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Archive through October 16, 2000

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Sorry, Serbia Cafe

Sorry I take it back it was another letter to the guardian.

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Kim Lib,

>> Yeah, yeah, cool down t'gunns.

You might consider taking your own advice. Why is it that liberals always go postal if anyone dares challenge or question their oh so precious beliefs? There's a saying that "if you scratch a liberal, you'll find a fascist in waiting."

>> I mean't it was "funny" that so much money should be spent on the opposition and they still didn't the candidate they wanted! According to Daniela's post. you are contradicting yourselves.

"funny" Odd, or "funny" Ha-Ha . . . either way I don't know what you're talking about above. Perhaps you could explain and it could be a point of discussion.

>> And don't lecture me on interference by the US, if it wasn't for the amount of money raised in the states to fund the IRA each year a few more people might still be alive in England and Ireland.

There's a BIG, BIG difference between "funds being raised" by individuals for a cause they believe in and millions of US taxpayer dollars used to subvert a foreign government, no matter how odious that government may be.

As for Northern Ireland - the best way Irish and English lives could have been saved is if the Brits had taken their "bloody arse" out of their little Irish colony years ago. They can still do it. Just pack up and GET OUT NOW!

>> You choose to live in the sodding place, I have never been there and have little desire to go there.

Well, I doubt that you're missed, so don't worry about it. As for my "choosing" to live here, what a condescendingly liberal attitude! It reeks of smugness, Kim. I suppose one's nationality and citizenship are irrelevant in your globalist ideology and you have the "right" to just bugger off and live in any damn place you "choose". How terribly Brit of you! Still clinging to the old imperial attitudes, eh?

>> I have travelled to South America, Africa, Russia, the Baltics, the balkans and eastern Europe. Been there talked to the people, lived with them, worked with them.

How noble of you. Did you do some social work to improve the lives of the locals? for a do-gooder NGO? or maybe you taught the lingua brittanica to the natives? What kind of work did you do? Somehow, I doubt you were a scullery maid.

>> I don't get my information from a bunch of cranks, who pose as "intrigue experts"

I suppose you're referring to Jared Israel, et. al. Emperor's-clothes must give you nightmares!

>> You seem to have a personal problem adding up the fact that you profit from the very system you are knocking.

You're just full of red herrings, aren't you? I suppose you would advise all who oppose "the system" under which they live to "chose" self-exile - - - and then just shut up so as not to disturb your liberal sensibilities?

>> Is that why you support a "politician" who has consistently placed his own ambitions above those of the country he is supposed to represent. I guess its fine when its not happening at your backdoor.

Now you're telling me what "politicians" I support? My, what amazing clairvoyance you have, Kim! Any other special little tricks you can conjure with your magic wand? Are you a supporter of that yapping pit bull - Herr Blair?

>> If you don't mind, I'd like to see how Kostunica and Serbia get on for a while, before I decide on the truth.

Only in the Liberal mind is the TRUTH something that one "decides" on!!

>> And stop putting words in my mouth, thanks

I repeat my opening sentence,"You might consider taking your own advice."

>> Do you think you are the only one who can see what is going on in the world???????????

In your case, it's probably true.


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Do you know what Tommy, I just lost any last remnent of respect I had for you. Despite L'menexe's assurance that you are really a nice guy.
•••• off, I have no desire to talk to a guy who throws personal insults every time someone questions his dogma.If you contradict yourself, you can't expect others not to question you.

And too right truth is subjective, you bigot!
Liberal and proud of it!
In Europe it isn't condidered an insult, to be mistaken for an American is!

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>> i _thanked_ you and daniela for material you'd
posted at the bottom of that post of mine...nothin to get jiggy over, comrade.

Don't know what you're talking about. Jiggy over what?

>> as for kostunica, whom would you like instead?

It isn't my decision. It is and was the decision of the people of Yugoslavia WITHOUT the intervention and subversion of foreign governments and "suitcases full of cash" stolen from the US Treasury. That money belongs to the taxpayer-citizens of the United States of America!!!! It DOES NOT belong to Clinton, Albright, or any of the other gang of userpers who've hijacked our own governement and are infinately more brutal and dictatorial the Milosevic.

How about funding our own opposition parties right here in the USA? Provide a level playing field for the Reform Party, The Green Party, The Labor Party, The Natural Law Party, The Libertarian Party, and the rest of the opposition who haven't the means to compete with the corporate billions that pour into the pockets of our dominant one-party. How about funding debates with representatives from ALL political parties?

"Mendacity and hipocracy. It's all mendacity and hipocracy!"

>> doesnt appear to be a NATO buttkiss to moi

It's irrelevant if he is or isn't. He won't be around a year from now. Personally, I believe he's just a front, a stooge that will be eliminate once he's served his purpose. Djinjic has already surfaced as the spokesman for the "new government". They didn't win a mandate to dismantle the entire government and political and economic system in Yugoslavia. They only "claim" to have one the presidencial election, a single office, yet under the direction of Djinjic and his masters in Washington they're demanding the the resignation of anyone not of their liking, confiscating businesses and property, threatening people who didn't support them. This so-called opposition is behaving exactly how they've been accussing Milosevic, maybe worse. Djinjic and his handlers are no longer satisfied with winning an election, not that that was ever the objective. How long before they begin to arrest and execute people? Do you think they're going to just ignore the 2.5 million who voted FOR Milosevic and the SPS?

