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Archive through October 5, 2000

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I ocassionally look in on the Russia forum to see what's happening, but haven't had a lot of time lately. I did see quite a few of the Antonio person's screeds recently. He seems to be yelling in the wind most of the time. Only to hear himself, maybe?

As for Chechnya - Putin's on the right path. Root them out and eliminate them. There's nothing to negotiate, nothing to discuss.


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m'sieu Gunns,

were you driven off by the talk of 'okie choke'
and the jolly green giant? that's too bad.

it could be said i 'vanquished' "st.tony the
annihilator" on the russ page this week, but as
the song went, 'the game has a price'.

and ms. arx and i are on the outs.

ah me....

and thee?

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good morning, daniela.

so much happening out yugo way
but no responses on the yugo board.

wish you were here, or something;
even if i found it [distressing]

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16 fookin days later
but yugoslavia gets discussed
on the RUSSIA page?

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5 days later
and Russia gets discussed
in the Serbian Cafe - by
none other than
ultra russian nationalist himself!

What's going on here?

Has the "pawslayer" been traveling?


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m'sieu G:

read of the neo-exodus on the russ page....


more comments later

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M'sieu polygraph....heh....

yeah, that would be me that you done seen...


the cafe has gotten trendy alla sudden; not in such a way that i'd let the home fires fizzle, though.

and you=dont recall such an _edge_ on you. not even when we 'fought'.

howzabout that marie, eh? does she have it in pour toi or WHAT?

heh, i dont wanna address her now, if ever...

and are you, in fact, jewish? dont think the subject ever came up. mind you, i've been jewish at least twice in these parts...


things are flat-out mizzuble, but i'm workin on it.

"that what dinna kill me, dinna kill me."

see you there...



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how's it going? I've been up to my eyeballs in work and, once again, succumbed to that one acceptable -ism in the USofA, i.e., workaholism. Having finally recognized the signs of this creeping episode, I stayed home and in bed till late afternoon today. F*** em, if they crumble without me - he-he.

polygraph and pawslayer -- sounds like a vaudeville act, or perhaps there's a film script in there somewhere? "a hillarious comedy of errors about a couple of bumbling wannabe sleuths trying to get hired on with a major intelligence organization". Could we get Joe Esterhaz to write the script? Any ideas of who could play the leading roles? How about working Madonna in somehow?

Chewish? You vant to noh eef I'm chewish? Next, you'll vant to noh eef I'm mashuggie, eh? :O)

The quick answer to the first question is NO (but a longer response would stem from a long story that ends with the answer being "maybe"); and to the second question the answer is a resounding YES!

Do I get the job?


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M'sieu tg:

heh....didna quite get the answer-question sequence right...

daniela, if you are still lurking here, you are class incarnate compared to marie of the cafe. by contrast, i'd be very pleased to 'volley' w/you...


as for the 'chewish' sensible reason for me to ever have cared, m'sieu, that is to say, no reason at all. that's how i conducted myself all my life prior to encountering all this hatemongering at DMS a year ago.

when i was wrong about you, that's not what i thought, and now that i think different about you, that's not what i thought.

but i think you're confirming that you _are_ 'chewish'. well, fine.

i had myself a big-time viral 'erase disk' experience a few weeks ago...dont let 'em tell yiz macs are immune. 'taint necessarily so.

i think i remember your e-mail some 'news'...

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ps> axually 'tres lavance' (get it?) was a name i thought i was gonna have to use last year when it seemed i couldn't use the apostrophe in "L'menexe"...

that apostrophe _matters_ dammit!

the above was in err...

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treslavance / tres lavance / tres l'avance / treslav ance / I'm still working on it.

>> the cafe has gotten trendy alla sudden; [...]
and you=dont recall such an _edge_ on you. not even when we 'fought'.

>> howzabout that marie, eh? does she have it in pour toi or WHAT?

Yeah, ain't she something. A real piece o' work, that one is. The edge is(was) her doing. She just naturally brings it out in lots of people. I'm certain she was a Maoist Red Guard, prior to joining the NWO. Not that they're that much different - same rigidity, anti-rational, Stalinist roots.

>> heh, i dont wanna address her now, if ever...

No point discussing anything remotely rational with Red Marie. She's incapable of rational behaviour. I found out the hard way. I realized she had no interest in communication or debate. She's just a rabid screamer. No matter what you say(write) Marie will be in your face screaming. Then I discovered you could really push her buttons by ridiculing and laughing at her. Every time she called me something derogatory I'd come back at her wearing that "persona" and rip her apart in the vernacular. That was fun for a while. It's been months and she's still in the cafe screaming LIAR! LIAR! LIAR! at just about everyone. I think Marie specialized in disinformation for her NWO employers.

>> and are you, in fact, jewish? dont think the subject ever came up. mind you, i've been jewish at least twice in these parts...

Only when it suits me. My father's family was from Northern Italy (Torino) and my mother's was (French speaking) Basque. I was raised mostly among my father's family, so I've always seen myself as Italian. However, I once met a distant relative from Torino while on a boat in Greece who told me that our last name wasn't originally Italian. Later, I got to thinking (because it looks and sounds more Spanish) that my ancestors were Andalusian Jews who fled the Inquisition and ended up in Northern Italy where they dropped part of the spelling and converted to Catholicism. You would have witnessed the greatest fireworks display in history if you had been at a large family gathering where I (naively, after much wine) told the story "our" cousin from Torino and my theory about the family roots! Although not the ones I was raised among, I do have some VERY Italian Catholic relatives. I few "uncles" would have strung me up on the spot, if wasn't for the fact they were drunker than I was and I managed to get out of the house until things cooled down later that night.

