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Archive through October 13, 1999

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To: Zoja

Well, I dunno'...
Have never read such twisted hysterical BS You served. You now can compete with certain Jack London, and he was, until now, unsurpassed in throwing up.

*Figures, articles, newspaperclippings and websites.
What were You polluting this MB with so far?
*No connection at all with reality, with real persecution, surpression, danger, torture and death.
A very good description of Your Bosnia. NATO's not going to kick some "anti-democratic ethnic-cleansing" butt there, heh? Ask them for
*"Serbia - The Multiethnic Yugoslav State"
Yeah, right...

So, that's right in the end.
Do You get grants or something from that $15 mln. pizza?

I don't understand, - first You seem to be against socialism, now You brand that Elsevier for its support of Pinochet, who was against that same Stalin-style socialism, that was about to be established. And Chile is not a banana republic of Bosnia (BTH, do they have bananas, just in case?:-))))).
P.S. What would You expect, if Milo's ousted? - "Democracy" and multiethnicity in Bosnia?

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to celebrate last night event

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Posts: 333

To Kosovo and Back
by Zoran

Belgrade, September 15, 1999

The southern province of Serbia, known in the West as 'Kosovo', is
properly called 'Kosovo and Metohija'. The 'j' is pronounced like the
English 'y'.

I am back from Kosovo and Metohija and I will
rush to share my first hand observations from a two-week tour out
there. I was not just an independent observer of the monstrous
creation Kosovo has turned into nowadays, but most importantly one
with freedom of movement and access to the shared intelligence-data
of various International Government Organization (IGO) and
Non-Government Organization (NGO) tyrants (that is correct, I
called them 'tyrants'!) and NATO ('KFOR') occupiers.

I had this freedom and this access on account of being closely
associated with a certain diplomatic service.

It wasn't as dangerous for a Serb as I expected. At the same time,
the capabilities and motives of wanton fools to make trouble should
never be underestimated.

Now I can say I've seen most of what I wanted to and Thank God; it
allows me to credibly testify to some serious illegalities, monstrous
crimes against justice and humanity and the 180 degree twisting of
truth against the old population of Kosovo - Serbs and other

But for now I will focus exclusively on my first-hand observations
made during the last two weeks.


I left on September 2. First I went to Podgorica, capital of
Montenegro, Serbia's co-republic in the current Yugoslavia…
Passed by Montenegro President Milo Djukanovic's residence in the
elite quarter of Gorica C (the equivalent of Belgrade Dedinje) where
Milo and his black-marketeering associates live in newly built
luxurious palaces, safeguarded by scores of special police troopers
with dogs.

Looks like he really has an unclear conscience if he has to rely so
heavily on the backing of the Police and, moreover - The Mafia!
Montenegro is a heaven for drugs, arm trafficking, black marketing
and it is boiling with all kinds of Mafia-related activities.

Throughout Montenegro both Milo and VJ Spetznaz [Special Forces,
cream of the Yugoslav Army] are evidently staging military
maneuvers to play with each others nerves. I give clear advantage to
the VJ.

One source confided to me that Milo is being supplied by elements of
the Italian government and the Mafia in particular with sophisticated
weapons of US origin. Most of it comes in through Bar Port in the
South. The latest deliveries include Patriot Missiles and a few other
high tech toys. It is a free Air Defense, a U.S. token of appreciation
obviously meant to be used against the VJ!


Entered Kosovo on September 3 through Berane (formerly
Ivangrad). Passed through the town of Pec. All the Serb houses in
Pec have been torched, as people told me, "in the presence of
(KFOR) authorities." { note: KFOR is the
name for NATO's occupation forces in Kosovo.}

I heard the same story in every town. In Orahovac, {the town from
which Russian troops have been kept by blockade - EC} Serbian
families were absolutely positive of KFOR complicity. They were
evicted from their houses by the KLA. 104 Serbian houses were
pillaged and torched. Other Serbian families were evicted from 165
apartments in central Orahovac - allowed to take only the clothes
they had on.

This all happened in the midst of a heavy German KFOR [NATO]
presence in the town. Serbs turned to the German KFOR troops for
protection, but the German peacekeepers observed the ravaging
with an indifferent air.

Gypsies in the town of Slatina corroborated the pattern. Brits were
only several hundred meters away when the Gypsies' houses were
set on fire. Of course they appealed for protection - but - you know it
- sorry, can't help.

