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Archive through May 5, 1999

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Some reports from Radio Liberty from april26th to May 3rd:

(my comments are between brackets)

Deputy Prime Minister Vuk Draskovic told Belgrade's non-
government Studio B Television on 25 April that "the men
running this country" must stop "lying to the people"
about the current conflict with NATO and its likely
outcome. He took issue with the optimistic line espoused
by top Belgrade officials, saying that "the people
should be told that NATO is not facing a breakdown, that
Russia will not help Yugoslavia militarily and that the
world public opinion is against us." Draskovic added
that "if some forces and individuals in Serbia say
we...must defeat the whole world, not only NATO, the
Serbian people should tell them 'no.' The people who
lead this country must say clearly where we stand. They
must make clear what will be left of Serbia in 20 days
if the bombing continues," AP quoted him as saying. PM

Draskovic as saying his remarks were not directed
against Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic. Observers
noted that Draskovic has sometimes publicly taken issue
with the views of hard-line Serbian Deputy Prime
Minister Vojislav Seselj. But Draskovic's statement is
the clearest indication to date of differences within
the Serbian leadership. On 24 April, the BBC reported
that persistent but unconfirmed reports suggest that
several top Yugoslav army generals are under house
arrest in Belgrade. Recently, NATO officials have
mentioned there is unspecified evidence of growing
splits within the Serbian leadership. PM

(And the next day he got fired!)

Miodrag Perovic, who heads the independent weekly
"Monitor" and Antenna M Radio, said in Podgorica on 25
April that he is going into hiding to avoid capture and
possible torture by the Yugoslav army. He added that his
magazine and radio will stop work rather than submit to
military censorship. Radio Free Montenegro's editor
Nebojsa Redzic is also in hiding, Reuters reported. The
army has issued arrest warrants against both men. The
army is holding one Croatian and two French journalists
on espionage charges.

(These guys are heroes)

first time since the conflict [in Kosova] began, credible
evidence emerged yesterday of a case of systematic rape
committed by Serb troops, after the victims crossed into
Albania and began giving their accounts," "The Guardian"
reported on 28 April. Many of the more than 300 women "were
hysterical and in shock." A UNICEF spokeswoman said that "by
all accounts, they went through three nights and three days
of hell" recently when Serbian troops "turned their village
[near Suhareka] into a rape camp." She added: "I haven't come
across anything like this" before. The women also reported
that the Serbs "marched off 11 old men," whom the fellow
villagers did not see again alive.

ARBOUR: NO DEAL FOR WAR CRIMINALS. Louise Arbour, who is the
chief prosecutor for the Hague-based war crimes tribunal,
said in London on 28 April that she is "very adamant" that
any peace deal for Kosova must not include an amnesty for
those responsible for atrocities. She stressed that "we will
always explore personal criminal liability at the very
highest possible level that the evidence will sustain."

(I guess the Serbian people did not hear all this)


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Hi everybody,
Did you see what the Serbian anti-gravity(U.F.O.)bombers did to Oklahoma City OK, and Wichita Kansas? Milosevic killed hundreds of Americans and destroyed their homes! CNN says it was a mile wide tornado, but we all know that is just U.S. propaganda! They lie about everything. I don't know about other Americans, but I'm afraid he is paying us back for killing all of the Native Americans!

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Yep you' re right........better don't trust our own reporters anymore. Have to throw my sister out of the house too then, she is one of them! YUGGGY!!!

Zoja says: Yep, sure I love to spread lies and propaganda. I had such great examples, you know, Karadic TV and Milo TV. Fantastic viewing!

We are still looking for a good lawyer who will sue the Airline company for us. Do you know one, Guido Nutzzz? We are seen as one and yet we have to take two seats. That's UNFAIR!!! These B.... Oops, sorry, better not lower ourselves to a certain girl''s antisocial standard.
Zoja and Emina

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TORONTO, May 30th.-- The veil of secrecy which usually surrounds
annual meetings of the Bilderberg, the highest level of the global
and financial elite, was torn apart this morning by a front-page
story in one of Canada's most widely-read and influential
newspapers, the TORONTO STAR.

