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Archive through September 16, 1999

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oreign Affairs News
Source: AFP
Published: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 10:40:10 PDT

BELGRADE, Aug 28 (AFP) - UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has a "duty" to dismiss his top administrator in Kosovo, one
of Serbia's main opposition parties, the Serbian Renewal Movement (SPO), said Saturday.

Bernard Kouchner, who was appointed to run the UN mission in Kosovo by Annan on July 2, "led an anti-Serb
demonstration" in Kosovo's principal city of Pristina on Friday the SPO, which is headed by Vuk Draskovic, said in a

The civil administrator has also "earlier said that the Albanian terrorists (the Kosovo Liberation Army) deserve the Nobel prize
for freedom," the statement said. "For such acts, the United Nations Secretary General's duty should be to dismiss Kouchner
from his position as civil admininistrator in Kosovo," the SPO said.

A UN spokeswoman in Pristina said Friday that Kouchner had taken part in a march that day by 2,000-3,000 Kosovar
Albanians demanding the release of their relatives from Serbian prisons in a show of protest over the lack of information
provided by the Yugoslav authorities on their fate.

Earlier this week, Kouchner paid special tribute to the massacred family of Adem Jashari, an ethnic Albanian separatist in
Kosovo who has become a symbol of martyrdom for the province. "If there were a Nobel Prize for freedom, it would go to the
Jashari family," Kouchner said Tuesday during a visit to the Drenica region, an ethnic Albanian separatist stronghold that saw
particularly fierce fighting with Serb forces.

Kouchner's "behaviour is not exception, which shames leading democratic forces in the world and which is in accordance with
the anti-Serb order" the NATO-led peacekeeping force (KFOR) has established in Kosovo, the SPO said.

Serbian opposition parties have accused KFOR and the UN mission in the province of "supporting ethnic cleansing of Serbs" in
Kosovo, as more than 170,000 the Serbs have fled fearing of reprisals by ethnic Albanians.

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You should be ashamed of yourself!! Kouchner seems to be in competition with Shea to see who can get away with the most outrageous fabrications and absurd excuses. Do you believe this "survey" was done and these numbers or is this just another instance of your stated propensity for passing on "interesting" bits of information without comment or judgement? If you don't believe it, then why would you willing spread disinformation?

"A new survey by NATO-led troops in Kosovo ...."

Well, at least now we know why NATO troops can't protect the remaining non-Albanians in Kosovo - they're too busy filling-in and processing their survey forms!! 'Sorry, granny. I can't stay. You go ahead and fill the bathtub and have a nice hot soak, and I'll come by later when I finish counting Serbs.'

Give us all a break!


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T'gunn, I'd be more inclined to rely on Kouchner's reports than on the reliability of Tanjug's. Untill OSCE, UNMIK, NATO or ICG's reports are "objectively" shown to be grossly inaccurate, I'll have to consider them to be the more reliable.

I wouldn't ever expect you to look favorably on anything coming from the capitalist dominated media. In fact if you gave these reports even the slightest bit of cerdence, I'd have to pick myself up off the floor. phil

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Well, these sources that you just named have been proven unreliable - how much more facts do you need.
You definitely had enough proof for that so no need to ignore it.
You are just embarassing yourself further with stupid comments like this one above, Phill.

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well, hope you three are having a good time w/each

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Daniela, all sources are unreliable, it's just that they are less unreliable than some others I've seen. D'ja ever notice that Tanjug never mentions the calls for Milosevic to step down? I wonder why? Or the murders of Kosovars by Serbs? Oh, Gosh! How'd they miss that? Must'a be hap'nin on some other planet!

L'menexe, justa barrel O haha's! Bin watch'n em swimmin in D'nile! :o) phil

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One cannot be wrong about something one doesn`t even mention, right ?
You are just avoiding the above discussion
on Kouchner you`ve started.

And , please learn that there`s no such nationality as "kosovars". Kosovo is just a made up province after the WW II...

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Noone missed me here, and it's all right.

To: PhilTR

Re: Reliability of Sources

WDR, the defending side media mashine is always desperate to find some real edge against the offensive. In case of quoting the dissatisfaction of internal opposition - it's the gain doubled. One not-so-unknown Mr. Walker is more, than enough to smear OSCE
So ...

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Daniela, if you leave an impression that is erroneous, your wrong by implication.

Kosovars is a commonly used term as is Kosova. I use them as it is used by others.

I have no reason to doubt Kouchner's count of Serbians and others living in Kosova. Untill someone can 'objectively' refute the count, I'll probably use it in my posts when I need to. phil

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Phil, Phil, Phil!!!

>> T'gunn, I'd be more inclined to rely on Kouchner's reports than on the reliability of Tanjug's. Untill OSCE, UNMIK, NATO or ICG's reports are "objectively" shown to be grossly inaccurate, I'll have to consider them to be the more reliable. <<

You continually throw out this kind of crap and when challenged either shift the question to something else or try to wiggle away from it by claiming some kind of disinterested neutrality (your "facilitator" role).

Neither your post nor Daniela or I ever mentioned Tanjung or any of the myriad of interventionist organizations in the service of NATO.

Kouchner claims these numbers are the result of a "A new survey by NATO-led troops in Kosovo ....", not OSCE, UNMIK, NATO, ICG, or any other self-serving NGOs.

What's being questioned is Kouchner's reliability and credibility (and honesty!) and the absurd notion that in the midst of the chaos in Kosovo where NATO troops have little control of anything they somehow were able to "survey" the population and determine the numbers of various ethnic groups.

