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Archive through October 11, 2000

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Burning and destroying is great?

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The U.S. Attempts Coup to Install Puppet
Regime in Yugoslavia

by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky
Jared Israel (editor, Emperor's Clothes)
Prof. Peter Maher
Nico Varkevisser
Karen Talbot (Covert Action Quarterly)
[Emperor's Clothes]

Yesterday we wrote an article analyzing the situation in Yugoslavia. Before
we could publish it, our analysis has been confirmed by events. We have
confirmed from an unimpeachable source that members of the "democratic"
opposition have been visited Belgrade residents, threatening to murder them
if they voted in the runoff elections. Now there are incomplete reports of the
burning of the Yugoslav parliament - where the government has a majority of
seats - and the sacking of sections of Belgrade and attacking citizens who
don't support the opposition. These measure are intended to bring a US
puppet regime to power.

The article follows.

The evidence is mounting that the "Democratic" opposition strategy in
Yugoslavia, worked out under the guidance of Washington and Bonn, is not
to elect Mr. Kostunica President of Yugoslavia.. If it were, why wouldn't
they gladly participate in runoff elections, given that Kostunica has an
admitted 10% lead.? One reason they don't want to participate is that most
of the approximately 40% of the electorate which did not vote in round one
would most likely vote against Kostunica in round two.

But apart from that, the main reason is that the president of Yugoslavia has
no power without a parliamentary majority. The elections gave the current
government a clear majority in both houses.

NATO's plan for Yugoslavia is to apply the most severe economic shock
treatment which requires domination of the government. The shock therapy
was admitted by Mr. Dinkic, chief economist for the opposition:

"we are thinking of adopting... a shock therapy in some areas, and mild and
gradual reforms in others," Dinkic told Beta. : Beta news agency, Belgrade,
in Serbo-Croat 1828 gmt 26 Sep 00 posted by BBX Oct. 5, 2000)

The same was stated in law HR1064, passed by the US House of
Representatives a day after the elections. This law granted an additional 105
million to be shared between the pro-NATO government of Montenegro
($55 million US) and the leaders of the DOS ($50 million.) That money was
released on an emergency basis - Oct 1. It was immediately wired to the
DOS bank accounts in Budapest and then smuggled across the border in
new US bills for immediate use. to destabilize Yugoslavia.

The law ordered that the most draconian economic "reforms" be imposed on
Yugoslavia, ordered the breakup of Serbia into separate mini-states, ordered
the imposition of complete "democratization", that is, the adoption of all
measures demanded by the US government and ordered the hunting down of
all people whom NATO decides to accuse of being war criminals.

The violent economic "adjustment" and political destruction mandated by
HR1064 and outlined in the program of 'democratic" opposition itself are an
attempt to crush Yugoslavia as a force capable of resisting US domination of
the Balkans, to reduce it to an impoverished territory - a colony. .

These measures cannot be implemented unless NATO has full control of the
Yugoslav government including the army and police. (The other alternative,
invading a Yugoslavia run by a hostile government, is politically unfeasible for

Therefore the DOS has used the charge of "election fraud" - endlessly
repeated but never with any evidence - as an excuse to boycott the runoffs.
In contrast, the fraud involved in the US government paying hundreds of
millions of dollars to the "democratic" opposition is never mentioned. This
bribe money violates the electoral laws of every country. Using the veneer of
protesting election fraud, the "democrats" are mobilizing all possible forces in
an attempt to seize power by force. These include pro-fascist Croatians and
pro-KLA Albanians who are the hard core supporters of the pro-NATO
Djukanovic government in Montenegro, they include , secessionists from the
Serbian province of Vojvodina and southern Serbia, they include young
people who have never worked and who are being fed trickles of cash from
the several hundred million dollars the US has pumped into opposition hands,
they include people coerced by superiors at work or by school headmasters
to demonstrate, they include people bribed by a taste of the vast sums of
money the US has pumped into Yugoslavia especially in the past two weeks,
and they include people who have been fooled by the massive, US funded
campaign, by "independent" media, public relations firms and election
pollsters, into believing that the fall in their living standards, caused by
sanctions just as severe as those imposed on Iraq, are the "fault of one man -
Milosevich" and that the US-backed opposition will bring prosperity. In fact
the opposition would bring the prosperity of the grave.