A priest, N.N., who fled the town of Djakovica, corroborated this
pattern:"Djakovica went up in flames during the first days," he told

He personally buried scores of old Serbian people massacred in the
first days - that is, the first days after the arrival of KFOR. Some of
the elderly Serbs were decapitated: heads missing. Do you
understand? There are Islamic Fundamentalists among the KLA,
and they are doing the same things they did in Afghanistan, the same
things they did in Bosnia. The bloody Mujahedins got themselves
some souvenirs.

The same went on in Pec, according to the priest and other displaced
Serbs with whom I spoke.

Let me stress this point: the Serbian houses in Pec went up in flames
precisely upon NATO's arrival. The KLA would hardly dare to enter
and start ravaging on their own without having KFOR "escort" them
in and then give them free reign. We all remember how the NATO
and KLA troops entered Kosovo together.

KFOR let the KLA march in right alongside their tanks, protecting
them from attack by Yugoslav troops.

And now, it is not a matter, as NATO and the UN claim, of not being
able to control the Albanian masses who are driven to revenge by
Serbian atrocities, etc., etc. These crimes are not being committed by
ordinary Albanians, they are being committed by the KLA and their

The KLA had committed countless atrocities when the Yugoslav
army was in Kosovo fighting them. Then KFOR escorted these
habitual terrorists in and publicly stated that nothing could be done to
prevent attacks on Serbs, Gypsies, etc., that this was human nature,
that these people have always hated each other, etc., etc. In other
words: they escorted the KLA in, and then gave them the green light
by promisng, in public statements, that nothing would be done to
curb KLA abuses…and now, surprisingly, the KLA terrorists in
power are doing the same things they did when they were out of
power. NATO has made this possible.

But that figures - how else would it be? The KLA was NATO's loyal
infantry from the beginning - as we all know. KLA units served as
'spotters' for NATO planes. And the KLA remains NATO's 'force on
the ground' - doing the dirty work.

But getting back to the trip: later on, in the early evening hours on
the way up to Pristina, I was wondering why is it that hundreds and
hundreds of lorries and trucks with Albanian, Macedonian and
German license plates (most labeled "Humanitarian") were rushing
in the opposite direction, out of Kosovo toward Albania. Delivering
humanitarian aid in terms of looted house appliances, VCR's, TV
sets, refrigerators and furniture to poor Albania perhaps?


Stayed for 2 days in Pristina, capital of Kosovo, in the
now-KFOR-guarded university settlement.

Pristina has some 200 Serbs left. Most of them in this settlement and
in adjacent area. It used to be home to thousands of members of the
Serbian elite in Kosovo, university professors, scientists, doctors,
engineers, lecturers. Most of them had to flee to save their lives.
The few Serbs remaining keep a very low profile and are mostly
hired to janitor the "International residences."

In the first days of occupation British KFOR deliberately let scores
of armed Albanians (comrades in arms) enter the settlement and help
themselves. Serbs rushed to KFOR to appeal for assistance - but
lost hope after seeing dozens of armed KLA walking freely down the
corridors of KFOR's Pristina HQ. Even worse - the Serbs insist
British elements brought the Albanians to the settlement and let
them in! Albanians cleared several hundred apartments of Serb
tenants and their possessions in a matter of hours. Soon after that
the Serbs packed up and left.

{Note from This is strikingly similar to Cedda
Prlincevic's description of how he and other non-secessionists were
driven out of a luxurious housing development in Pristina. See
hyperlink at end of article.}

Now hundreds of new, nicely furnished apartments, built to the
highest European standards are at the exclusive disposal of UN, EU
(European Union) and NGO (Non-Governmental Organization)
bureaucrats and their entourages: secretaries, clerks, mistresses,
drivers, assistants of all sorts (politically correct bureaucrats do not
have servants!) deputies, etc…

How convenient for them.

The old tenants, Serbs and other incorrect people are cleansed by
the secessionist Albanians and dispossessed by the UN and EU.
What a charade. NATO is here to defend the Albanians' rights and
culture (supposedly) but they don't want to live in the Albanians'
orientally-set-up households - they feel better in the European homes
of those dispossessed Serbs they helped drive out.

Meanwhile, in Pristina the KLA has introduced the "language
police." Speaking Serbian - the language of the enemy - is strongly
prohibited. Albanians have to report anyone who does so and who
ever does can expect serious problems...


I've been to see some Ashkalli, that is Albanian-speaking Gypsies,
converted to the Muslim religion. The Askalli live in a village close
to Slatina airport, hundreds of them isolated in one household. Their
homes in nearby villages were all looted and torched during
"Albanian Crystal night," that is, right upon KFOR's arrival - some
were killed on the spot, others evicted and threatened. It all
happened under the watchful eyes of British to whom they cried for
protection, but to no avail.

