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Help B92

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HelpB92 was established at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 24, 1999.

Representatives from a number of organizations came together in Amsterdam's cultural/political center De Balie to talk about emergency plans in case B92 were to be taken off the air. An office was immediately set up in the attic of the Balie in the heart of Amsterdam with computers and a small audio studio. At the moment about 10 people are busy writing texts, translating them and putting them in HTML.

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I heard from the existence of B92 already in the big demonstrations in october/november 1996 when the Serbioan opposition won the municipal elections, denied by Milosevic. B92 gave impartial records of the events in late 1996.
It is important to have free and impartial media, otherwise mere propaganda rules the mind of the people. Milosevic is afraid of independent voices, that's for him the reason to shut down all independent forms of thinking.
I hope, B92 will have the opportunity again to broadcast and to inform the people in Serbia, independent of state-sponsored reports.

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Bravo, h stoop!

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Dobro bre Srbi,da li imate Vi svoj cilj,osim da pljackate sirotinju?
Ako ne mozete da stignete do severa Italije,
imate tri ratna broda u Jadranu.
Sta cekate?`Zasto ne potopiite Amerikance?
S'druge strane:Da li su Hrvati imali problem
sa Srbima u Krajini?
Sta su pametno uradili?
Lepo su ih sve proterali?
Moj predlog je sledeci:
Imate li problem sa Albancima na Kosovu?
Onda lepo proterajte ih sve u Albaniju bez nasilja!
Koristite guzvu!
Sad ili nikad!
Inace ostadoste bez Kosova,jer je NATO stavio
sapu na vas.A to vrlo boli.I to duuuugo boli.
Da ponovim zatvorite granicu sa Makedonijom,
Crnom Gorom,otvorite granicu sa Albanijom,
ponudite Albancima kartu u jednom smeru,
ili ostanak pod zemljom.
Sad je pravi cas.Sad ili nikad.
Posle ce biti kasno.

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It is very important to the world that the truth is published and broadcasted over all types of Media. Especially at times when everyone is scratching their heads and asking themselves what is going on in this crazy world, I don't understand all this stuff. Good for the Overseas Radio Broadcasts (Keep up the good work)

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Imam jedno pitanje.Dali vi Srbi imate nesto drugo u vasoj jebanoj Glavi osim da samo ubijate nevine ljude?Meni se cini da nemate,ali hvala Bogu ima dosta nas koji su protiv vas i vase Iluzije o velikoj Srbiji!KOSOVO PRIPADA ALBANCIMA!!!

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Good for B-92 for all you people who are running it , give the truth to all people so we can make positive and intellegent remarks to one another. We count on people like you to keep us all well informed of what is going on over there. Thanks!!!!
Grant/ Michigan/USA

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I am concerned by images of large crowds in downtown Belgrade showing support for the Slob. Nothing is worse than fanatical opinions based on misinformation. I hope B-92 can put up the fight against misinformation. May God be with you - you are doing his work.

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i have just discovered your web-site. How good to know that you are there. Keep it up B-92.

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We support you with all our soul!
Keep going!
family Gustafsson, Sweden

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Did all those people who fought in the second world war(for Freedom)including my father, waste their time?.
Its unbelieveable that after 50 years we are seeing the same thing happening in Europe again, I can't believe the marjority of people living in Serbia, If they really knew what was going on would agree with the policies of the Serbian government .
And the Russians are they blind, did all the suffering that the Russian people went through 50 years ago mean nothing, can any body really agree with this barbarity, surely not.
But unfortunately I'm obviously wrong, So if this is the case then we have but one choice to finish this, to go all the way, we owe it to all the people who died for freedom in the second war and after including many brave serbians.
I am not a religious person at all, and it really sickens me that most of the killing is done in the name of religion.
I ask the people of Serbia to rise up and destroy this tyrant, there is no place in our soceity for this kind of behaviour.
I am really sorry for the innocent Serbian people who have suffered during the bombing, but the suffering of the Albanians is unforgivable, and must be stopped.
In the name of humanity we have to make a stand, otherwise its all been a waste of time.
Do we really want to start the next century as we started this one. I Don't think so.

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Blessings to you and all who carry on the work of bringing the truth to light.

KEEP UP THE FIGHT! You have support around the world.

Tim Erdman / Wisconsin / USA

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May the God of Abraham be with all people (non- Christians also) on this day we Christians celebrate the resurrection of my Lord Jesus Christ, and may He forgive us all of our great sins against each other in Yugoslavia.

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In military as in other human affairs, WILL is what makes things happen. There are circumstances that can modify or nullify it, but for offense or defense its presence is essential and its absence fatal.

If we have the will to pursue it
the truth will come to light.
B92 take the lead and demand WAR CRIME TRIBUNALS

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Our hearts are with this easter may the peace be upon you may all the people of Bosnia be safe and the American captives our hearts go out to all who are involved.Please give peace a chance.Stop the blood shed.

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