Because the truth is that countries like Bulgaria and Russia which have
swallowed the "democratic " bait are far poorer than Yugoslavia - even
though they are not suffering from sanctions and were not yet bombed

The scenario is much like what occurred in Chile in 1973.. There was the
same sort of disruption of transportation and essential services including
electricity. There was the same effort to create the appearance of a majority
movement against Chilean Pres. Allende.. Events were staged which a
captive media then misdescribed as popular protest, giving ordinary people
the impression that Allende was about to fall. At the same time, the
CIA-directed plan deprived the people of basic necessities, causing real

Similarly, in Yugoslavia, the disruption of the supply of essential commodities
started before the election with a US-instigated rise in the price of bread

Under cover of disruption and "popular protest, the CIA overthrew President
Salvador Allende and installed a pro-US military junta headed by General
Augusto Pinochet.

The strikes which crippled transport and food distribution in Chile were
funded by the CIA. The same is being attempted right now in Yugoslavia.
Vast sums of US tax payers money has been poured into opposition coffers
in Serbia. We know of $182 million. Consider what that means in
Yugoslavia. The population is 1/25 that of the US. Wages are about 1/13th.
So $182 million in Yugoslavia would have the effect of $60 billion in the U.S.

And this is the sum the newspapers tell us about. What about CIA money,
which the New York Times says is going into Serbia "in suitcases full of
cash"? What about money from the Soros Foundation and other
CIA-connected "charities"? This money is being used to finance the miners'
strike and to lure young people into the Western-created group Otpor by
giving them money and trinkets, like cellular phones. .

Of course, many Yugoslav people are disgruntled. one miner told the 'NY
Times': "I used to make $1500 a month. Now I make $80." Dishonest forces
put the blame for this on a government that has been resisting US control. In
fact, the problem started because in 1989 a World Bank plan, overseen by a
leading member of one of the current 'democratic' opposition groups,
liquidated more than a thousand Yugoslav businesses, devastating the
economy. The wars and sanctions, whose fault lies with the US and
Germany, have further hurt the economy. The Yugoslav government,
routinely accused of being dictatorial, has tolerated the creation of an
immense Fifth Column in Serbia by the US government, which has poured
millions into the funding and training of what are falsely called "civil society"
organizations. These organizations, funded through the National Endowment
for Democracy, Freedom House, the USIA, the CIA and the Soros
Foundation, among others, pay thousands of people in Serbia and maintain
and entire "alternate" media with the latest equipment and high salaries. This
media then uses the problem caused by the US to sow discontent among
anyone who is susceptible.

The US effort to destroy Yugoslavia goes back to 1984. A U.S. National
Security Decision Directive NSDD133 entitled "United States Policy Toward
Yugoslavia. Labeled SECRET Sensitive has recently been de-classified. It is
a prescription for destroying Yugoslavia as an economic and political entity.

Since the elections on 24 September, the Democratic opposition has met with
NATO officials in Sofia, Bulgaria. NATO Assistant Secretary General Paul
Klaiber was in Sofia and Bucharest for high level discussions on security
issues resulting from the elections. Barely reported in the media, an IMF
donors' conference was held behind closed doors, Two leading "democratic"
representatives presented their so-called "Letter of Intent", a plan for
imposing harsh economic measure on Yugoslavia, to their IMF and World
Bank leaders. And on the 4th of October, the Stability Pact for Southeastern
Europe was meeting under its so-called "Title III" which pertains to "security
issues." The elections and "transition" in Yugoslavia were on the agenda. The
press reports do not confirm that the two "democratic: representatives stayed
for these meetings. We suspect they did..

The ploy being employed now is to create chaos while dangling promises of
money and peace, instigate whatever elements - children ignorant of politics
and lured by money, secessionist elements, fascists, people under compulsion
from superiors - along with infiltrators from NATO armed forces disguised
as rebellious youths, to terrorize Yugoslav loyalists and create the impression
of popular revolt. Already we have learned that DOS activists are going
around Belgrade, threatening death to anyone who votes in the Sunday
elections. Further provocation may occur at any time. These "democrats"
aim to provide Washington and NATO with a pretext to intervene as
"peacekeepers" as they did in Bosnia.

In the meantime, not only are NATO war ships in the Adriatic, but foreign
troops are already on Yugoslav soil. British SAS special forces are training
paramilitary police in Montenegro to assassinate Yugoslav army officer,.
Money is being channeled to finance these groups..

