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Archive through September 23, 1999

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You're missing the point. The material squalor of the mall, the emptyness and meaninglessness therein is precisely what imprisons todays younger people - the endless busyness and the mind-numbing emptyness whether in or out of the school, at the mall, or at home; constant surveillance whether by parents, school authorities, city, county, state, federal agents, as well as mall guards.

Of course, we all face the same kind of encroaching "police state" apparatus and it's authoritarian structures and attitudes, but as an adult I still have some ability to fight back. Today's youth have NO rights; they either belong to their parents, the state, or they run away and live on the streets somewhere.


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T'gunn, you seem to be a comic strip kinda guy. If so go to:
Comic section is about 4/5ths of the way down the page. Enjoy. :o) phil

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Ah hell, Phil. What are you trying to do? Get me bogged down checking out all those links? I'll never make it back here to my favorite forum :o)!!

Besides, the very first section of "newz" didn't even have a link to Workers World - harumph!! :o) Well, anyway it is a comprehensive collection of links, so there must be SOMETHING there of interest to a bah-humbug kinda guy like me, right?

With both hands stuck in the cookie jar, I'm already overextended. It's a tuff job trying to keep on your case, keep an eye on the beast at my work, and still have fun. :o) Oooops. I forgot, keeping on your case IS fun. :o) :o) (that deserves a double smiley).

I'm in such a hurry lately I had to copy your smiley just to save a few key strokes. :o) (see, there it is again) Oh well, that's the plight of the working class - "just keep 'em running, they won't have time to make trouble" (paraphrased, but you know what I mean).


BTW - here's a heads up for all you Yugo folks out there: Peter Gailbraith (ambassador to Croatia during the infamous Operation Storm) has met recently (secretly) with Montenegro mafia chieftan Djukanovic and reps from Alliance for Change. Scenario: Montenegro declares it's secession from FRY, instigating a reaction from Serbia, sparking a civil war and providing a pretext for a US/NATO final assault against Yugoslavia.

It's coming down the pipeline, so don't be surprised when the s**t hits the fan. :o)

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So, according to Daniela, this....

Daniela writes: "Even if the text is a true one - not just the usual albanian style lie - there`s a huge difference between what is in it and all the conclusions made out of it.
All this still doesn`t justify taking one`s sovereign territory, fighting on the side of the terrorists and killing innocent civilians by bombing them for three months... "

has nothing to do with this....

Zoja writes: But do you have to let children fall victim of the hate of the adults?
Nothing justifies bombing, but nothing justifies murdering babies and anciently old people either. And certainly nothing justifies letting our children grow up with fear, hate and ignorance, not in Serbia, not in Albania, not in the US, not anywhere. If we as the human race want to make a future for ourselves that is worth living, the first two things we must let go of is prejudice and hate.

It's very easy to practice an eye for an eye and dog eat dog, it is ten times harder to let go, but neccesary for our survival.

Makes me wonder. Probably the adolescent emtpyness of the mall at work here :-))

Our beloved leader Slob still knows how to fill people's minds, though, and graves, too. People's minds in Serbia are not polluted by the mall, but merely by hate and isolation, which only generates more hate and isolation. The resistance may seem to squabble and seem fruitless, but it's the only chance Serbia has, and I hope people are able to see it and take it.

If I look at what happened to Iraq, with Saddam losing the war, but still firmly in the saddle, the whole of the former Yugoslavia faces a grim future with the war criminals still in charge. You are not aware of what is really going on there, as you are to busy trying to solve your own puzzles. Neither socialism, nor capitalism really happened there. All of the people from the former Yuguslavia were not free to speak their minds under Tito , and certainly were not free to speak their minds when Slob and his mates took over. They simply have had no chance to speak for themselves ever, eventhough the leaders do everything in heir power to make it seem so.

The only way for humankind to get rid of any police state where ever in the world, is to start letting go of hate, prejudice and fear, because these are the vital nutrients for war and poverty.


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" Ah hell, Phil. What are you trying to do? Get me bogged down checking out allthose links? I'll never make it back here to my favorite
forum :o)!! "

T'gunn, does this mean you have not run into the Political Junkie web site at: ? ;o{)

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