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Kim Lib,

BTW - your response to my post said nothing about what I wrote. (e.g., subversion of other nations, the similarity to the Iranian case, etc.) Nor did you refute any of it. Rather you "chose" to turn it into an attack on me. Hence, my reply. Karma, baby, Karma.

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Kim Arx,

>> Liberal and proud of it! <<

I never doubted it for a minute. You wear the label well.

BTW - I bet you're real cute when you're angry!

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Kim Arx,

>> Liberal and proud of it! <<

I never doubted it for a minute. You wear the label well.

PS - I bet you're real cute when you're angry!

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Kim Arx,

>> Liberal and proud of it! <<

I never doubted it for a minute. You wear the label well.

PS - I bet you're real cute when you're angry! :O)

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Kim Arx,

I see you've been busy in other venues with YOUR TRUTH!

>> [...] I'm not being facetious, Marie, I was serious, Truth is subjective. I could write you a whole paper on the issue, [...} <<

Please do write it. I'd be eager to read it.

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Kim Arx,

I see you've been busy in other venues with YOUR TRUTH!

>> [...] I'm not being facetious, Marie, I was serious, Truth is subjective. I could write you a whole paper on the issue, [...} <<

Please do write it. I'd be eager to read it.

Also, beware of Red Marie. You'll get absolutely nowhere with her. Once in her crosshairs, you're targeted for life. Red Marie's TRUTH totally subjective!

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Are you drunk or something?
You've really lost it.

Red Marie's TRUTH totally subjective!

So is yours.
You say the first thing that pops into your balding head about me, yet you are way off the mark.
Arrogant is the way you come across. For me that is , for you???????
Tell me clever cloggs, which of us is telling the truth?
Go to bed, its 4 am your time isn't it.

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BTW have you ever wondered why so few people use this board?

King of all you survey.

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••••, you make so many assumptions, don't you.
Like I'm pro-paisly/"britain in the Northern ireland conflict.
Like I know nothing of the circumstances in South America.
Like I'm some american college girl.
Like I swan all over the world with my true British pomposity.

When I was growing up in the seventies, my parents were basicly economic migrants in Europe. Things weren't so hot in England. I think I went to 12 different schools in 10 years. I grew up as a foreigner, in four different countries and three different languages. Somehow its OK for Russians and Latin Americans to move to the US looking for work, but not for a six year child who had no choice. Regarding your immovable truths. Every country I lived in haad a different morality, different customs, different prejudices. ( for instance in Belgium I was subjected to abuse becauseI spoke with a Dutch accent, in Holland I was subjected to the same cause I spoke with a flemmish accent. All my childhood I was subjected to someones preconception of what English people are like, when I returned to England, I was expected to just fit into english society as if ten years of my life hadn't happened and I hadn't picked up different moral and cultural influences from other countries.)
Only someone who has grown up in the security of one overwelming culture could think in the black and white terms of nationality, right and wrong, good and bad, acceptable and non-acceptable.

I believe that it is easy to take sides in a conflict, there will always be someone to cheer you along. It is not so easy to try to understand both sides, you will never be able to please anybody. But I think that if it is the absolute truth you are after, then you have to take both sides and human nature into account. Both sides will twist,surpress the reality of what they have done and blame the other side, to try to hold onto the "security of Nationality" I mentioned above, to make sense of their own irrationality.

Then again our interpretation of that truth will depend on our own moral and cultural values, our upbringing, background, experience,education, open-mindedness,etc. so maybe in the end the truth doesn't matter so much, as finding a compromise.

I didn't get that out of some text book, or off a website, that's my personal opinion, I wasn't aware it had a label, as I meet so few people who share my experience. Some exceptions reasently are two croat sisters, I have a lot of time for and other displaced people who have asylum here.
I know that It would seem that I do have a choice now as an adult, and I am living abroad.That isn't out of a desire to colonise the world, but a need to escape a country, I never considered home in the first place, but according to which I will be judged all my life, because of this label pinned on me at birth. And don't tell me to just accept it, nationalism is something I have never and am incapable of feeling. Probably why I find it so annoying and irrelevent in others. I apologise for my un-liberal stance on that.

Do you suppose that would make a ••••••• bit of difference to Marie, Igor, any of the other characters on this board? Does it make any ••••••• difference to you? Probably not.
But there you are, you asked for the essay, you got it.
Anything else?

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The thing that strikes me most about you, or sorry the impression I get from your posts, and please this is simply an observation, my opinion, no need to get up in arms about it...

...Is that you disagree with american policy over a long period of time and in many different facets.
That seems very reasonable, and I probably agree with you on a lot of it.

At the same time you see that other countries are suffering at the hands of these policies, again I would agree.

The step I don't seem to be able to follow you on is the If the US is wrong, then the rest of the world is right...

I mean your reference to the Northern Ireland:
The solution is for british troops to leave,you say, therefore Britain is wrong and The IRA is right???
There is then the thorny question of the Northern Ireland protestants who have been there for few centuries and originally came from Scotland.
Remove the british from the conflict and who is right? The protestants or the catholics?

Perhaps you would like to answer the question I posed at Serbia Cafe.

"In any conflict only ONE side can be right."
- Marie.

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"... didn't get that out of some text book, or off a website, that's my personal opinion, I wasn't aware it had a
label, as I meet so few people who share my experience. Some exceptions reasently are two croat sisters, I
have a lot of time for and other displaced people who have asylum here. "


two croat sisters are forming your opinion about the big bad serbs ?

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