What we are witnessing is nothing less than an attempt to install a fascist-like
government in Yugoslavia, to turn all of Yugoslavia into Kosovo. Yugoslavia
has stood up to the biggest bully in history, the US government. Now it is
time for all who oppose the creation of US/German dominated world empire
to stand up for Yugoslavia.

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To Daniela:

Really, do you really believe all that pro-Milosevic propaganda? Any candidate that claims 140,000 out of 45,000 total votes cast (that's right, over three times the total votes cast) you know that has to be rigged. Anybody who believes otherwise is either extremely stupid or extremely naieve.

To all citizens of Yugoslavia: Congratulations on your new leader. May he bring peace and prosperity to your nation, and help you repair the damage done by NATO, the US and others.

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not with the current subject, but not less important:

used without permission, for "fair use" only

The case of Dragan Opacic

Global Imprisonment of Witness L

by Igor GAJIC

Reporter, Banja Luka, Srpska, June 21, 2000

For six and a half years, inside the walls of the Correctional Facility in Zenica,
Dragan Opacic has been asking himself each day what he has done before God to
deserve such a fate.

Nevertheless, today he has at least one guarantee. He will live. Even in the case that
he serves the entire sentence determined by the court in Sarajevo when he was
imprisoned on the Treskavica Mt. as a private of the Republic of Srpska Army

According to the decision of the court, he was sentenced to ten years in prison for
alleged war crimes carried out in the Trnopolje collection center during 1992. At
that time Opacic was 16 years old but this did not present an obstacle to the Higher
Court in Sarajevo which sentenced him for 23 counts of murder by gunfire, two
counts of murder by cutting of the throat and 10 rapes. The court was likewise not
bothered by the fact that not a single witness saw Opacic in the Trnopolje camp,
nor that he was not he at the camp during the period mentioned in the indictment.
He was sentenced on the basis of a confession which he signed while in the hands
of AID, the intelligence service of the Bosnia-Hercegovina (BH) Federation.

Ideal witness: "I had no means of survival. The only thing I could do was to sign
the confession. Then they stopped beating me. They beat me with anything and
everything. A rubber hose, split wood logs, they put salt into my wounds," Opacic
is loath to remember. During his trial he did not see a single witness. The judge
accused him and the judge sentenced him. Today he asks himself: "Which of those
Muslims was in that war camp and saw me there? Let him step forward and say
that I was at the war camp. They should feel free to step forward." This evidence
was not provided by the Hague tribunal, OHR, IPTF nor the Office for Human
Rights. Opacic has appealed to all of these institutions.

While he related his story to Reporter in the meeting room of the Correctional
Facility in Zenica, Opacic at first appeared calm. Only after a certain time did it
become apparent that this calm was nothing else but resignation or acceptance of
his fate there.

Nevertheless, he has not given up on the battle to prove the truth, even though he
himself believes in it less and less.

When he was imprisoned and sentenced, no one knew anything about him. Neither
the Red Cross, nor UNPROFOR, nor his parents nor the VRS, which after his
capture sought him as a deserter. He was carefully hidden and the reason become
apparent immediately after the sentencing. At that time the Bosniak government
desperately needed a Serb as a witness in the Hague in the case against Dusko
Tadic. Dragan Opacic with his confession became the ideal witness. Ideal for the
Hague investigators as well: they finally found a Serb willing to say that he was
under Tadic's direct command.

He became Witness L.

The only man at that time who was interested in Opacic and his fate was Branislava
Isailovic, an attorney from Paris, has a somewhat cynical explanation of the manner
in which Opacic became Witness L.

"I think that Opacic had many advantages from the perspective of the Bosniaks. He
was young, not too smart and he could be easily influenced. He was an ideal
witness, created to be manipulated. He comes from a poor, uneducated family, the
chance of his parents initiating a search for their son were minimal. While Opacic
was a prisoner, his family did not know of his whereabouts. What is more, Opacic
was less than 18 years old during the period when he allegedly committed the
crimes for which the Bosniaks tried to make him responsible. They used the fact
that Opacic was a minor to hold his trial behind closed doors; by doing so, they
created even greater pressure on him to testify against Tadic," said Isailovic, who
initiated several motions for the revision of the case against her defendant. For now
all her requests are at a standstill.

