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Archive through May 4, 1999

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Savine Vode, April 3rd 1999. Once again in two days NATO attacked civilian bus, this time
near place Savine Vode on Pec-Rozaje main road. The bus was full of children with their mothers.
First estimations said that there were 20 people killed and 10 were wounded but these are not
final results. Another NATO mistake or ...? "

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Joined: 26 years ago
Posts: 266


Only on the 15th & 19th.
Maybe its my server.
I'm sending you another address you can use.

What's the mood in Australia about the bombing?
Do you get any BBC World or Deutsche Welle images ?
They recently aired a biography on Milo
that sort of said everything.
He needs the war to stay in power.

The bombing is actually helping him stay in power.
The only difference is,
that he is in power of a weakened state
that is no longer a threat to the region.

We are multi-lingual here so we get our info
from a variety of sources (French, English, Dutch,
German, Spanish, even Portuguese television
and magazines).

Everybody is on the same line,
except the Serbs and some Non-Comformists.
But the latter will always exist in free societies.

They use the freedom to badmouth freedom
and the forces and policies that defend freedom.
Too bad we don't shoot them or jail them, like they do in Serbia.

The Anti-Establishment goons get to air their point of view freely.
I too went counter-clockwise in my time.
But then I asked myself
a basic philosophical question :

Whatever happened to the care-workers taken in as spy?
I haven't heard much about them.

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Serbian authorities have convinced me that
Western PR firms have created the ILLUSION
that 1,000,000 human beings have gathered at
the borders of Macedonia, Montenegro and Albania.

This is a wicked ploy to make me and the world believe
that the Serbs are raping, murdering and torturing
at will.
Nothing of this ever happened.
1,000,000 people, the world press, UNHCR and Red Cross
are all a part of this CONSPIRACY.

They all coordinated to tell the same stories.
And the stories were invented in the Pentagon,
distributed through the CIA.

I absolutely believe in the NEUTRALITY
of the Serbian reports,
because Serb sources work INDEPENDENTLY
from Government influence and are FREE to
(Unlike Western press which is CENSORED and a TOOL)

I really really believe that the 1,000,000
human beings kicked out of their homes are a HOAX!
HOLLYWOOD could not do better.
The GENOCIDE and DEPORTATION are a fake, fraud and phony.

It was so silly of me to believe the images
relayed in the Western Media - DUH!
Nobody has been killed or raped.
None of it is true !
Milosovic is the Messiah.
Can anybody demonize the Devil?

Finally, let it be known that I am Superman
and that I know everything.
The world is INDOCTRINATED and manipulated.
Only the SERBS know the TRUTH.
SERBS are right, the world is wrong.

(Do I sound like the DUMBEST PERSON ON EARTH
or just another blind counter-clock SERB-Lover?)

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Posts: 1

ps. The Holocaust never happened either.


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Posts: 303

Rosie, u pravo si. A pateticno je pojavljati se tu in govoriti, kako su ti ubili svu porodicu i tri puta silovali, da bi se Srbi demonizovali. To nije fer do svih onih, koji su stvarno bili zrtve rata, od svih strana.

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