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Archive through October 13, 1999

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>> And how unpleasant he feels knowing were[sic] carring on off board <<

Is this your confession?

The thought of the two of you carrying-on conjures images of endless cycles of mutual confession and analysis.

Good to know you're keeping each other busy and (hopefully) out of trouble. At least you'll have less time to annoy the adults.


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Just a reminder, lest ya'll forget.

- suitboy

Serbia - The Multiethnic Yugoslav State

Tanjug, 10-7-99

The Dutch weekly Elsevier made the following points in its latest issue:

Although overwhelming propaganda in the West demonizes Serbs as responsible for "ethnic cleansing", the facts are that all former Yugoslav republics have been ethnically cleansed, except for Serbia.

Elsevier made public the facts that in "Slovenia there never have been national minorities in significant numbers," that "Croatia has expelled 100,000 Serbs, that Bosnia and Herzegovina has been divided into three ethnically cleansed territories with the use of violence and that ethnic Albanians have expelled 90 percent of the non-Albanian population from Kosovo." At the same time, the daily added, "26 ethnic communities and minorities live in Serbia."

"According to still unpublished data of the Federal Institute for Statistics, one third of the non-Serbian population in Serbia are ethnic Albanians, one fourth are Slav Muslims, 350,000 are Hungarians, 150,000 are Romanians, and the rest are Gypsies, Wallachs, Croats, Slovenians, Macedonians, Montenegrins and Goranies," Elsevier said and added that "in the years when every form of Serbian culture was systematically destroyed in Croatia... Croats in Serbia were able to live peacefully and in full security."

"The Serbs are a people who have been demonized by the media, who, despite the fact they were drawn into four wars and bombed two times by NATO in the past ten years, have resisted the wave of nationalist hatred and preserved a state which is the only real multiethnic community in the region," the Dutch paper said and illustrated this by the words of Idriz Krahimirovic. Krahimirovic, a Muslim who is a hairdresser from Novi Pazar, said "it is easier to be a Muslim in Serbia, than a Serb in Sarajevo."

"In Serbia, a minority population was never isolated into a ghetto, and they all live in mixed communities," the paper said, adding that until recently that had also been the case in Kosovo.

Although the world thinks that Serbs are "aggressors" who recognize only their own culture, in the largest CD and cassette store in Belgrade, the top sellers are the Croatian pop group Magazin and the Muslim singer Haris Dzinovic, the weekly said and added that "in Croatia listening to Serbian music means running the risk of being killed."

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haha i can hardly call you an adult. Adults have some sense of when the go to far. you don't that makes you a child or maybe even a not maybe your not more than a foetus.
One hand you should be glad, cause a foetus can't be held responsible for his/her actions. Therefor can't be taken serious either.
so rattle on you little toad

Ps confesion i have nothing to confess. and sertainly not to a foetus who thinks he's superior. what would you like me to do next click the heels of my boots and raise my hand in a sertain possition? Oh goodie wrong person its Milosevic you love well its all the same, but then again a foetus doesn't know the difference yet :-))))))))))))
Stop kidding yourself foetus in a suit

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I had a great time tonight reading latest developments on this board, and man - you rule!
It must be that flu which gave you that `special touch`...

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perhaps I should get a divorce and marry you?

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It was partly the flu, but I also just got tired of being "tolerant" and overlooking a certain person who continually misinterprets what others write and is sooooooooooo defensive it borders on paranoia. Those are the kind of people I like to give just a little push to encourage them over the edge -- bye, bye!!

Watching her speak out of both sides of her face at the same time was getting pretty tiresome, too

How do you like my new name - suitboy? Kewl, huh? I kinda like it. I have L'menexe to thank for coining it. I think I'll adopt it as my new nom-de-guerre. After all, the real revolutionaries and overthrowers of systems aren't in the streets. That's just a sideshow to scare the horses. Cyber Che is in the elevator - appropriately suited, tied, and briefed - ready to explode onto the scene inside the seats of power.

tommygunns (aka Suitboy)

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Well, what can I tell you ?
I got tired long ago... Basic time wasting.

A bit of news for my admirers:

"Three members of the Kosovo Protective Corps were arrested in the German sector because they beat up an ethnic Albanian for buying a tractor from a Serb. It is stated that afterwards in Orahovac around 1,500 people demanded their release. The arrested were released until the conclusion of the investigation."

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okay, dumbass
-oops, SUITBOY..
and arent we all just changing the woild here
every day (guffaw)

i deent say nawtheeng about not wanting to read
the 'yank-bashing' material, did i? check again.

maybe i'm just too anarchistic for your
recently-blossomed revolutionary fervor

how much more collectively stupid shall we get?
the world simply quivers in anticipation.
you betcha.
any minute now

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I can see this whole matter is all theory to you. Figures, articles, newspaperclippings and websites. No connection at all with reality, with real persecution, surpression, danger, torture and death. Which is why you have viewpoints accordingly, and whuch is why I take them for what they are worth: backroom out of date old style socialist babble. Try connecting to the real world one day, man. You may find it different from the one you dreamt up.

