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Archive through May 6, 1999

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JAWS & Riot Crew, if you get a chance, please
post a message, let us know that U boyz R ok,
Everyone here is praying for all of U. Father
in Jesus name, keep my brother safe and bring him
home soon....and the Riot Crew..send angels to
guard them, and to protect them..and minister to Jesus name. Little Sister MLA
I love you Big Brother!

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Okay Emina, let's arange to speak in Bosnian. And then we will post the results on this board. We will see who has trauma, me for showing you are fake or you for having a need to be fake.

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sugarbuzz. get a message to me when you can and it is ok to... love you miss you and praying. love ya more! 🙂

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(but especially this song for my BIG brother)
I love you...God watch over you all....
The Battle Belongs To The Lord
In heavenly armour we'll enter the land
The Battle belongs to the Lord
No weapon that's fashioned against us shall stand
The Battle belongs to the Lord

We sing Glory and hounor
Power and stregnth belong to the Lord
We sing Glory And honour
Power and Stregnth belong to our Lord....

The power of darkness comes in like a flood
The battles belongs to the Lord
He's raised up a standard, the Power of His Blood
The Battle Belongs To The Lord

We sing Glory and hounor
Power and stregnth belong to the Lord
We sing Glory And honour
Power and Stregnth belong to our Lord....

When your enmy pressses in hard do not fear
The battle belongs to the Lord
Take courage my friend, your redemption in near
The Battle belongs to the Lord....

We sing Glory and hounor
Power and stregnth belong to the Lord
We sing Glory And honour
Power and Stregnth belong to our Lord....

With Love,
Little Sister

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MsLittleAngel and Cootiebug,
I will pray for your loved ones too. God bless you for your faith in Him.

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Sorry for the misunderstanding.

I was giving you hints to use when answering Kosta.

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When in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes,
Milo all alone beweeps his outcast state.

His troubles deafen heaven,
as his boothless cries.
He looks upon himself
to curse his fate.

Yet in these thoughts
himself almost dispising,
happily he thinks of Nick, Maja, Daniela and the like.

And like the lark of dawn at break of day arising,
he scorns to change his state with kings.

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Believe it or not
Serbia has a Ministry of the Navy.
It makes as much sense
as Serbia having a Ministry of Justice.

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To all who oppose the bombing.

Stop bombing .... and then what?

Stand aside and watch?

What are you sick voyeurs?

Will you feel better if we do NOTHING

and just sit with popcorn and beer in a comfy sofa,

and watch people being slaughtered....

certainly beats WWF ! Same IQ level.

Not quite a hero material, are we?

Your name in full: "Stop War And Sacrifice The Lambs".

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Give them hell Jack, I'm going to bed. Nite nite all you poor slob fans.

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Believe it or not NATO murderers claim to be slaughtering innocent people in defence of innocent people. Like this has nothing to do with Imperialist domination just as Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Nicaragua, Iraq, El Salvador, Haiti, Somalia etc, etc, etc, etc didn't!

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This should not be read by anti Americans

Did you see how Maja took the bait that Emina set to talk in Bosnian to her? Great. She always falls for these things. But as Maja can't even addrress my sis in a polite way, saying "gospoda" and "vi", I don't think my sis will go for it though. Far to risky, for security reasons. Before you know it Slob Milo's guys are in fornt of our doorstep.
Proving your traumas..... how stupid can you get.

My god, I thought Texas men were machos, but as it turns out, a certain NUTZZZ Texas guy here is brave enough to show his soft hearted soul, and a little girl from Slovenia is the macho! she must have learnt it from Slob Milo's lap!


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To Adriana and all the rest on this board looking for loved ones and friends

I only want to wish you all the strenght in the world to see this whole thing through! I was looking for, and as it later turned out, lost my family in Bosnia at a time nobody in the rest of the world cared anything about the war there. So, I know what it feels like.

I hope your family returns to you safely. Try to hold on to the love you have for each other, and if you start to lose that feeling, think about the good times you had, and to the thought that wherever they are, whatever they do, your love is what will keep them going, too. Only love can stop war in the end.

My thoughts are with you!


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To Jack

WARNING! For anti Americans: this message will self destruct within ten seconds....

I don't think it is the Ministery of Navy, I think your are mistaken with the Ministry of SLAVERY!


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Posts: 84

What Governments Don't Tell You Can Kill You!
Chemical Manipulation of our citizens!
Chemical Manipulation of Consciousness, Behavior,
Health and Evolutionary Potential in the Human Population

Biological Manipulation Psychosocial Manipulation Electromagnetic Manipulation


"The fact that corporations, NGOs,governmental agencies and trade associations around the
world continue these fraudulent acts of public deception, using fraudulent research, bad science,
loaded studies and paradigms which exist for reasons other than the advancement of society,
putting racketeering and profit ahead of the evolution and maturation of society, constitutes the
perpetration of a collective criminal act against society forbidden under existing international
and planetary law. The people, who are the largest planetary source of power, must use that
power to halt this activity immediately by taking these entities to task. If the structure of
society does not permit this to happen, the structure must be changed because it constitutes
tyranny. Unfortunately, victims also make the worst tyrants, so the process must be guided
carefully in a process of reassembling the infrastructure from the bottom up to where the former
control factions have no viable base of support. The whole thing is replacing struggle/win/lose
with cooperative, integrated activity. This process can also be aided by revealing the truth to an
often surprised and astonished public..."

Neurotoxins in the Environment

Pesticides, Reproductive Toxicity, Industry Problems

Fluoridation and Fluorides in the Environment

Excitotoxins: Aspartame, Glutamates, MSG
The Human Diet and Neurophysiological Degeneration

Heavy Metal Neurophysiological Toxicity: Mercury, Aluminum, Lead

The Human Diet and Neurophysiological Degeneration

Synergistic Complex Activity of Multiple Neurotoxins

Neurotoxins in the Environment

How deliberately allowed environmental
chemicals affect human health,
reproduction, intelligence and social
behavior, yielding social conditions
involving learning disabilities, crime and
other devolutionary phenomena, allowing specific social
factions to control the consciousness of the general
population, maintain conflict and prevent planetary
evolution while reaping windfall profits from chemically
aided neurophysiological degeneration. }

Peace not WoD

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