Deverell, a business reporter for the newspaper, noted that
not only had Canadian publisher Conrad Black offered $295
million to gain control of Canada's largest newspaper chain
and weathered the subsequent annual meeting of his Hollinger
Inc, but that - to cap his week - "...he's now the host for a
four-day closely guarded meeting of world leaders and royalty
just north of Toronto."

The TORONTO STAR, and other major Toronto media, had previously
received a detailed news release from the Toronto-based
well-concealed gathering. The UPDATE's Web page address is .

Deverell listed some of the more than 100 hand-picked attendees
from around the world as "U.S. Defence Secretary William Perry,
Prime Minister Jean Chretien, former U.S. Secretary of State
Henry Kissinger, the queens of the Netherlands and Spain as well
as other business, political and academic elite." He also noted
that Conrad Black, a media magnate, is a permanent member of the
Bilderberg, and added "For 42 years the secretive organization
has devoted itself to strengthening the Atlantic military
alliance and economies."

The elite group is meeting May 30th to June 2nd at the Canadian
Imperial Bank of Commerce's luxuriously-appointed $60 million
King Ranch top management and leadership centre outside King
City, just north of Toronto.

Deverell concluded by reporting that "The guest list and agenda
for the four-day conference are secret. A ban on reporters 'makes
discussion more intimate and candid', Black said yesterday. 'There
are no massive indiscretions, but the exchanges can be quite

Bilderberger meetings are normally not even mentioned in the Press.
The TORONTO STAR, a liberal paper with a long tradition of award-
winning journalism, is one of the few remaining independent
newspapers in Canada.

In his 1993 biography, A LIFE IN PROGRESS, Conrad Black had this
to say about the Bilderberg, which he first attended in May,

"This group was set up in the mid-fifties by Prince Bernhard of
the Netherlands and was designed to strengthen understanding
between prominent people in the North Atlantic community. It
met at the Dutch resort hotel that gave the group its name.
About 120 or so people meet from every full-fledged
traditionally non-communist European country, as well as
Canada and the United States. They normally include senior
officials of the governments of all the countries
represented, with a wide swath of enlightened business,
academic, media and military leaders. There was always a
group of international officials, led by the NATO Secretary-
General and military commander and the head of the OECD
[Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development]

The key to the unique success of the Bilderberg meetings
has been to hold them in remote places almost entirely
without spouses or aides, to discourage prepared texts,
and to confine discussion as much as possible to English.

Although I had first met Henry Kissinger in Palm Beach
in 1979, and then at a luncheon in Toronto, jointly
hosted by the ECONOMIST magazine and our company
in 1980, and later socially in New York, it was at
Bilderberg that I got to know him and a number of our
other, future, directors and advisory board members. These
included Gianni Agnelli of Fiat, Dwayne Andreas [controlling
shareholder of the giant agri-business Archer-Daniels,
Midland], Zbigniew Brzezinski [former national security
advisor in the Carter administration], Lord Carrington
[former British foreign and defence secretary and
secretary-general of NATO], Andrew Knight [editor of the
ECONOMIST], Richard Perle [former U.S. assistant secretary
of National Defence and one of the champions of the
Strategic Defence Initiative ("Star Wars") and Euro-missile
deployment], Paul Volker [former Federal Reserve chairman],
and George Will [U.S. conservative columnist and
commentator], as well as many other interesting people.

Not having very satisfactory recollections of schooldays,
nor being a very enthusiastic or obsevant university
alumnus, Bilderberg has been the closest I have known to
that sort of comaraderie. The animated social sessions, as
much as the cut and thrust on the principal strategic and
economic issues faced by the Atlantic community, have given
me, and many other regular participants, a powerful and
entirely agreeable sense of community with some very
talented and prominent people. After 1986, I became the
co-leader of the Canadian group and effectively chose most
of the Canadian participants.