Their destiny is a clear example how the secessionist-minded
Albanians' racial hatred overcomes even the basic principles of the
Islamic faith, which appeals to believers to be supportive, to aid and
protect other Muslim brethren in need. To the KLA ideologists,
Ashkalli are seen as a lower race, as are the Serbian 'occupiers'. The
fact they are Muslim believers too doesn't matter much when
confronted with the national and racial hatred which motivates these

These Muslim Roma ("Gypsies") are not beggars - they are hard
working farmers and their households were wealthy BK (before
KFOR). Now they are dispossessed and under constant life threat by
their (Muslim) Albanian neighbors who blame Roma for
"collaboration" (namely that they let the Yugoslav Army take up
positions in their villages during the NATO air strikes. That is their
only crime).


Went south to the city of Prizren on September 6.

At 2245 hours[10:45 PM] on the day I arrived, the Orthodox church
in Prizren was blown up under the watchful eyes of German troops.

I blame the Germans with good cause.

The Germans introduced a curfew right upon their arrival, first from
10 PM to 5am, later from midnight to 5 am. They normally guarded
the church till 10 PM - then they left it unattended till 7 or 8 in the
morning. That was their routine without fail, every night. I learned
this at an NGO/IGO/KFOR security briefing. Pretty sloppy, don't
you think? Now, have you ever heard of a sloppy German guard?
The Germans patrolled the streets all night, mind you, but the church
was deserted, night after night at exactly the same time - like
clockwork. What do you think? I think this was designed to indicate
to the KLA when it was safe to destroy the church while saving the
Germans the embarrassment of obvious complicity.

By the way, OSCE [the Organization for Security & Cooperation in
Europe] and the UN people (UNMIK) are at each others' throats
over who should run the show, with both cursing KFOR for imposing
its dictatorship over everybody. If they were all armed they would
have started a gun fight by now.

Gratitude parties and celebrations for the "Wehrmacht" soldiers and
other EU axis satellites are daily and nightly occurrences in almost
all the restaurants in Prizren. Free drinks for the liberators! I have
not seen that many people in Prizren before - ever. Many new faces -
Albanians from Albania.

Speaking of these new immigrants: I lived in Prizren last year for
some time. My estimate is that Prizren has double the population it
had before the war. Streets through the town are jammed like never
before. Local Albanians, NGO's, Serbs all confirmed this. The
borders [with Albania]are permeable so why not come - it's a good
business opportunity. Albanians answered my inquiry about where all
these people have come from by saying "…many people are from
the countryside." Guess what country and what side.

Serbs and the Diplomats I was with in Prizren nodded their heads in
agreement with my suggestion that these Albanians were from
Albania. This is true in towns in southern Kosovo and also in

Since KFOR arrived on June 12 some 34 elderly Serbs have been
slain in their homes or gunned down in the streets of Prizren by what
are described as "mysterious anti-peace elements" in the security
briefings given to newcomers down there.

250 Serbs are still stuck in Prizren, mostly elderly people, some
gathered at the Orthodox Bishop's residence, some at their homes,
not allowed to step out, carefully watched by Albanian henchmen.

Serbs told me that a German doctor (last name Klein) was brutally
beaten by the Albanian mob in Prizren and died later of injuries
suffered - for the collaborationist crime of providing Serbian civilians
with medical assistance. However, all the International officials have
been stricken with collective amnesia over this. It looks like there is
a directive not to allow international casualties to become public
knowledge. The killings of 5 French soldiers by Albanians in
Mitrovica is hardly reported by anyone, is it?

Gun fights between Albanians are also regular occurrences. Cars
have no license plates, 90 percent are stolen from European
countries. Drivers have no licenses or, for that matter, knowledge of
how to drive. No blinkers. No lights. Parking in the middle of the
street. Driving like maniacs. No inkling of traffic rules or
regulations. Ever been to Tirana? It's now the same here…Traffic
lights are only a decoration. Going anywhere takes negotiating with
other drivers through the window - who goes where and who comes
first… Maybe the newcomers form Albania introduced their traffic
ir-regulations to Kosovo too.

Since the arrival of KFOR over 150 have been killed in car accidents
in the Pristina area alone. No rules if any sort exist anymore in this
chaos of US-created, UN-sponsored anarchy.