"Serbia - The Multiethnic Yugoslav State"
Yeah, right. Have you ever set foot on Serbian, croatian, Bosnian, Montenegrin, Kosovar, or Slovenian territiory????

Frankly this board is examplary of how some Americans, not even involved through Kfor or anything form their opinions. It's very interesting from a journalist's point of view.

And also Slobo must be thanking you for adopting his viewpoints one by one. I must say, the man's PR is very powerful indeed. But then again, he had some good fascist predecessors. Fantastic to see how you can fall for it!


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About the Elsevier article. Do you know where that magazine is coming from??? Hell, they supoported Pinochet and Babydoc in their days. What more can you expect. They were never critical of any extreme right wing regime :-(((

This is the faity tale you believe in:

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away from America, there was this fat country leader. His name was Slobodan, meaning free in his language. And he acted accordingly. He gave himself all the freedom in the world. Ofcourse some people had to suffer for his good cause, but that's true of all good causes, is it not?

By the time he noticed his subjects got restless, he noticed a country far and wide on the other end of the ocean. And as he desperately wanted to keep on going with his wonderful work, he called upon this country for help. At first the country was very willing to assist him, but as soon as the county's leader was more interested in cigars then state affairs, things began to slide down hill. A war was staged in which poor Slobo's country was all crushed, while he never did anything wrong!

And now he sits there, poor innocent man, being accused of things he ofcourse never did, trying to hold on to what he has.

His subjects in the mean time are getting angrier, but hey, if ou take part in one of these demonstrations, and you get your head blown off, or tortured to death by the police, you asked for it, right? And so Slobo rules anyway, until he dies by himslef or somebody kills him. And so he lived happily ever after, and all his supporters with him.

Which planet are you from, Tommy?? It must be furter away then America even! 😡


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To all the fervent back room theory supporters out there.

If you rally want to do something useful, try supporting your much quoted source, the Decani website. Fr. Sava from the Decani monastary of Raska and Prizren worked on during the bombing to get news from all over the world, while he was subject to a lot of danger and surpression. He also hid scores of Kosovar Albanians who had to go into hiding from the murderous Slobo gangs.

Now he is supporting and sheltering besieged Serbians, and in the mean time carrying on his opinion, as he always had, that the country is big enough for anybody, BUT a murderous dictator.

For this opinion he has to fear for his life, and all his supporters with him. As you guys have internet you may find a way to support the Decani monastary in their work, instead of wasting your time mocking the ones who stick out their necks for their country. Think what you would do in a situation like that. Would you be so brave???


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No they wouldn't Zoja otherwise their mouth wouldn't be so huge and filled with cr*p, and they wouldn't have the sh*t coming out of their ears and eyes.
There just ordanairy Slobo lovers click their heels and raise their hands and bow their heads for their beloved dictator.


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"To all the fervent back room theory supporters out there."

Zoja, your words hit home particularly hard. It's real easy for us with fat bellies and broad butts, in the comfort of our homes, to comment critically one way or the other about things of which we no first hand knowledge. We can never intimately "know" the situation as they who lived it have come to know it.

You're right about the need for the "Fr. Savas" to be supported in the work they do. Spreading their words is one (although small) way to help.

We who participate in this forum are few in numbers, but I have to believe many more read it. Who knows whom among them, having the necessary resources, will be moved to do something constructive that can benefit all concerned.

Nor do I believe that any of us who participate here remain unaffected by the words and feelings of the others. I also have to believe that this interaction has a positive aspect if only to help define the insensitivity of us who do not understand this situation in the same way as those who lived it have come to understand it. But that is the ultimate value of their participation. They can help us who don't have a clue, by pointing out the obvious inconsistencies of our arguments and the not so obvious errors of our beliefs and attitudes.


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Oh, just the usual bla bla - as soon as one is
against NATO is pro Slobodan ...
Will you ever give up? No, I don`t think so.

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I know your piece is directed at my sister and i think it should have a possitive effect or atleast i hope people benefit, but how much i would want to have a normal adult discussion and im sure i can also talk for Zoja here For some people it probably comes to close. Otherwise we would have been happy to point out stuff. But like you can see we only get mouthbashed for it. I tried in the past so did Zoja, but it keeps on coming down to the same mouthbashing and yes at one point you can only be defensive, cause you know on forehand some people(unfortunately at this moment the mojority will do everything to kick you down.
Having lived it or not for them is irrelevant for me its not irrelevant nor for my sister.


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