I wouldn't be surprised to hear next that, like the precision bombing of civilian targets, NATO conducted the survey from 30,000 ft.!!!!!

Really, Phil, get a grip and stop your inane obfuscations.


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Phil to Daniela 9/13:

[...] Tanjug never mentions the calls for Milosevic to step down? [...]

Are you naive, or what??? Even I wouldn't expect it to. Whether it's a state run news organization or a so-called independent is no guarantee that either is accurate or credible. Each serves it's own masters and neither has much to do with a "free press" - Tanjug serves the FRY state, the NYT it's corporate rulers. As the saying goes, a free press is great for those who own one!

Now, get back on track and explain how NATO-led troops managed to conduct this "phantom" survey.


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T'gunn and Daniela, NATO led troops, unlike troops with a more socialistic bent, can dance and chew gum at the same time. There is no reason to believe that they (NATO troops) can't conduct a reasonably good survey as part of their onging duties.

NYT and other similar slavish types have at one time or another gone after politicians and corporate types from all parts of the political and economic spectrum. Can you say that of Tanjug or any other similar mouth pieces with a similar socialistic bent? I think not.

All they're able to do is whine about life being so unfair because their socialist buddies can't seem to make the capatilist system work for them.

So they come up with this interesting idea of class struggle and all, everybody egalatarian or some such similar drivel.

Give them a chance, and the first thing they do is set up a clone of a capatilistic system, class layers and all (see the membership requirements at ), and then sell it as egalatarian class struggle drivel to any idealist with money and who will listen to them. The Socialis Labor Party is not a socialist organization by any streatch of the imagination. Its capatilistic through and through.

Capatilism is top dog only because it works best for most. Not because some made way for it. If it wasn't the best system, something else would be in its place. Everyone loves a winner not a whiner. If socialism is narvana, make it work and show us capitalists the way.

T'gunn, the joke is on you and your friends. Some day you may figure it out. Be patient. phil

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This should not surprise anyone. phil

Subject: [KDN] UPI KFOR denies Yugoslav army will return
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 05:52:54 -0400
From: Snezana Lazovic

KFOR denies Yugoslav army will return

BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, Sept. 13 (UPI) -- NATO's supreme commander in Europe, Gen. Wesley Clark, has sharply rejected growing pressure from Belgrade for the return of some Yugoslav security forces to Kosovo.
During a stop in Kosovo today, Clark said at a press conference in Pristina that those forces had gone out and would stay out.
``There would be discussions about a return for the purpose of demining, about a presence at (religious and cultural) monuments, perhaps
a presence at the frontier, but no more than a presence,'' Clark said, adding, ``But the return was explicitly banned.''
Clark rejected Serbian accusations that chaos had prevailed in Kosovo since the arrival of KFOR.
He said there were indications that Serbs were deliberately undermining security in the province and cited as an example that one of the three Serbs killed by Russian KFOR soldiers on Sept. 6 was carrying a Serbian Interior Ministry identity card.
Speaking about an organization of members of the Albanian Kosovo Liberation Army to be set up after its demilitarization on Sept. 19, Clark described it as an unarmed and nonmilitary civilian service...

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"... (unlike troops with a more socialistic bent), can dance and chew gum at the same time. "
Unfortunately, that's all they are capable of.

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Get a grip. Ever since the Diana Johnstone and David North articles you've had this raging hard-on about socialism. Why don't you make an intelligent rebuttal to David North's response to P. Harris's letter if it bothered you so much. Instead, you accuse North of not answering any of Harris's "14 points". You don't bother to say what those points are or how David North failed to address them. Maybe you don't understand analysis based on history, or maybe you just don't understand history and prefer to live in your little bubble of time (ref an earlier post about fragmented reality).

Who the hell cares about the SLP? No one on this board has ever mentioned that particular organization. Do you think it is representative of all socialist thought? Is socialism to you just one big monolithic ogre? What DO you know about the long history (long before Marx) of socialist thought. I suspect, like most Americans, you know very little about socialism, never having actually read or studied the works of it's many thinkers - and certainly not taught anything about it in school.

Instead of directing others on this board to athiest websites and assigning "homework", you might spend a little time learning about a subject that seems to cause you much consternation.

BTW - Every one of your NATO-boot-licking so-called international community leaders claims to be socialist!! How do you square that with your reactionary dismissal of socialist analysis?

If it wasn't for socialists (and communists) you, my friend, wouldn't have ANY of the benefits you now most likely take for granted and consider them your right - e.g., the 8hr day/40hr week, paid vacation, paid sick days, holiday pay, unemployment insurance, mortgage interest deductions, Social Security, medicare, and all the other entitlements that prop up your life. Do you really believe your great capitalist business leaders would have willing given all this perks out of the goodness of their souls? Without an opposing force to their greed, you'd still be picking cotton 12 hours a day, 7 days a week.

As for Diana Johnstone's article, all you did was ask a lot of irrelevant and picyune questions that were just down right stupid! If you reject her contention that there is a resurgence of nazism and the Ustasha in Croatia, then give us some hard evidence that shows otherwise.

Your most recent rant about "Capitalism is top dog ..." is simply childish. It reeks of "nya, nya, nya, told you so" silliness.

I repeat: "You continually throw out this kind of crap and when challenged either shift the question to something else or try to wiggle away from it by claiming some kind of disinterested neutrality"

Back on point: I still maintain that Kouchner's assertion of a NATO troop-led survey and the supposedly "new" numbers is pure fabricated bullshit!


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