Jeeps with no license plates with armed KLA commanders easily
enter KFOR bases. KLA officers are issued KFOR cards for prompt
access to KFOR commanders and they all carry weapons ("for
personal protection") in their presence. {EC note: a violation of the
peace agreement…} A token of a very special appreciation and
affiliation some might say…

By the way, in Prizren I saw literally scores of Iranians claiming to be
Islamic humanitarians. Real tough-looking guys. Built more
appropriately to be undercover "Pasadranis' [Iranian revolutionary
fighters] than for humanitarian work, if you ask me.


This is of course the town from which Russian KFOR troops have
been kept by an Albanian blockade. Supposedly the Albanians
consider the Russians too 'pro-Serb.' This would be humorous if the
situation in Orahovac were not so monstrous.

Meanwhile, while KFOR public relations statements 'support' the
Russian effort to enter Orahovac, the German and Dutch KFOR
contingents have in fact been ordered by their respective
governments not to co-operate with the Russians or provide the
Russians with any support. Furthermore they openly disobey any
KFOR command in the line of Russian deployment in their AOR
(Area of (ir)Responsibility).


Politically the UN is trying to talk the Russians into not coming to
(Albanian) unfriendly Orahovac, but to instead take positions in
some strategically irrelevant villages.

Albanian roadblocks outside of Orahovac are former German/ Dutch
fortified checkpoints. I can not imagine that Albanians could have
taken control of those without their tacit approval - or instigation.
The organizing committee at the road blocks is armed. Heavier
weapons are kept in hundreds of tents erected around the barricades
- supposedly for women and children. Muscular men in sport suits
patrolling the site carry small firearms under their jackets.

In Orahovac itself the former police station has been turned into a
KLA HQ. The local KLA commander, the man who runs this town, is
a mass murderer named Ismet Hara, the man most responsible for
last year's abductions and brutal killings of over 60 Serbian civilians
from Orahovac (the bodies of most are still missing), some of whom -
it is reasonably believed - he personally executed.

Hara is much appreciated by the ever-cordial International
bureaucrats. They tell the local Serbs: "forget the past - now you
have to deal with the present and that is Ismet Hara and the KLA."
Encouraging no doubt.

The de facto KLA government is fully appreciated and recognized by
the UN bureaucrats, down to the smallest detail. They are trying to
turn Hara into both a political figure and the new police chief as well.
And why not? He practically owns the police station.

In any case, early in the KFOR/KLA occupation, Dutch/German
Balaklava Units gave local Serbs 24 hours to hand in all their
weapons. (Note that the KLA has been given 3 months and still
counting…NATO Gen. Michael Jackson has actually said KLA
failure to hand in weapons shows how seriously they are taking the
effort to hand in guns....They want to do a perfect job, you see;
everything has to be done just so and such concern for quality is
bound to take extra time...)

The naïve Serbs complied. Handed in everything they had. Then a
few weeks later, the Dutch/German troops entered the Serbian
quarter in broad daylight, fired some warning shots over the heads of
Serbs who were gathered near a church and dragged people from
their houses. Serbian witnesses say they exercised unnecessary
brutality - grabbed people by the hair and pulled them out while
kicking them …

Also Serbs say they recognized many local Albanians in the ranks of
the German KFOR... Probably KLA members recruited in Albania...
KFOR denies this...I've personally seen KLA Commanders with
their escort - all armed - entering KFOR bases with KFOR ID cards
and never a delay.

Then the Dutch/German troops arrested the Serbian Mayor of
Orahovac and three other Serbs, accusing them of 'war crimes.'
There is no credible evidence to support these charges, though the
Albanian side has spread rumors that documents discovered in a
cellar of one house implicate the Mayor, etc.

From reliable international sources I learned these arrests are an
attempt to turn these people into "important witnesses" in a
made-up war crimes case against Serbs, not because of real

I was told they are still being kept in a German base in Prizren under
conditions of strict isolation and extreme pressure. Obviously this is
an attempt to break them so they can be used to substantiate the
NATO/Albanian propaganda hoax of massive Serbian 'atrocities' in
Kosovo. So much for Western legality.

The detainees are in serious need of legal and medical aid.

In Orahovac there are 1500 Serbs, in nearby Velika Hoca 1100 left -
a fraction of the Serbs who were there before KFOR's security
occupation. They, together with several hundred Serbs in
Gorazdevac near Pec, are the last remaining Serbs in the Metohija
section of the province. All are literally held hostage by everybody -

In Orahovac Serbs live isolated in a 300 meters diameter ghetto near
the Orthodox church. They are not allowed to go more than 300
meters from where they are staying.