Providentially, the world became more accessible for me
as Canada became less commodious. It was from Bilderberg
that our company's eventual vocation as an international
newspaper organization arose."
Others have a different view of Bilderberg. In his superbly-
had this to say of this powerful organization of which
President Clinton is also a member, and which "anointed"
him for the Presidency at its private June, 1991, meeting
in Baden-Baden, Germany:

"The organization claims 'secrecy is demanded so as to
encourage frank discussions by persons whose positions
otherwise wotuld restrict full expressions of their
personal views'. Consequently, the identities of those
attending the gatherings are never made known. They are
referred to only by their own press releases or by
reporters camped at a distance from the meeting sites,
always off-limits to both press and public.

Over the years, the Bilderberg Conference has attracted
many highly-placed critics who protest that the
* sets itself above governments

* manipulates global finances and imperiously establishes
rigid and binding monetary rates around the world. !!!!!!!!!

* selects political figures whom the conference decrees
should become rulers - and also targets those whom it
wants removed from power.
* decides which countries shall wage war on others. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"The Bilderbergers are powerful enough to pull the rug out
[from under] one nation and to pave the way for the rise
of another", said a scholar intimately aquainted with the
Bilderberger modus operandi.

"An example is the way the conferees decreed the impoverish-
ment of South American countries for many years. Now they've
done an about-face, and are building up those lands.
"They are above government. They dictate terms and run the
world the way the Bilderberger brains trust decides it
should be.

"It is incomprehensible how so many highly placed people of
influence can be sucked into this secret society's orbit
to participate in their closed-door planning sessions
that ordain drastic and historic changes to create a
new world order to be controlled by the most powerful
of global bankers", says the scholar.
A partial roster of infuential Americans who have attended
Bilderberg Conferences includes Arthur Hayes Sulzberger,
president and publisher of the NEW YORK TIMES; C.D. Jackman,
vice-president of TIME, Inc; George F. Kennan, former
ambassador to the Soviet Union; Eugene R. Black, president
of the International Bank; Gabriel Howe, economic advisor
to President Dwight D. Eisenhower; David I. McDonald,
president of the United Steel Workers; David Rockefeller,
chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank; and former Secretary
of State Henry A. Kissinger.

Meetings are generally held semi-annually and participants,
as some of the aforementioned names indicate, represent
selected public officials, economists, professionals,
publishers, industrialists, labor leaders, and people of
influence from virtually all walks of life....

Meetings are always held in an atmosphere of utmost security.
Each delegate is sworn to secrecy, pledging never to divulge
what is discussed or to identify others who attend."

As reported in yesterday's Press Release, however, the NEW WORLD
ORDER INTELLIGENCE UPDATE has learned that a planned 1997
Unilateral Declaration of Independence by Quebec's Premier
Bouchard, resulting in the breakup of Canada and its eventual
absorbtion into Continental Union with the United States by the
year 2005, will be high on the agenda.

Other items to be discussed include the sweeping and Draconian
recommendations of the elite's 1995 Commission on Global
Governance Report, OUR GLOBAL NEIGHBOURHOOD. The multi-billion
dollar privatization of Ontario Hydro, the province's massive
publicly-owned electricity generator and distributor will also be
on the agenda. Such privatization sales in England have led to
a "pure money machine" flow of profits for top investors.

The standard Bilderberger response to queries concerning their
agenda, the identities of participants, and the decisions reached
is that "secrecy encourages frank discussion." In his 1967 book,
author A.K. Chesterton responded directly to that excuse by
commenting that "Men pursuing purposes which will bear the light
of day do not hold secret meetings in different parts of the world."

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15:50 The wind changes to the west. The Swiss Giornale del Popolo on
the page and a half (the half of the first page and the whole third page)
quotes the members of the Swiss delegation of OSCE stating that the
OSCE was typical spy organisation which through the winter months
when conoissance satellits and airplanes couldn't operate, gathered
intelligence information and made efforts to make the Serbs the only
responsible for the situation.