Preparations: Opacic, who testified against Dusko Tadic, had never seen him in
his life. He was prepared to testify by AID. While he talks about this he shakes his
head: "I was prepared for a long time. I lived through all sorts of things. They
worked on breaking me both physically and psychologically. I viewed all the tapes,
all the photos but I was afraid to step out and say that all of it was a lie prearranged
by the Federation and the tribunal investigators. They knew it, too, but they wanted
to believe the government here."

His story at times is accompanied by bitter twitching of a relatively indifferent
expression on his face.

Nevertheless, lying saved his life. Only in the Hague did the Red Cross find out
about him. He became famous as Witness L.

"I told them things but they are trying to justify themselves even today and so they
did not want to try me for false testimony because they knew that they themselves
were involved in it. I have always told them: I am not guilty; I was not there; I
didn't do anything."

The solution was simple. They prepared him even "better". They took him in secret
to the scene of the alleged crimes. Cheap movie plots became Opacic's reality: "It
was no use telling them that I had never been there and that I didn't know anything
about the places they were showing us." After that, he decided to nod his head at
everything that they showed him. "I procrastinated as much as I could in order to
delay as much as possible so that I would have some kind of guarantee for staying
alive. I had no idea whether my family was alive or not."

Washing hands: The deception with the witness, whom the prosecution had
already termed a key witness, was first noticed by professor Mischa Vladimirof,
then one of Tadic's defenders.

During the trial, on October 26, 1996, Opacic admitted to Tadic's defender that he
was not the author of his confession. The hearing was held in the presence of the
chief investigator of the tribunal, Reed, the day after the identity of "Witness L"
was revealed.

"I know Trnopolje from 1993 when I was a refugee there. There were no Muslims
there at all. There were just a lot of refugees there and I used to tell them that they
wouldn't accomplish anything and that in the end the lie would be revealed. But
they only believed what they were told by the government in Sarajevo." Opacic
remembers when he first saw Dusko Tadic's photograph: "When they brought the
picture of Tadic, I had no idea that this was Tadic. I saw him for the first time in
person at the Hague, and before the Hague I saw him on videos which were shown
to me by the Bosniak police."

This was the sign for the beginning of the washing of hands of the biggest deception
in the history of the Hague tribunal.

Judge Gabriella Kirk McDonald was the first. She immediately returned Opacic into
the uncertainty of Bosniak hands with the words: "We believe that Bosnia will act
in the appropriate manner."

A legal expert from the Netherlands who is following the work of the tribunal,
Heikelina Verrijn Stuart laughed at this. "The president of the tribunal based her
decision on sympathies toward Bosnia at a time when the world still believed in the
picture of 'the good guys and the bad guys'. Which is probably understandable and
motivated by humanism but from a legal aspect completely unjustified."

Opacic's request for asylum in the Netherlands was not even considered and on
June 12, 1997 Opacic left the Schiphol airport despite the opposition of several legal
experts and Dutch attorneys.

"The Netherlands could not have acted otherwise," was the position of the Dutch
court and the state of Holland but in the opinion of Jeuran Sluiter, a researcher at
the University of Utrecht, the European convention on human rights should have
been taken into consideration.

Since then, Opacic has been in Bosnia. The only person who has remained by his
side is Branislava Isailovic, who searched for him in vain for almost a year because
Dragan Opacic was hidden once again. She found him at his present location, in the
Zenica prison, and since then has resumed her battle on his behalf.

Turning heads: She appealed to Izetbegovic and Silajdzic but the most powerful
men in the Federation continued the trend of turning away their heads. They did
not want compromise the independence of their judiciary.

Dragan Opacic turned to the institutions of RS: "I wrote a letter to Dodik, a letter to
the RS government. Nothing yet," he says with resignation.

In the office of the RS government they know nothing about such a letter; they also
do not know from what point any sort of action could be initiated. The ministry of
"smoothing over troubled waters" or the ministry of justice, as it is called in RS, has
kept the promise of its minister to undertake something with regard to Opacic to the
same extent that they have abolished criminal activity in RS.

The assistant to the minister of justice, Strahinja Djurkovic, remembered the case
but could not tell us anything concrete about it.

"We have been in contact and spoken with the ministry in the BH Federation and
this case has received some mention. We know that he has been sentenced to 10
years but we do not know the circumstances under which he was arrested," the
assistant to the minister demonstrated his enviable interest in the case. But he has
problems in coordinating his schedule. "At that time we did not have the time to
visit him. When we find time..."