The local priest upset me with another problem. Orahovac Serbs
cannot bury their dead. The Serbian quarter in Orahovac is in the old
core of the town built on a rocky ridge in the Northern part
overlooking the entire area. The cemetery is outside town. The
terrain where the Serbs live is almost impossible for burial... the last
deceased they had to bury in medieval stone crypts in the Orthodox
churchyard. Now there is no room left for burial. In the mean time
the siege of the Serbs continues by all the enemy sides in this
undeclared war - KLA, KFOR, UN.

In the first days after KFOR's arrival, 5 Orahovac Serbs were killed
in the streets by the KLA and 10 were abducted right off the streets
under the watchful eyes of German troops. Serbs are not even
allowed to go to the market or grocery store only 50 meters away.
The considerable Albanian Gypsy population living inside of this
monstrous new ghetto, together with the Serbs, suffers equally.

Additionally Albanians refuse to sell any food to them and restrict
the access of Yugoslav Red Cross food convoys. Meager
International aid comes once in 3 weeks in symbolic quantities. True,
the UNHCR [United Nations High Commission for Refugees] is
evacuating some Serbs, but only the ones who are seriously ill. In
this way, no one can accuse them of man-slaughter (yet).

Albanians claim they keep Orahovac Serbs blocked to prevent war
criminals from leaving. KFOR and UNHCR are very supportive to
such a cause. They take the Albanian claims for granted. It sells fine
and is politically expedient. For that reason they are blocking the
evacuation that almost all Serbs applied for. UNHCR checks every
Serb who applies for evacuation from the ghetto with the KLA and
KFOR in a quest for 'war criminals.'

As for most of the Serbs, they still have to go through a special
treatment at the edge of extinction. Here's the strategy: first they
isolate the Serbs, then they wear them out, then they kick them out -
after extracting the people Albanians accuse of being 'war criminals.'
To this end, they come up with all kinds of justifications for keeping
the last remaining Serb civilians in this monstrous new ghetto.

When Nazis rounded up Jews in the Warsaw ghetto they let some
come out to buy food and go back. {Concerning Warsaw Ghetto see
note #1 at end.}The Serbs of Orahovac are not allowed to go
anywhere, their cry for food is ignored by relief organizations. These
people are being deliberately starved to death by KFOR and their
KLA allies with the eyes of the Great Humanitarians somehow


In the Gora area, south of Prizren, where the Gorani people live, the
Turkish brigade is responsible of security. A Turkish Major
informed me of the discovery of a 'mass grave.' This 'mass grave'
contained all of 6 corpses. It is of course a tragedy - but in an
unprecedented witch hunt everybody points a finger at the Serbs
when in fact all you know is that the dead people in the grave are -
dead, and the guilty party is - 'the killers.' In other words anybody
could have committed these murders.

Balkan investigations are sloppy but economical. The killers are
identified in advance of forensic work.

True, there are many freshly dug graves on the roadsides. But would
anyone be surprised to hear that most have Albanian flags and
wreaths of flower over them - indicating KLA fighters?

UN Civpol chief, Sven Fredericsson (a Dane) was there just before
me to investigate an (Albanian) tale of a mass grave with 500
corpses. All they dug up was the skeletons of 15 cows! The Turkish
Major believes this cow business is a Serbian trick to deceive the
International community. He is positive the devilish Serbs buried the
missing 500 underneath the cows. (They've done it in Bosnia, says
this erudite gentleman.) Serbs are certainly slick. And after all they
killed a Turkish sultan once didn't they? (Not to mention a certain
Austrian archduke...)

And, he added, with a proud look on his face, the Turks have
circumcised over 200 Moslem children since they arrived, thus
greatly contributing to Humanitarian Relief.

Gorani are Serbs who converted to Islam back in Turkish times.
Nevertheless these people don't deny their Serbian roots. In fact
they speak better Serbian than most Serbs in Belgrade. On the other
hand they don't deny their Muslim religion either. They are honest
people who respect and easily win respect (except in relations with
Albanians as you will see later). True people of the highlands!

They've lived on Shara Mt. for centuries and are witnesses with an
embarrassingly long memory. Gorani know that Kosovo Albanians
settled in Kosovo from Albania. They have defended their land from
these people for centuries.

Nowadays they have problems with armed gangs crossing from
Albania over their territory once again. KFOR intentionally keeps
the official border with Macedonia closed to Gorani for political
reasons. I suspect they want Gorani to fall under the influence of the
KLA authorities who took power in Dragas, once predominantly
populated by Gorani. This is a serious matter for them because most
Gorani villages are bigger than the town of Dragas - now the seat of
the local KLA gangsters - and Gorani have always been more
oriented towards Macedonia in terms of trade, purchasing supplies
for the harsh winter in the mountains where they live.

