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Archive through May 7, 1999

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To Guido

Indeed an interesting point there, Guido! On the one hand I can imagine the need for control, but on the other gun ownership and control by gouvernments/states only looks like quite an Orwellian prospect. Furthermore, I don't think these gun laws will keep conflicts like the ones in the Balkans from igniting, because there will always be holes in the net. If you really would try to implement laws like that, I think it will lead to governments (also the totalitarian regimes) and gangsters owning guns (the ones who can spend enough money on it) and fighting their battles, while the poor and ordenary people are standing in the middle. No thank you: ne hvala puna!

In short, todays situation will not have changed much.

But if that doesn't work, what the hell will? what will stop the murderous regimes, and what will stop nazi teens form starting war in their own schools???? Any ideas??


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, the much-touted Apache gunships with American crews
are preparing to escalate the conflict. The real Apaches, the Native
Americans, were victims of a brutal, even genocidal, ethnic cleansing
by the U.S. armed forces in the last century. That our government
can self-righteously go to war to save Kosovo with helicopters named
after the victims of our own ethnic cleansing measures the state of
denial we are in.
- - -

Tom Hayden Is a Democrat Representing Parts of West Los
Angeles and the San Fernando Valley in the State Senate

Copyright 1999 Los Angeles Times

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To Milan.

You forgot to mention something else. As a bonus for her relentless efforts she will also recieve antique furniture and art work, monthly. The art works should be re-framed. If needed she can use the wood from the furniture to do that. The goods will arrive in trucks bearing the text "Christmas gifts form KOSOVA"


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Gun control? some "x-files" for everyone:

>>> William Cooper predicted...

"The perpetrators will be current or ex-mental patients on prescribed psychiatric drugs who are themselves victims of a mind
control program." - Behold A Pale Horse by William Cooper © 1991, Light Technology Publishing, Sedona Arizona -
MAJESTYTWELVE by William Cooper © 1997 - William Cooper Hour Of The Time during many broadcasts between May 2,
1992 and the present date... he emphasized this prediction on April 20, 1999


"At a meeting with Harris and his parents at the family's home on April 15, the parents 'revealed a
medical disqualification' which Sammons would not specify. Media reports have quoted family
friends as saying Harris was taking psychiatric mood-altering drugs..."

For the background story see: MAJESTYTWELVE

We pray for those affected by this terrible tragedy. William Cooper predicted these incidents would
happen before Purdy opened fire on the Stockton Schoolyard. He elaborated in his book Behold A Pale
Horse, in MAJESTYTWELVE, and on many of his broadcasts of the Hour Of The Time.

It is no accident that these killings were carried out just before Colorado, Illinois, Missouri, and several
other States were scheduled to vote on Concealed Carry laws, and just two weeks before the NRA
Convention was to take place in Denver. Every incident has occured just before important gun legtislation
was to come up for a vote. Columbine also happened at the traditional time of human sacrifice demanded
by the ancient, New Age, and New World Order pagan gods Baal, Ishtar and Moloch. Your children are
being programmed by mind control operations which utilize drugs, music, movies, television and
computer games. Wake up... the agenda is gun control.

"HL Menken Said It At First And I Subscribe To It: Every Normal Man Must Be Tempted At Times To Spit On His Hand, Hoist
The Black Flag, And Begin Slitting Throats." --- Art Bell, Coast to Coast AM, <<<<<


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Hi Zoja
Just read your letter, can't be rude not to answer 🙂

>By Zoja on Wednesday, May 5, 1999 - 09:37 am:
To Sergey

>Why is one person an idiot who doesn't agree with you and the other one isn't?

--- Because being bumb doesn't have any relevance to (dis)agreeing with me. Because people are individuals, and I believe in the power of individuals, their ability to think and discuss things. It didn't just occur to me that some boys here are idiots, they pressed, persuaded and finally made me believe they are not completely sane.
One thing is to share opinions and try to find a solution. I don't mean that our agreement here migh have any cosequence for the horrorshow almost in the center of Europe. But look again at what your friends Guido and Jack write and even draw for this board. All those bombs falling on Serbia.Boooom . Kab-lam. What's the aim? None other than to show their sick personality.
All that crap about Albright telling the world what to do. You might respect your leaders, but they are murderers in the eyes of the world. Think now how this happened.

>I really don't understand why you lower youself to insults, while you actually have the potential to respectfully diagree.

---Sorry, Zoja. I'm a human being. Just try to palm your eyes reading my mail :-). But you are right about the potential!!! :-)))

>Screaming and calling people bitches or idiots is actually not very productive.

---Ooops! I didn't know I attached any SCREAM.WAW files to my letter. Next time I'll attach a silencer. Didn't know I called anybody "bitch" either.

>We are discussing something on a board called Disaster Message Service. So, that meeans everybody posting here thinks this war is a disaster. Otherise they would join boards with other titles.

---??? Why don't they? They enjoy the disaster immensely. They are not interested in stopping it. They say the world must do as Albright pleases. That's the objective. The aim. The end of discussion. No other way. No UN (at first), some UN (then) but with NATO as the core.
Don't you see that they are not after STOPPING the sides, but for FINISHING, no matter what price is.
Drop a bomb on a wrong site - a block of flats instead of a barracks and then

1. Say Serbs made it up
2. Proofs revealed, say it was a Serbian plane.
3. More proofs revealed, they say they did hit the place, but there were no civillians.
4.Still more proofs, dead bodies, they say the weather was bad, but the "pilot dropped the bomb in good faith" which must mean something and justify the blood for Shea and Clark.