Djurkovic also mentioned something about a parole committee; even Opacic does
not believe in this. He is aware that as a prisoner from another entity and someone
accused of war crimes he has no chance for a weekend visit, let alone a parole. The
motion to retry his case was decidedly rejected by the ministry of justice because
"this must be done according to a universal plan and consistently throughout BH".
The ministry of defense has never even heard of him, even though he was captured
and sentenced as a member of the VRS.

After all this, Opacic's belief that one day when after his release from prison he will
have no place in either the Republic of Srpska or Bosnia-Hercegovina is not

No one wants Witness L anymore.

The most accurate and tragic comment came from Opacic's mother, Zorka: "We
are poor so I guess that is how it has to be."

Village petition

The family of Dragan Opacic lives in the village of Hrnici near Kozarac, 230
kilometers from Zenica, where Dragan is imprisoned. The Opacic family lives in the
last house, or more accurately, a hut, in the village. Their property consists of one
cow. The hut itself is dark and damp. "We have not seen him for years," his
mother, Zorka, grieves. She last saw her son when she saw him off to the Army.

His father Janko and brother Pero saw him in the Hague where Dragan was afraid
to admit he knew them. This was the first crack in the testimony of Witness L.

His mother, who cries every time Dragan's name is mentioned, swears that he was
never in the Trnopolje camp. The local residents of the village even managed to
gather a few hundred signatures on a statement asserting Opacic's innocence and
his nonparticipation in anything that may have occurred in Trnopolje.

They have not visited him in prison yet because they do not have the money to do

Rights before and after Dayton

In addition to the attorney Isailovic, the only other active interest in Opacic's case
has been expressed by the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights of RS. The
president of this organization, Branko Todorovic, believes that this was a clear
instance of a staged trial which was useful to AID for propaganda regarding "the
bad guys".

Todorovic also attempted to approach the Office for Human Rights but he received
the same response as Isailovic: that the office has no jurisdiction in matters
preceding the Dayton agreement.

When asked why nothing could be done for Opacic and what is the purpose of the
existence of the Office for Human Rights, Reporter received a written response
which allotted this human tragedy two cold paragraphs. "The office has considered
the report of Mr. Opacic and adopted its decision regarding this matter on January
12, 2000. The office has unanimously decided that the report was unacceptable on
the basis of the fact that one part of his report was inconsistent ratione temporis
with article VIII(2)(c), while one part was completely unfounded with respect to
article VIII(2)(c) annex 6 of the Dayton peace agreement," it is stated in the
response of Theresa Nelson, the executive officer of the office.

Even more interesting was the reaction of the BH Federation judiciary. Mustafa
Bisic, the prosecutor of the cantonal court in Sarajevo, swooped down on the
Helsinki Committee, accusing them of requesting a retrial for political reasons, and
saying that Opacic had a fair and honest trial. How fair and honest it really was,
Opacic himself felt on his own skin. Literally.

Moment of truth

Reporter has received a transcript of the moment when professor Vladimirof
discovered that Witness L was "planted" by the former and current Bosniak

Vladimirof: Have you ever read any kind of statement yourself or has someone
read any kind of statement to you?

Opacic: No.

Vladimirof: Did you read your own statement?

Opacic: I just got the statement to sign.

Vladimirof: So you signed the statement without reading it first?

Opacic: Yes.

Vladimirof: Why?

Opacic: They beat me. I was hurt and they threatened me. They constantly beat me
and told me the most horrible things.

Vladimirof: Did you tell the judge that you were forced to sign the statement?

Opacic: No one asked me anything, not even my own attorney.

Vladimirof: You were in court, with a judge, police and someone who recorded
everything. Surely you could have told the judge that you were forced to sign the

Opacic: How could I? They said that they would kill me.

Vladimirof: I understand. Why didn't you tell Bob Reed what had happened?

Opacic: They told me that I needed to testify in the Tadic case. After that I would
go back and then my prison sentence would be reduced or I would be freed. That is
why they told me in the [Bosniak] Internal Security Service and in the court.

An older article about Opacic case from the Sarajevo weekly DaniI Confessed
Murders at AID's Request,( ) October 8 1999

Translated by Snezana Lazovic (June 23, 2000)

Related link: Global Imprisonment of Witness L

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Pete, I hope, for the people of Yugoslavia, that everything writen above (or what you call a 'Milosevic propaganda' - not proving anything with it as usual) is wrong.