Gorani are skilled carpenters, farmers and most of all shepherds.
My cap goes off to these honest , hard working, people of Gora!


Interestingly, in Prizren, I met a Swedish major who had been
overseeing de-mining around the so-called "mass grave" site in
Srebrenica in Bosnia. He was very proud of his achievements. After
my insistence on hearing how many bodies had been retrieved it
turned out the ICTY (International Criminal Tribunal for Former
Yugoslavia, that is, The Hague Holy Inquisition Against Serbs - see
note # 2 at end of this article) discovered a total of 155 bodies - and
that is from the entire area of Srebrenica. Impressive! Whatever
happened to 8,000 'husbands and sons' whom the West insisted the
Bosnian Serbs slaughtered? Why has NO evidence been produced in
4 years? Are these people also buried under cows?

We will find out when the UN file on Srebrenica gets declassified 50
years from now. Here's a thought: isn't it generally the people who
have something to hide who mark the truth 'top secret?' So draw
your own conclusions from the fact that the UN feels the need to
keep these files hidden for half a century...

I am again astounded: the Albanians I see in the streets of Prizren
are definitely new faces. I've never seen so many people in Prizren

Traffic is jammed for most of the day. These people all look healthy,
well fed and red-cheeked. I am told that humanitarian agencies have
to beg Albanians to accept flour, sugar and other food from their
stock piles, which they need to empty since new shipments are
coming in. Albanians refuse to take this food, expressing profound
indignation. Mostly they object to the flour.

Indeed, one of the biggest relief organizations in Prizren is about to
burn 100 tons of flour, courtesy of US AID.

First the Albanians claimed the flour was booby trapped and now
they claim it is tainted or poisoned by the Serbs. The truth is, they
are afraid it has been touched - and therefore fouled - by Serbian

It is the Serbs who are starving in Kosovo. When I asked the
warehouse manager why they didn't distribute this unwanted flour to
the starving Serbs - isolated in their ghettos by the Albanians - he
just raised his shoulders and stared, speechless. There are no easy
answers to politically incorrect inquiries.

A friend closely working with Kosovo refugees in Serbia tells me the
refugee centers in Serbia are overflowing nowadays with ethnic
Albanians from Kosovo. The KLA has obviously turned their reign of
terror against the Albanians they see as not cooperative enough -
now that they are running out of Serbs.

The key to a Serbian presence in Kosovo is north in Mitrovica where
a majority of Serbs who remained in Kosovo now live - divided from
"liberated" Albanians by one river, the bridge over it and the French
KFOR troops.

I came back that way though this tortured town of Mitovica…but
more on that later...



Note # 1 - We received a a letter from a Serbian-American reader
concerning Zoran's point about the Warsaw Ghetto. The reader
wrote: "Zoran is mistaken. Jews were not allowed out of the Warsaw
ghetto to buy food." A couple of us at
discussed this and realized that, Jews and Gentiles alike, we were
quite ignorant about the history of the Warsaw Ghetto, which
produced an heroic anti-Nazi uprising. So instead of simply setting
the record straight on Zoran's point, we'll interview John Ranz, a
survivor of the ghetto who took part in the uprising against the
Nazi's. In addition to being one of a handful of witnesses as to what
really happened in Warsaw, Prof. Ranz has a lot to say about how the
Holocaust is discussed, so this interview will be important. Expect it
by the second week in October (we hope).

Note # 2 - For a highly informed, in-depth discussion of why many
people consider the Hague War Crimes Tribunal a grotesque parody
of justice, click here for Raymond Kent's Contextualizing
Hate:The Hague Tribunal, the Clinton Administration
and the Serbs or go to

Reputable Member
Joined: 18 years ago
Posts: 441

From what i have read this person did an independant trip of his own, which for me makes the story believable. News paperclippings i don't care to read anymore, but this is a fine job.
Only unfortunately slobodan milosevic brought this whol scheit on the serbian people. Not that i agree with kfor standing by saying "sorry can't help" Don't get me wrong, cause that's the same load of cr*p as what Milosevic does to his people and why Serbian people are demonstrating to get rid of the bast*rd This is exactly my point


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Joined: 18 years ago
Posts: 369


Tnank you for your sincere words. To draw these out was exactly my intention, because I really think sometimes the guys with only theory think they know it all.

As a journalist (Not for TV, but papers) I always need comments from people who actiually lived the stuff I write about. To do that almost all the time became sort of my trade mark. And I can tell you doing that does not make you particularly popular with governments.