So, the answer is no-maybe.



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m'sieu gunns:

didja check out that link i sent you? heavy duty, maaaannnn.

what i managed not to e-mail you was that kim a. was badly injured in a car accident some weeks back....she's better but recovering....


25% italian/french/irish

12.5% dutch/german


"trail of ants"


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L'menexe in deference to your annoyance at yugoslavia being discussed on the Russia board, I thought I would post this err "alternative" perspective here.


Milosevic "smears"(ED) rival as traitor

Special report: Serbia

Gillian Sandford in Belgrade
Thursday September 14, 2000
The Guardian

The Yugoslav government is accusing the opposition candidate in the presidential
election on September 24 of being a puppet working for paid Nato stooges. Its
latest poster on the walls of Belgrade shows Vojislav Kostunica as a puppet
Pinocchio figure standing in front of an alliance flag.

Critics say President Slobodan Milosevic's campaign is running out of ideas. It is
certainly exploiting old themes.

The key theme of his Socialist party (SPS) is the slogan of the party congress
earlier this year: Obnova, Razvoj, Reforme (reconstruction, progress and reform).

Radomir Vukovic, director of the design company Gras, says that in previous
campaigns, the regime hired leading western companies to do their advertising.

This time, he says, the party's main campaign message is: "We don't have enough
time to run a campaign, we are rebuilding the country."

An advertisement on state television for the Yugoslav United Left party, led by Mr
Milosevic's wife, Mira Markovic, plays strongly on the Nato stooge theme,
suggesting that opponents of the regime attracted the Nato bombing raids.

Natasa Milojevic, head of the creative team for the Democratic Opposition of
Serbia, the coalition of 18 opposition parties which is fielding Mr Kostunica as its
presidential candidate, says the regime's leaders began a year ago to portray
themselves as patriots rebuilding the country after the bombing, using the
state-controlled media as an important part of their strategy.

On Tuesday President Milosevic appeared on the campaign trail for the first time,
opening a hydroelectric dam, Djerdap II, on the border with Romania.

His speech was spread across the front of the state newspaper Politika yesterday
and dominated state television news. They said he addressed a crowd of 100,000,
but non-government newspapers put the number at 10,000.

The president's public appearances are not announced in advance and foreign
and non-government journalists only learn of such events after they happen.

Taking up his theme of reconstruction, Mr Milosevic said: "This generation really
has something to leave to the generation to come - a 10- year resistance to
violence, strongly expressed national solidarity and courageous ability to cope in
difficult times."

Then, in an apparent attempt to steal the clothes of opposition leaders who work
with the west, he turned to Europe.

"Europe is here," he said. "It started its life here. It struggled with it here. It started
to be united here. Here, east and west decided to find a common language."

The regime's charge of collusion with the west sticks poorly on Mr Kostunica. He
condemned the Nato bombing, has used strong anti-US rhetoric and has a record
of nationalism. The polls consistently show him ahead.

Mr Milosevic's followers include many pensioners and country people and a
campaign video featuring a beautiful woman in a field of corn singing My Serbia
and happy people in traditional settings is clearly is designed to appeal to them.

One of the challenges to the opposition is to mobilise undecided voters: pollsters
say a high turnout will be in its favour.

Mr Kostunica's campaign exploits the feature most people see in him: his integrity.
His best known advert shows just his eyes, in monochrome, with the words: "Who
can look you in the eye? Kostunica."

With typical panache the federal information minister Goran Matic , said the eyes
were not Mr Kostunica's but Al Pacino's.

The next day posters appeared showing the whole of his face, with the slogan:
"Who speaks in the name of all of us? ... Kostunica of course."

Milosevic supporters have stuck Nato stickers over the eyes and a wag has added
to the slogan the words "... and says nothing."

© Copyright Guardian Media Group plc. 2000

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No 2:

Croatian war crimes suspects rounded up

Special report: war crimes in the former Yugoslavia

Nick Thorpe
Thursday September 14, 2000
The Guardian

Police in Croatia have arrested 16 suspected war criminals in the biggest swoop since the new government
came to power last January. Those detained are ethnic Croats, wanted for their alleged involvement in crimes
against civilians in Bosnia and Croatia. They include three high-ranking officers in the Croatian army.

The crackdown appears to have been triggered by the assassination on August 28 of Milan Levar, a key
witness who had given evidence against fellow Croats at the international war crimes tribunal at the Hague.

Zagreb's willingness to cooperate with the Hague has provoked a furious reaction from veterans' groups and
extreme nationalists. They accuse the government of sullying the reputation of fighters in the "patriotic war"
against Serbia in 1991, and in the two military campaigns to retake lost territory, operations Flash and Storm in

The Croatian president, Stipe Mesic, has also received a death threat, connected to his willingness to work with
the tribunal, from an organisation calling itself the Croatian Revolutionary Fraternity, a paramilitary group
originating in Croatian emigre circles.

© Copyright Guardian Media Group plc. 2000

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boy you was cranking 'em out today, huh mum?


nah, i werent 'annoyed' so much as thinking it odd that yugo moved to the russ page while this here yugo page stayed barren.... didnt find that odd?

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