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Hi Guido

Seen some gobbledegook lately? Just did. Ghost messages without a source are roaming about. The message about the Swiss is probably planted by the Serbs in some unfamiliar magazine, waiting for a Daniela to spot it.

Meanwhile, at HQ, The 'planters' are rubbing their hands in delight. Another mission completed. Their pawn has acted again just as they expected. Knowing her level of English is, well.... what shall I say.... not so good, they know she will eat anything fed to her. Mind control, maybe???

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Source RFE/RL

Well atleast journalists know who they should NOT talk too. No surprise for me that Milo is on the list. Eat this!

Committee to Protect Journalists has included Ukrainian
President Leonid Kuchma in a list of 10 heads of state
considered to be the biggest "enemies of the press." The
list, which was made public on 3 May, places Kuchma alongside
the leaders of Yugoslavia, China, Cuba, the Democratic
Republic of Congo, and Ethiopia. The committee says that by
"using tax and libel laws as instruments of his hostility to
journalists, Kuchma runs roughshod over any expression of
opposition." It also accuses Kuchma of "tacit acceptance of
violence against the press," which encourages assaults on
Ukrainian reporters and editors and adds to a "general
climate of fear and self-censorship." Conspicuously absent
from the list is Belarusian President Lukashenka, who had
been included on it for the past several years. JM


Ps came in today so, no old news.

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Jee judging by your nick you think very highly of yourself........

May i point out to you that in your own message (for crying out loud) you contradict yourself repeatetely.
Check it again will? I make it easy on you:

Are you for bambing Milosevic or against.As you state both?


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To Aphroditis (o, my god, what a nick!)

I agree with you wholeheartedly that something should be done about the Kurds and a lot of other similar conflicts, but the rest... no way! The fact that NATO or the UN did not do their jobs right there, does not mean they should do nothing in this case.

As opposed to Serbian Mliosevic fans, we do not support our leaders in everything they do and say. It is a principle called freedom of speech.


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Physician, heal thyself!
And I thought I had a split personality!
You are so convinced there are two of you that by the projection of your will into the minds of the airline personnel, you caused them to hallucinate, and think they saw two of you!!
Now if you can do that, then Milosevic can project his will into the Serbian peoples minds and cause them to think they are winning this war!! That is truly amazing!!! I think I will try to convince myself I am Bill Gates and become incredibly rich!!! I have to go practise your techniques now!!
Bye bye Girlfriend(s)

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Zoja, it was not cursing and badmouthing you. And yet, it was written in your mother language, so you say, so you should not be complaining you do not understand.

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Croatians understand why NATO is bombing Serbia and are all for it.

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From an article on the
What about the Serbs protesting in L.A., Chicago, New York, Toronto? They are US or Canadian citizens -- why they do not support our efforts in
First, many Serbian folks stayed at home and did not protest.
Second, a large number of Serbs favors removing
Milosevic, but doesn't support the air strikes and
express their views in a civilized manner (former
Yugoslav Prime Minister Panic, the Karadjordjevic
royal family). The third group is protesting on the streets and is most visible, providing some media boost to Milosevic. While CNN and other western reporters aired some reports about Serbian and pro-Serbian demonstrations in L.A., Chicago,
Toronto, etc., to most of us this is at best a
pathetic effort to add some controversy to the
righteous NATO intervention in Kosovo. One must wonder where were those Serbian peace-loving demonstrators when their troops were killing and terrorizing the people of neighboring sovereign countries of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina.
An important, although separate, issue is now the questionable loyalty of these Serbs to their "new home countries" (USA, Canada, etc.).

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About the loyalty of "these serbs"

by D-S (better SS)
An important, although separate, issue is now the questionable loyalty of these Serbs to
their "new home countries" (USA, Canada, etc.).

by Zoja-Emina
As opposed to Serbian Mliosevic fans, we do not support our leaders in everything they do
and say. It is a principle called freedom of speech.

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