So, there are two things I oppose to on this board. Number one is the fact that some here make an absolute truth out of opinions only based on theory, and number two, disrespecting and disregarding the other side of the coin, even if, and maybe because of the fact, it is staring them in the face.

Not 'the emptyness of the mall', as another board member stated a while ago, is wrong with our overly rich bunch of Western 'civilisations', but the fact we think we know it all (using big words and phrases) by taking a big bag of crisps, or pop corn and put yourself in front of the TV every night. The truth is out there, guys, not in the TV.

And the first thing anybody who ever travelled to and lived in war zones or third world countries will realise is the need for people to put aside their disbelief, prejudice and distrust, and start listening to each other seriously. Boards like these could mean for everybody, involved or not, a great asset to that goal. Use it. Listen, think, respect.


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I don't know if anyone is aware, but this is day number 20 that people are demonstrating in Beograd. For more freedom and to give Milosevic the message to step down. I absolutely admire these people


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Ugh-uh, and boycotted the European invitation with more promises of "help" in return for turning in Milo.
Cook made my day again with his "BS-BS ...
Milosevitch ... BS ... Milosevitch ... BS ... ". JC, the British govt. degrades with each year ... .

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If you mean'cook made my day" sinical im 100% behind you. They discussed already and layed out the rules not much of a negotiation is it....No its not. People deserve better. And forget that they would try harder to get Milosevic to step down. He rather dies i guess. Anyhow what these people do day in day out is great and caragious. Getting reports in my mailbox from some friends particapating and to read the crap they get confronted with is tough


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Posting without comment.

Source: The Sunday Times (UK)
Published: October 10th 1999


By Tom Walker in Pristina

Ceku, the Kosovo Liberation Army chief, may be indicted for atrocities that took place then (Photo: Adam Butler)

THE commander of the Kosovo Protection Force, set up last month to help police the war-torn province, could be indicted for war crimes allegedly committed during the ethnic cleansing of Serbs by Croatian soldiers more than four years ago.

United Nations and western sources in Kosovo confirmed last week that Agim Ceku, 38 - a former brigadier in the Croatian army who emerged as commander of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) last summer - is under investigation by the international war crimes tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in the Hague.

The court's inquiries are believed to relate to atrocities committed in Krajina, a Serb-populated region of Croatia, between 1993 and 1995.

Ceku's record in Kosovo itself is not thought to be in question, although the office of Carla del Ponte, the new chief prosecutor, said an investigation into his activities with the KLA could not be ruled out.

"I cannot comment of course on any investigation but it has occurred to me that here is an individual who could come under double scrutiny from the tribunal, and that is probably unique," said Paul Risley, del Ponte's spokesman.

Ceku officially remained in the Croatian army, in which he has been decorated, until the beginning of this year. As an ethnic Albanian, he has long had links to the KLA, however.

Last month he was appointed head of the Kosovo Protection Corps (TMK), a lightly armed civilian force of 5,000 members created from the KLA, with the blessing of the Lieutenant-General Sir Mike Jackson, the senior Nato commander in the province, who stepped down last week.

The possibility that Ceku, a respected figure in Kosovo, could be accused of war crimes, has sent shivers through the international community in Kosovo, which is struggling to persuade the Serbian minority that the corps is not just the KLA in a new guise. "If we lose him it will be a disaster," said a diplomat close to Bernard Kouchner, the UN's special representative. "When you get to the second level of the TMK, you're down to a bunch of local thugs."

Sources familiar with the investigation into Ceku said the most serious crimes with which he had been linked were committed in the so-called Medak pocket of Krajina in 1993. Ceku was commanding the fledgling Croatian army's 9th Brigade, based in Gospic, a town seething with hatred between Croats and Serbs. Boosted by notorious mercenaries, the brigade was feared as one of the most ruthless in an area where Croatian nationalism was combined with the thuggish corruption of a mafia underworld.

Ceku is suspected of involvement in the organisation of an assault on three villages - Medak, Citluk and Pocitelj - in September 1993, that left them almost completely destroyed.

Bojan Munjin, of the Croatian Helsinki committee, a human rights group in Zagreb, said that officially at least 50 Serbs, many of them elderly, went missing. A Serbian source familiar with the area claimed hundreds were massacred.

Ceku went on to become a brigadier in the Croatian army and was one of the commanders trained by American forces before the infamous Operation Storm of August 1995, which pushed most of Croatia's rebellious Serbs from Krajina and into Serbia proper.

