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Archive through May 6, 1999

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Jack, that should have been Kosta in the last post.

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Voislav Seselj, Serb deputy prime minister and leader of the Radical Party of Serbia, outlined this plan for the ethnic cleansing of Kosova in October 1995. It bears a close resemblance to what is happening now.

Of course it's on an Albanian site, the Serb's are to embarrassed to tell the truth.

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Be aware of Serb lies, fabrications and war propaganda !
"Lying is a form of our patriotism and is evidence of our innate intelligence. We lie in a creative, imaginative, and inventive way." - Dobrica COSIC - former president of self styled Yougoslavia

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"we lie" ment "one lies" - it's a general term.
it is easy to give it a twist for the desperate ones.

“Tito’s parents were from Croatia and Slovenia, and during his Administration, Tito maintained power in Yugoslavia, not just by holding back economic
development within Serbia, but by taking positive action to counter the strength of the ethnic Serbs; a strength which is derived from the size and geographical spread
of the Serbrian population.”

“He moved Serbs out of their religious heartland, Kosovo, the place where they had fought their most historic battle against the Ottoman Turks. At the same time,
Tito encouraged Albanian Muslims to move into the area vacated as a means of soliciting favor from Middle East Muslim countries. When subsequent discriminatory
action and violence drove Serb families out of Kosovo he did nothing to prevent the exodus. Today [Feb- ruary-March 1994], a situation prevails where US
officials say that if Serbia ‘invades’ Kosovo then the West must attack Yugoslavia using the full might of NATO. It seems that these [US] officials do not realize that
Kosovo is an integral part of Serbia. How can a country attack itself?”

This one coming from the "Defense&Foreign Affairs"
must be also "some propaganda", this time American one.

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“Just like the Muslims in Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Albanian Muslims draw encouragement from Western statements and threats against Yugoslavia over Kosovo.”

Carr went on to say: “Trouble will only erupt [in Kosovo] as a result of provocative action by the Muslim population within Kosovo, or from outside interference. In
such circumstances, Yugoslavia has a choice of action. It can withdraw from its own territory, or it can take forceful action to suppress civil unrest, knowing full well
that the latter will result in heightened media attention on a massive scale, followed by political demands for the UN Security Council to take military action against

Significantly, in 1995, a year after this report by Bill Carr, US officials, including US Ambassador to Croatia Peter Galbraith, and retired senior US military officers
(acting in contravention to rules forbidding their work as mercenaries for a foreign power), worked directly with the Croatian Government to support the Croatian
“ethnic cleansing” of the Krajina region — which had been Serb occupied for some 500 years — forcing some 250,000 ethnic Serbs from their homes and lands.
The media was not present. The dead — and there were many of them — were not counted. The quarter-million-plus refugees were forgotten, and remain forgotten
although they still have not been given international support. <<<<<

same website

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To D-s

Well said D-S!


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To Guido

Hey, guess that's what Sergey ment with flirtations!!
Well, honey, I love you a lot, but vitrual sex.... I don't think so! Better stick to your wife for the real thing!


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To jack.

I was at a loss for words there, being confronted by so much disrespect and hatred. It never ceases to amaze me how brainwashed people can generate an icy atmoshere and cold hate about them. Probably the only way to keep their own fate in these lies going. But ok, eough said about that.

Je handschrift is prima te lezen... als je het zo groot houdt!


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Let me get one thing straight here.Post traumatic stress disorders have everything to do with war.
I thought you would be more intelligent and atleast recognize that.
That was what the main piece i wrote IS all about.And i am not talking ONLY about Albanians, but Serbians too.
I thought it would be an asset to think about that too, but probably you can't keep up.


Ps If you keep shouting like that you better change your nick in : I WAN'T WAR

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For your information i think it is pretty antisocial to start speaking my own language on a international disaster board.

If Maja wanted to speak to me in Bosnian she could have asked me and i could try and arrange it.
So who's testing who?

And i also said that i am not going to prove myself to a child Same goes for you.


What about you. Pravi covijek!

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Nick is making it all up in his dreams


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DReam on it's been fighting for centuries now. WAKE UP.Or do i have to snap my fingers to get you out of hypnosis?


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Nope i never heard a man say that he could not keep up with his wife.
Maybe its time for viagra? :-)))))))))


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I was looking at Maja's posts and something ode came up. She posts IF she is indeed in Slovenia in the middle of the night. 4,5 AM the latest i saw was 7.30 AM . Does she ever sleep? Or is she in the US afterall?
This puzzles me.
Just wondering how she manages to study without a decent sleep.

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Don't read this if you are anti-american.

Why did the Iraqi navy have glass bottom boats?
So they could see their air force.

Be thankful you don't have a navy too Serbia.
If you did, you wouldn't.

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