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Archive through May 4, 1999

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16:55 Monday, May 3 - Milan newspaper "Il Corriere della Sera", 1
of the most respectable in Italy, is giving on a whole page the news
from April 12 (...) about 3 CARITAS TIR trucks the Italian customs
stopped in Anconna, because they were trucking cca 30 tons of light
and heavy armament for KLA. The trucks left from Germany, they
loaded their cargo in Sarajevo CARITAS office (official organization
of the Catholic church for humanitarian aid 🙂 ) and they were heading
for the KLA camp in Scutari. They are not reporting on why they
have waited for a month to publish this info.

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Emina, you lying b.i.t.c.h. That's what I wanted. I wrote you a message on the board on serbo-croatian asking you for your response. And you didn't respond cause you did not understand.
Emina, claiming to be a refugee from Bosnia where Serbs killed her family and raped her three times, DOES NOT UNDERSTAND THE LANGUAGE SPOKEN IN BOSNIA.
This b.i.t.c.h is all lies.

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To Maja,

I will do the talking for Emina. You know what happened in Bosnia. Leader of the "Budala" cause you said to me!! Well Missy Anal Rententive. You should go and put your head up Slobs "GUZA" and see how far you will get in your free speech. Srami se, luda zena.

Bog i Hrvati

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Cega da se sramim? Nisam ja ona koja laze, nego ona. Posto si Hrvatica, znas, da svi Bosanci znaju hrvatski ili srpski, ona ocigledno ne zna. To znaci, da laze.

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What's cooking mighty chef?

You know you shouldn't get into pissing contests with skunks because they will always win (but they stink anyway).

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Justice Arbour will have a field day at the

NATO mistakes will be proven mistakes,
Civilians hit from airplanes = collateral damage.
Sad, very sad, but it happens.
War is not perfect - though we try harder.

But SERB "soldiers" will HANG
(hopefully "Live on CNN" to be of example to other Milo wannabe's).

They will hang for gross violations of principles
defined extensively in the Tribunal's charter ....

.... "Serious Violations of International
Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the
Former Yugoslavia Since 1991".

Note : SINCE 1991

Art.2. Grave Breaches of the Geneva Conventions of AUG.12.49
Art.3. Violations of the laws & customs of war.
Art.5. Crimes Against Humanity.

It is a rule :
those that win the war write the LAWS.



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Did you receive my emails? Where have you been. I just received an email from you. I am using the email address which you sent to this morning. I cant understand why you are not receiving them.

Talk to you soon.


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Sto si ti. Od koje nacije. If you have any idea of what ever happened in Bosnia tell me what the f-u-c-k you are and we can clarify this situation. People like you who have seen absolutely nothing need to be told. What the f-u-c-k are you!! How can you prove that Emina is lying. I personally think you are full of it. Hvala Bogu da ti nisi bila tamo u ratu. Ti nemas nikakav korist u zivot.

Snadi se i mozda ces proc zivot u lijepom nacin.

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Iz Slovenije sam, Slovenka, Rosie. Imala sam svu sucut za Eminu, dok nisam videla, da laze. Vise sam je puta trazila, da napise nesto na hrvatskom ili barem prevede, sta sam ja napisala. Ne budi naivna. Ako nezna hrvatski ili srpski, nije iz Bosne. Dobro znas, da nema Bosanca, koji jezik nezna, a sigurno bi ga morali znati oni sa doktoratom. Ako zeli, da kaze svoje misljenje, meni to ne smeta. Samo nek ne laze.

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Nikad neznas ko laze i ko ne. Do we agree on that at least..........

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Maja , don't get upset with this strange people;
it's being confirmed that Kolina-Zoja-Emina and probably more is lying about her indentity as well as about other things, particulary what is her
nationality. Jack is a special case - he's confusing himself with his multiple-personality .

Julie Burchill
april 3,1999
The Guardian,'A war too far'

(...)As Tony
Benn pointed out, Croatia never existed
until the Germans invented it for their own
ends during the second world war - and
then, of course, they were the first to
'recognise' it when it wanted to break
away from Yugoslavia. Of course they
recognised it - they invented it! Croatia's
not a country; it's a bloody division of the
German armed forces - scratch a Croat,
find a Kraut.

And because of Germany's stirring, every
street in what was the peaceful,
prosperous country of Yugoslavia is now
designing its own flag. Great work, guys!
Whatever is happening in Yugoslavia now,
whoever is killing whom - the West did
this. The glorious West, which has so
little faith in its own lousy system that any
little country that thrives under anything
remotely like Communism has to be
destroyed. To the West, anything was
preferable to a socialism that worked -
even Balkanisation and genocide. Well,
they've got what they wanted.

Blair keeps telling us that it's legit,
because it's just like the second world
war. He's right. It is. Except this time, by
reducing Serbia to rubble, side by side
with our buddies, the Luftwaffe, we're the

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While the guys are having their traditional
d-i-c-k measuring contest the girls go
at it in a pissing contest.

Here's my Serbo-Croatian : SRPSKI SUCK !

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Emina, ik verzin maar wat.

Thanx for the documents (UPI is fast!)
The medical report was a shock.
But it helped me better understand your experience
and the frustrations caused by the
Barbarians on the Board and the people they support.
(I know the hospital by the way).

Maybe you should publish some excerpts
from the reports so others here can read it.

I won't do it, it is your private affairs.
But it will add a very personal and human face
to these discussions.
What do you think?