And just to state these facts again:

"...the DOS has used the charge of "election fraud" - endlessly
repeated but never with any evidence - as an excuse to boycott the runoffs.
In contrast, the fraud involved in the US government paying hundreds of
millions of dollars to the "democratic" opposition is never mentioned. This
bribe money violates the electoral laws of every country. Using the veneer of
protesting election fraud, the "democrats" are mobilizing all possible forces in
an attempt to seize power by force. "

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3. U.S. Reader: Of Course, It Was a
Rigged Election - by the West

“Yugoslavia Is the Last Stand of Independence Amidst Globalist Onslaught”

BOSTON, Sep. 30 - We received the following comment from Andre Huzsvai, a TiM reader from Boston, Mass:

“Dear Bob, I must have missed the (TiM) polling, but here's what I think post factum:

Rigged elections? You bet. Why in God’s name would any country allow its opposition to be financed and
instructed by powers hell-bent on ousting the sitting government is beyond me. It should be illegal under Yugoslav
law, as it is under the US law.

Would Americans allow the Bush campaign to be financed and directed entirely from say, China? Are there any
international norms left?

The opposition polls showing Kostunica s victory are paid by the tens of millions of dollars provided by NATO
countries that have been trying to break Milosevic for years. Western sanctions have wrecked the economy. It did
not work. NATO planes bombed the civilian infrastructure to a pulp last year. That did not work either.

Now, in a last push, the opposition was bought, and the Yugoslav people were attempted to be financially
blackmailed into voting against their government. It is heartening to see “democracy” work and “American values”
spread, indeed.

It is not about Milosevic who may be a spent political force, nor is it about Kostunica, who is an empty suit and a
figurehead of an ad hoc alliance cobbled together by western money, and whom no one will remember a year from
now. It is about the principle of non-intervention into other nations internal affairs, which is being erased by the
march of the NWO.

Milosevic can be called any names (are there any left?), but presently Yugoslavia is the last stand of independence
amidst the globalist onslaught. By tomorrow it may be history too.”

Andre Huzsvai, Boston, Mass.

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I keep seeing posts that say the USA rigged the election, or it was USA $$$ that was the determining factor in the election. How exactaly was that money spent, on what that swung the vote?

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Wasn't there a popular uprising or something, not that you would notice that here.
I'm being sarcastic!

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Gonzo, you might want this to read:

Bill Passed by House of Representatives: To
Finance Yugoslav Opposition While Imposing
Harsh Conditions on Yugoslavia
[Emperor's Clothes]

[NOTE: This is the exact text of the Law authorizing $105 million (US) for
the Yugoslav "democratic" opposition while imposing super-harsh
conditions on Yugoslavia. It was passed by the House of Representatives,
9-25-2000. It can be read on the Internet by going to and then entering HR1064 in the search box near the
top of the page.

There are two versions of the law. The one that was passed is the
"engrossed" version, reprinted below. Emperor's Clothes has commented
on this law. Please see: "Yugoslav 'Opposition' Negotiates Surrender of
Yugoslavia" at and
"Washington Votes to Finance Yugoslav Runoff Election" at .

Due to a mistaken newspaper report in the 'LA Times', some people
(including our writers) initially thought the bill authorizes payments to the
opposition of $500 million. It does not. It authorizes $105 million. Of
course, this does not count a) money from government-connected private
sources, such as the Soros Foundation and b) CIA money. END NOTE]


To authorize a coordinated program to promote the development of
democracy in Serbia and Montenegro.

HR 1064 EH


2d Session

H. R. 1064


etc etc

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Kostunica says some backers "unconsciously
work for American imperial goals"

'NY Times' article with commentary by Jared Israel and Max Sinclair
[Emperor's Clothes]

Below are excerpts from an important 'NY Times'article. In it, the reporter,
Steven Erlanger, concedes that the charges we and many other people
have raised about US meddling in Yugoslavia are true. Indeed Erlanger
adds information we had no way of knowing. For example, he reports that
"suitcases full of cash" are sent across the borders into Yugoslavia to fund
the "democratic opposition".

