine to buyers throughout Western Europe and, to a lesser extent, the United States.
The documents tie members of the Albanian Mafia to a drug smuggling cartel based in Kosovo's provincial capital, Pristina. The cartel is
manned by ethic Albanians who are members of the Kosovo National Front, whose armed wing is the KLA. The documents show it is one of the most powerful heroin smuggling organizations in the world, with much of its profits being diverted to
the KLA to buy weapons. The clandestine
movement of drugs over a collection of land and sea routes from Turkey through Bulgaria, Greece and Yugoslavia to Western Europe and elsewhere is so frequent and massive that intelligence officials have dubbed the circuit
the "Balkan Route."
Mr. Clinton has committed air power and is considering the use of ground troops to
support the Kosovo rebels against Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic. Last week, Sen.
Mitch McConnell, Kentucky Republican, and Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman, Connecticut Democrat, called on the United States to arm the KLA so ethnic
Albanians in Kosovo could defend themselves against the Serbs. Mr. McConnell and Mr. Lieberman introduced a bill that would provide $25 million
to equip 10,000 men or 10 battalions with small
arms and anti-tank weapons for up to 18 months.
In 1998, the U.S. State Department listed the KLA --formally known as the Ushtria Clirimtare e Kosoves, or UCK-- as an international terrorist organization, saying it had bankrolled its operations with proceeds from the international
heroin trade and from loans from known terrorists like Osama bin Laden. "They were terrorists in 1998 and now, because of politics, they're freedom
fighters," said one top drug official who asked
not to be identified.

Some good Christians you are.

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Particularly revealing was Clinton's reaction to the success of Jesse
Jackson's effort to free the three American soldiers--a mission that
Clinton opposed and tried to sabotage. "As we welcome our soldiers
home," Clinton said, "our thoughts also turn to the over one million
Kosovars who are unable to go home because of the policies of the
regime in Belgrade.''

But how does bombing Kosovo back into the Middle Ages--destroying
its cities, bridges, hospitals, factories, utilities, the entire infrastructure of
modern life, scattering cluster bombs throughout its agricultural
areas--contribute to returning the Kosovans to their homes? What is left
for them to return to?

A blow to propaganda campaign

For millions of working-class and middle-class Americans, who have
been confused but not really persuaded by the nonstop media and
government propaganda campaign over the events in Yugoslavia, the
release of the three soldiers was a welcome event. Even more so was the
prospect of a negotiated settlement that would bring a rapid conclusion to
the military onslaught before it becomes full-scale war in the Balkans.

The appearance and demeanor of the prisoners dealt a significant blow to
the US propaganda campaign. The three soldiers declared that they had
been well-treated and well-fed, and they were visited during their
captivity by representatives and medical personnel of the International
Committee of the Red Cross.

Staff Sergeant Christopher Stone spoke with obvious sympathy for the
ordinary Serb soldiers who had guarded him, describing them as "kind"
and saying that when Americans left Belgrade, "It was kind of sad that
they would still be there with a war going on."

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In one of the worst atrocities of the month-long air war, a NATO
warplane fired a missile which struck a passenger bus on a bridge 12
miles north of Pristina, the capital of Kosovo province, killing 39 people,
including 15 children. The victims were incinerated and dismembered by
the force of the blast, making it difficult even to count how many had

A NATO spokesman claimed, "There was no intent to harm civilians
during this strike. NATO takes every precaution to avoid civilian
casualties during its operations.'' But an hour later a second strike was
carried out against the bridge, causing injuries among the rescue workers,
including one doctor who was seeking to aid the handful of survivors.

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Howmany kids did NATO killed today?????????
Did anybody keeping score???
Mr Clinton is proud man, when inocent kids get killed!!

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More to come:

>>>US officials claimed that Milosevic had rejected a settlement of the
Kosovo question which had been agreed by the Kosovar Albanian side,
but press accounts in Europe have exposed these statements as lies. The
Rambouillet agreement which Milosevic rejected was not a settlement,
but a document of surrender, requiring Yugoslavia to accept the free
passage of NATO forces throughout its territory, including all of Serbia
and Montenegro, not just Kosovo.

Questions about Rambouillet have begun to be raised in official
Washington circles. Republican Senator Don Nickles cited the
Rambouillet provisions for NATO occupation of Serbia during a
television interview Sunday, asking whether the US-NATO war aim was
to "take Belgrade."

With the official rationale for the war increasingly under attack, and the
media and government lies beginning to be exposed, especially in
Europe, the Clinton administration's decision to intensify the bombing
means that it hopes to cover up its earlier crimes with even greater ones.
It is a sign of the desperation and recklessness of the US-NATO policy.<<<<<

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Here is a formula for you.
Arms plus legs divided by four = number of dead.

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Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 182

That's it ?

That's your contribution for the day ?


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Posts: 182

Another passenger bus hit. Over 20 dead so far.
Too many mistakes by NATO in too little time:


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To Nick

Where did you leave your brains today? If you love Slob Milo so much, go live there for a while, and then see how freely you can speak your mind there.

As for the children, we are helping them of their war traumas, which is more than I can say of you. The only thing I see you do is shout, scream and lie kicking like a two year old on the floor of the supermarket, because his parents don't agree with him. Join the club, already consisting of two girls named Maja and Daniela.


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Thanks! We had Bosnian spinach pie with cheese and Serbian meat balls. Unfortunately, Serbians don't have filling. Conclusian: we are still hungry!

Emina and Zoja

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