The docs did fix my conviction
that I did the right thing to invite you both over.
As I said, send me the SWIFT code for the

Begrijp je wat ik doe?
Ik speel maar even met hun gedachten.

Best regards.

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Joined: 26 years ago
Posts: 32


Got your email. Did you receive any of mine?


p.s. I will find out the travel cost for you.

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by Marjaleena Repo

Tuesday, March 30, 1999

[Note: This piece has been sent to Canadian and International newspapers and will be travelling on the Internet as well. Feel free to copy and circulate.]

The Yugoslavian government has just expelled some journalists from NATO countries from its territory. This is deplored by the media as “censorship,” but in some
of us it has created a strange sense of relief: perhaps now there will be a ceasefire in the 10-year disinformation campaign about the Yugoslavian conflict in general
and the Serbs in particular. Or at least the “journalists” (few actually deserve the name) have to declare that what they are talking about is unverified rumour and
hearsay since they are nowhere near the scene. Up to this point they have been able to create the false impression that they have witnessed the events they report on.

The Western media's relentless demonization of the Serbs of Yugoslavia has, however, produced a very predictable (and no doubt, wished-for) result: a truly
genocidal assault on the Serbian people by Western military might, Canada to its eternal shame participating, breaking every relevant international covenant and

The pack-journalism over the last ten years has also succeeded in hoodwinking many Canadians into thinking that what is at stake is the good-riddance of a Serbian
Hitler who has attempted a "final solution" of sorts on assorted ethnic groups in Yugoslavia. A lot of well-intentioned people are cheering the bombing of yet another
pariah nation into the Stone Age. With the accumulated effects of media rumour-mongering and willful disinformation, who can blame these folks for their barely
controlled blood thirst? After all, because Hitler wasn't stopped in time, millions perished in concentration camps, goes the heart-felt argument.

Yet the labelling of Yugoslavia's Serb leaders as Hitlers — and the Serbs themselves as brutal, subhuman monsters — is a familiar trick from recent history. It has
been perpetuated by the various hired hands, PR firms, who have worked overtime for the various ethnic groups pushing for secession which would utterly destroy
the once well-functioning, multi-ethnic Yugoslavian federation and replace it with small nation-states which ethnically cleansed themselves (Croatia, for instance,
expelled between 500,000 and a million Serbs from its territory.) The media has merely carried the message of these "hidden hands" of the Balkan conflict.

The world was shocked to find out that a PR firm, Hill and Knowlton, had manufactured the "incubator babies" incident in Kuwait which precipitated the Gulf War:
Iraqi soldiers ripping Kuwaiti babies out of incubators in a genocidal fashion. Phony eywitnesses to this atrocity tearfully testified in front of U.S. politicians and the
media, adding to public support for the subsequent bombing of Iraq and contributing hugely to the demonization of the Iraqis, leaders and citizens alike. Even
Amnesty International was taken in by the falsehood, which was later exposed as such, but only after the military damage was done.

Yet the shock of being duped soon wore off and gullibility returned. In no time another American PR firm, Ruder Finn, working for the Croatian and Bosnian
separatists, publicly bragged that it had been able to turn world opinion against the Serbs. In April 1993 on French television, James Harff, the director of Ruder
Finn, described his proudest public relations effort as having "managed to put Jewish opinion on our [Croatian and Bosnian] side." This was a "sensitive matter," he
added, as "the Croatian and Bosnian past was marked by real and cruel anti-semitism. Tens of thousands of Jews perished in Croatian camps... Our challenge was
to reverse this attitude and we succeeded masterfully. At the beginning of July 1992, New York Newsday came out with the article on Serb camps. We jumped at
the opportunity immediately. We outwitted three big Jewish organizations.... That was a tremendous coup. When the Jewish organizations entered the game on the
side of the [Muslim] Bosnians we could promptly equate the Serbs with the Nazis in the public mind. Nobody understood what was happening in Yugoslavia.... By a
single move, we were able to present a simple story of good guys and bad guys which would hereafter play itself. We won by targeting the Jewish audience. Almost
immediately there was a clear change of language in the press, with the use of words with high emotional content such as ethnic cleansing, concentration camps, etc,
which evoke images of Nazi Germany and the gas chambers of Auschwitz. "

The PR firm was piling hoax upon hoax. The famous story of Serb concentration camps was built on a photo of a gaunt man surrounded by others, staring at the
viewer from behind barbed wire; surely an image to chill one to the bones. It took years before a German journalist Thomas Deichman, in an article titled "The
picture that fooled the world," described how the famous photo was staged by its takers, British journalists, who were photographing the inhabitants from inside
barbed wire which was protecting agricultural products and machinery from theft in a refugee and transit camp; the men stood outside of it; and at no time was there
a barbed-wire fence surrounding the camp. But by that time the image had done its deed, terminally slamming the Serbs as genocidal mass murderers.

There are countless other stories, all deliberately maligning the Serbs to further the ends of military intervention. These stories and photos of "genocide" and "ethnic
cleansing" (a la Hitler) in a civil war, in which Serbs are guilty as sin and others are their innocent victims, are repeated ad nauseam by western reporters without the
slightest evidence, and have provided the ground for the public's (hopefully only temporary) acceptance of the illegal and brutal war against the sovereign nation of
Yugoslavia. They continue after NATO's bombing began, unabated, with new absurdities such as the suggestion that the Serbs are really bombing themselves!
Perhaps in the war crimes court there will soon be a place for journalists and PR firms who with their inflammatory reporting and fraudulent actions cause wars to
begin. THE END

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