About 300,000 Serbs were "cleansed" during the operation, which effectively ended the expansionist ambitions of Slobodan Milosevic, the Yugoslav president. Until this year's Kosovo conflict, it was the greatest military reverse he had suffered. Hundreds of Serbs are still missing and sources in the Hague say at least half a dozen Croatian commanders are being investigated.

Born in 1960 in Pec, in western Kosovo, Ceku joined the old Yugoslav National Army as a teenager, doing so well that - almost uniquely for an ethnic Albanian - he was admitted to the military academy. During his subsequent career in the Croatian armed forces he has been awarded medals five times by President Franjo Tudjman.

American diplomats, who have been the most supportive of the creation of the TMK, have suggested any indictment of Ceku would most likely be "sealed" and thereby kept out of the public domain.

However, Serbian sources said an indictment of Ceku would "help send the right signals" to Belgrade, where the Hague tribunal is denounced as a political court biased against the Serbs. So far there have been no indictments for crimes committed in Croatia, although 15 Croats are languishing in the Hague for alleged misdeeds in Bosnia.

Ceku, who rarely gives interviews, is understood to be delighted with his new job, but a potential indictment could make him think again; he has three children and a house in Croatia, where Tudjman's government has a record of non-compliance with the Hague almost as bad as Serbia's.

"There's speculation as to whether he's going to stick around or not," said David Slinn, the senior British diplomat in Kosovo. Another diplomat said he believed Kfor, the Nato-led peacekeeping force, could not contemplate a public relations disaster with the Albanians by arresting Ceku.

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Day number 21. And the protests go on, while the police cracks down harder and harder on the demonstrators..... And still mass graves are researched, and people identified....


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HHHHMMMM fist you see nothing but contempt about the The Haque tribunal......exept when it comes to an Albanian.....
Well be rest asured i think every war criminal should be punished including people supporting them...


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UNMIK Chief Bernard Kouchner
stated that the mission's member killed last
night in the center of Pristina "appears to be an
American originating from Bulgaria". Valentin S.
Krumov was probably killed because he answered the question "what time is
it?" in Serbian language, said spokesperson Susan Manuell.

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Murdered member of
the UN civilian mission in Pristina is called
Valentin Krumov, 38 years old, and is of
Bulgarian nationality. As UNMIK spokeswoman
Susan Manuel said, Krumov was first attacked
by group of Albanians, and then taken some 50
meters away from the spot where attack took
place, where someone killed him shooting his

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Re: Mass graves ... investigated ...

Sure, just 15 cows is not enough, the World needs and is eager to know the fate of all the Kosovo cattle. I'm absolutely convinced, that those
cunning Serbs had hidden the remainder beneath those 15. I strongly insist, that results of the autopsies be published in full, that a Hague SubTribunal On Cows be established and all responsible for this abhorrent atrocity be convicted to send a clear message to all cow-cleansing criminals! The words of thanks should extend to the
people of India, for they care for the ethnic cows.

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There you go again! Making all sorts of erroneous assumptions. If you'd stop trying to psyche people out and simply read what they write you might get it.

I clearly wrote at the top of the post "Posting without comment". That means exactly what it says - WITHOUT COMMENT. I have not changed my position re the politically motivated tribunal created and funded by NATO and the USA because they knew they wouldn't have a legal leg to stand on at the World Court, which IS the legitimate international court recognized by all member of the United Nations. The 18 members of NATO DO NOT CONSTITUTE the international community. Their cynical tribunal is a mockery of international law and was situated in Den Hague precisely to make it appear to have some connection to the legitimate and prestigious World Court.

Your and Zoja's ignorant ranting about "theory" and "reality" and the rest of that bullshit you wrote only shows the depth of your own fascistic tendencies. Basically, your saying that anyone who hasn't experienced your own pain doesn't have a right to voice an opinion. Sounds like censorship to me - and coming from someone who claims to be a journalist.

I clearly told you in my earliest posts that I was NOT emotionally involved in the subject. I could empathize with your suffering, but I would not get down and wallow in your pain like a pig in the mud. It isn't my style, nor does it hold any interest for me. You want therapy, get a group. Your obsession with Milosevic is turning you into his mirror image. Your near-worship of the acronymic neo-fascist organizations KFOR/NATO/UNMIK/OSCE and unto XYZ says volumes about your own inner processes. I've said it before, and I'll say it once again -

Beware! lest you become the very thing you fear the most.

My positions and ideas have been consistent throughout this forum. I make no apologies for my knowlege, theoretical or otherwise. I don't have to swim in the sewers to know that •••• stinks.


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