Note that despite his shocking evidence to the contrary, Mr. Erlanger still
calls this US-funded opposition "independent":

"Independent journalists and broadcasters here have been
told by American aid officials "not to worry about how
much they're spending now," that plenty more is in the
pipeline, said one knowledgeable aid worker. Others in the
opposition complain that the Americans are clumsy, sending
e-mails from "" - the State Department's address -
summoning people to impolitic meetings with American
officials in Budapest, Montenegro or Dubrovnik, Croatia."(
NY Times, 9-20-2000)

Mr. Erlanger's article includes various attacks on the Yugoslav government
in general and Mr. Milosevich in particular. As usual, these attacks include
no supporting evidence. The trick here is repetition: make an accusation a
thousand times and people think "Yeah, I remember him. He's that
dictator." The image colors the man, no matter whether it is true or false.

Because repetition is key, every "news" story about Yugoslavia is required
to include a number of attacks on the Serbs and their government.

"When speaking of the Serbs it is considered proper to say
something negative. More than one thing is optional. But one
is obligatory." (From 'The Obligatory Bash' at )

In his article, Mr. Erlanger quotes a report on US meddling in Yugoslavia
that appeared in the Yugoslav paper, 'Politika'. What he is actually quoting
is a statement that a number of U.S., Canadian and Dutch antiwar activists
signed, which was published on Emperor's Clothes and picked up by
Politika . (1)

Notice that Erlanger quotes Vojislav Kostunica admitting that our charges
are true. Actually, at first Kostunica denies our charges. He says they
represent the "ravings of the regime." (Why do people refer to the elected
government of Yugoslavia as a 'Regime'?). In any case, we did not get our
information from the Yugoslav government, we got it from documents that
we discovered while doing research on the Internet.

After denying the charge that the "democratic" opposition takes US money,
Kostunica makes an about-face. He says that "nongovernmental"
organizations that take American money "are even unconsciously working
for American imperial goals."

What does it mean to "unconsciously" take millions of US dollars and work
for American Imperial goals? What's the practical mechanism at work? Do
these people get "suitcases full of cash," receive instructions from their
paymasters, and then carry out political actions that serve "American
imperial goals," all unconsciously? Do they have a mental disease?

Everybody says Mr. Kostunica is a super-untarnished man and it is
unfortunate to have to question a man like that, but common sense suggests
that people do notice when they are handed a suitcase full of cash. Perhaps
Mr. Kostunica is mistaken. Perhaps these people are fully conscious when
the US operatives give them their money. They go back to their hotel and
open the suitcase. They look at the money. They turn the suitcase over and
dump the money on the bed. And it is only then, as they roll around amidst
the thousand dollar bills, that they finally slip off into a stupor.

It is good that Mr. Kostunica has admitted this, although keep in mind, he
only admitted it to Erlanger, not to the Yugoslav people. Shouldn't he tell
them too?

Moreover, he does not appear to grasp the implications. The people he is
talking about, who take the U.S. government money, are not from Mars.
They are Yugoslavs. They are not his enemies. They are the organizations
that back him. Otpor that puts up his posters and hands out his fliers and
goes to his demonstrations; Vesna Pesic with her US-paid Women in
Black; the economists at G-17 Plus, funded by the U.S. Congress, who
wrote his International Monetary Fund takeover plan; Radio B292, the
US-financed radio station; his own campaign manager, chief spokesman
and strategist, Zoran Djindjic. His whole organization, the people who
would staff a Kostunica government, they are the ones "unconsciously"
taking U.S. money and "working for American Imperial goals."

Mr. Kostunica is like a man sinking into a swamp. Already he is up to his
neck in people who "unconsciously work for American Imperial goals;" yet
he professes not to notice the smell of the U.S. State Department..

What has the government of my country done to this world? What a
spectacle, that this Washington, which bombed the good people of
Yugoslavia, that blocks medicine from entering that country, that blocks
Yugoslavia from importing spare parts to fix the bridges and hospitals the
US bombed last year; that has put racist gangsters in charge of Kosovo -
what a spectacle that this Washington now tries to bribe and coerce its way
into controlling Yugoslavia. And once in control, what would Washington
do to the Yugoslav people, who have been resisting Washington for ten
years? Kosovo is the US government's model.

Washington, with its "democratic" this and its "independent" that, and all the
time they want to buy people, especially young people, corrupt them with
the lure of gold.

When, and it will happen, the decent people of America learn that they
have been lied to, when they learn what crimes are being committed in their
name, may God help the U.S. State Department.