That's the dead end, Zoja. What do you think? Shouldn't they go some other place to practice their good faith?

>It is a disaster, to countries and people individually, and the stupidest thing you can do on a board like this is to join the war.

--- Hey, you just stole my idea!!! 🙂 But... Should I find your buddies quotations for you or can you do it yourself? Like all that stuff "Bomb the cr#p out of Milo(=Sebs, because people are being bombed), Guido's picture of a bomb falling on Yugoslavia. How's that for a stupidiest thing, Zoja?

>Better try and work things out together, even if we don't agree and try and set up a reasonable discussion here.

---??? Let's. What do you think we are doing.

>What is relevant is that people stick up for each other when one is wrongfully attacked again and again. these so called idiots were there for me and my sister when things got really out of hand. What we do now is not pay any attention to screams and insults, and only join a reasonable argument.

---Only don't forget , you are backing up the screaming side. Read again all these LOLs by Guido and capitalized font by Jack. The guys must have had missed their girlfriends for quite a time, they were just pouring adrenaline on the keyboard.

>I know Russians well enough to know they have a great sense of humour, so I am sure you will understand people lightening up grim things here.

---Gosh! Sorry again! I must be a wrong Russian. Mistook lightening for tightening.

>What by the way do you mean with flirtations? We all probably missed people having virtual sex!

---Don't get agitated again, Zoja, you didn't miss anything. 🙂

>Sure, that should not be done on this board, there are enough other boards to do that.

---Like I said



It was a long and boring letter! Will try not to do it again. Soooohreeeee!!!! Honk! honk ... I'm again all over to blame.

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No thanks Adriana it's my pleasure. And Milosevic oh yes i will keep up the fight against that Bastard.
By the way don't listen to Maja she is very pro Milosevic and somehow she has the crazy idea i am not who iam. If she can she will hurt you too.
If there is anything i can do to help in anyway please say so.


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Good piece guido.
Bit scary too.
I think that they have to put rules to ownership of a gun.Like here in Holland you can only get a licence for a gun when you are a member society of firearms owners.To be able to get into such a society you get psycholical tests till you drop.

Another way would controlling the sales by stores with a "so called goverment label" Who register their clients, wich have to be over 21, "like with alcahol" and list their clients, so if a client turns out to have no totaly honest intentions for use like defending, the client can easely be traced. And shops can be hold resposeble. Just as much as the client who bought it in the first place. Only sell to people with a permit(licence).When in doubt of the age of the person or it's papers don't sell.

Another point is more education of making people aware of the danger they can put the children in.If they let their children play or even hold a gun. More education for parents, but also for these so called licented shop owners to see when a person has a distortion, so he has the right to refuse to sell the weapon. I know gun industry is big and powerfull, but if you put bonusses for good behaving firearm shop owners their it can make a difference.

Although i also think that their have to be more control on firearm deliveries to currupt regimes, as goverments are just playing along with that too.


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Maybe it would also a good idea to ask Maja to give meetings and training programs, so that Milosevic's stragy's and ideoligies will never die.
Like a good Neonazi's obligation.
This ofcourse all in exchange for her extensive payments, which will arrive probably on ascention day. Have you allready notified the local autorities?
As she has proven to be such a good agent it might be neccarrary to relocate her after the war.
More information on that follows, but i am think of the direction of Paraguay as many of her brother and sisters are there too.


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Thanks i will take a good look at this.

Up with the joint, down with the Alcahol


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What i hope is that this all ends soon, and i don't hate very soon, but if i could kill Milosevic with my bare hands i would, but i can't. So yes the only thing for me to do is hope.

If you have a better alternative i would love to hear it?


Ps what do you mean with your the best? I mean is it cinically ment or truthfully? Sorry i ask, but some people who where friendly and i could reason with suddenly aren't anymore, so i have to ask.Don't like to burn my fingers again

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Would it really work?

G-8 AGREE ON KOSOVA DOCUMENT... The foreign ministers of the
world's seven leading industrial countries and Russia
approved a document on Kosova at their meeting in Bonn on 6
May, an RFE/RL correspondent reported from the German city.
They demanded an immediate and verifiable end to violence in
Kosova, the withdrawal of Serbian police, military, and
paramilitary troops, the deployment of "effective
international civilian and security presences" mandated by
the UN, the appointment of a provisional administration by
the UN Security Council, the unhindered return of all
refugees, and full access to Kosova for humanitarian relief
organizations. They also want to see the beginning of a
political process that will lead to autonomy for Kosova under
the principles of the Rambouillet agreement, with respect for
the sovereignty and integrity of Yugoslavia, including the
disarmament of the UCK and a joint assistance program for the
economic development of the Balkans. FS

Ps just received in my mailbox

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Adriana, the last in the clooning program of charachters "type" Kolina-Emina-Zoja....
I presume that you too have some kind of "post traumatic disorder"....

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To Adriana
I forgot : make love (to Clinton)
not war (to yugo people)

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KOLINA AND EMINA IS ONE PERSON! had to change my name not because i liked it sooooooooooo much, but because of threats.Surely you would not have come to my resque.Luckely the moderator did.
Sorry no post traumatic stress disorders from my side anymore, if i would have them i would not have been practing today would i?
Still did not understand the piece i wrote did ya? Still did not see the relavance?

Zoja is my sister(twinsister identical) to be exact 29 minutes difference.



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To Sergey.

Hang on. Have a big workload today. I will answer you in full later!


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