Honorable Member
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Posts: 548

Busy justifying its own existence!

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Posts: 54


>> Really, do you really believe all that pro-Milosevic propaganda? Any candidate that claims 140,000 out of 45,000 total votes cast (that's right, over three times the total votes cast) you know that has to be rigged. Anybody who believes otherwise is either extremely stupid or extremely naieve.<<

Methinks it's you who's either extremely stupid or extremely naieve. First of all, you're numbers . . . . . what are they suppose to mean? Add zeros or decimal points or whatever and they still make no sense! 140,000,000? 14,000,000? There are only 11,000,00 (approx) people in FRY, and some are probably children who can't vote. So, is it 1,400,000 then? No, too few. There were (approx) 5,000,000 votes cast!! See what I mean? And the 45,000 figure doesn't compute any better. So I don't know what your point is, or how these numbers indicate the election was rigged.

In fact, neither do you. You must have pulled these numbers out of a hat. Perhaps the same hat that the so-called democrapic opposition was pulling numbers from, and coming up with a half dozen or more different figures depending on which day it was or which spokesperson was making the claim.

The truth is that the exact and official numbers (to my knowlege) have never been released. However, given that all polling places include monitors from all political parties who take part in the vote counting together and immediately after the polls close, the exact numbers should be known by all those involved. No proof or evidence was every given, all rationality being drowned by the mantra-like chants of "fraud, fraud, fraud", which began even before the election was held!! And thanks to the imported thugs and hoodlums that rampaged through the Electoral Commission's offices burning and looting, no one will ever know the true count.

And isn't it interesting that a "spontaneous" mob of angry citizens (or as the disengenious NYT put it - "rough miners, factory workers, farmers, etc.") from the Serb heartland knew exactly were to go to destroy the evidence and wasted no time in doing so????

I'm reminded of the CIA engineered coup against the Mossadegh government of Iran in '54, which ushered in the 37 year reign of terror by the puppet Shah. That one only cost US taxpayers $1 million - the cash brought into the country by then US ambassador Kermit Roosevelt and distributed to the thugs and low-lifes from south Tehran. That "spontaneous" mob also seemed to know exactly where to attack and what to destroy. The Iranians were a little more savy by 1979 when they seized the US embassy and the smoking gun files of the CIA.

Then there's Chile and Guatemala and a long, long list of others too numerous to go into here. But all that was long ago. Afterall, the US has matured and believes in democracy and freedom and human rights and all. The US wouldn't resort to such crudities in this, our "enlightened" era, would it?

The extremely stupid and extremely naive and the willfully ignorant will finally wake up when the jackboot of the ski-masked, machine-gun toting NWO thugs comes crashing through the door and up their own asses. But, it will be too late then, won't it?

Trusted Member
Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 54

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To topple a government!!!!!!

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Topic starter  

Here is the text of the concession speech given by Slobodan Milosevic:

Respected citizens,

I have just received the official information that Vojislav Kostunica has
won the presidential election. The decision was made by the state body
which has the constitutional authority to do so and I believe that this
decision must be respected.

I would like to thank all those who gave me their trust and voted for me
in these elections, but I would also like to thank those who did not vote
for me because they took a huge weight off my chest, the burden of
responsibility which I have carried for a full 10 years.

As far as my party is concerned, it will be a very strong opposition and I
always said that no party can ever show its true strength and its
qualities without spending some time in opposition. Time spent in
opposition helps a party rid itself of those who joined it for personal gain
while it was in power.

I am sure that the times ahead will be very useful, in that respect, for
the Socialist Party of Serbia and for the Yugoslav Left. And I am sure
they will gain strength to such an extent that they will win convincingly
in the next elections.

Because of this great relief and because of the cessation of the great
responsibility that I carried for an entire decade, I personally intend to
rest a bit and spend some more time with my family and especially with
my grandson, Marko, and after that to help my party gain force and
contribute to the future prosperity of the country, in the same way
(Serbs) did during defense and reconstruction of the country, as well as
in the initial steps of development that were so successful.

I congratulate Mr. Kostunica on his electoral victory and I wish much
success to all citizens of Yugoslavia during the mandate of the new

© The Canadian Press, 2000

Prominent Member
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Posts: 835

m'sieu gunns,

dont be shy, dude, just express what you feel.

really nothing for me to do other than hope for
peace in that land.
they're due.

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