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Look here, this is report from the face of the place. Naturaly from YU. Peoples on the streets of yugoslav cities are not giving suport to Slobodan Milosevic, they are just trying to fight against agresion. If I had a anti-aircraft gun I would use it, this way only altenative is to sing on city sqare. To make peace by kiling innocent peoples with bombs and rockets is nothing but sick idea. Only way to end this disaster is to talk.
Now about B92. I am angry about this, and tomorow we will go on streets again to free the best radio in Belgrade. I will be first. Doci ce trenutak kada cemo skinuti prljave komunjare sa vrata. Siguran sam u to.

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This is a plea to all readers: please send what money you can to aid agencies to help feed, house and transport the Albanian refugees who, exhausted and traumatised are suffering and dying in the open fields on the boarders of Kosovo.

While I never thought I would promote warfare, thinking of the hundreds of thousands of displaced Albanians, and the missing Albanian men, at least some of whom we know have been massacred, I hope that NATO continues its bombing campaign and then send ground forces into Kosovo. The Serb military MUST pay for their damage. Milosovic must be charged for his crimes. His country has not treated their citizens according to the contract of a sovereign state, so why should he deserve to run one?

Here in Australia are crying for you, Albanians, and also wondering why the world can't help you more. Perhaps we never expected it could happen (again).

Rebe Taylor, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory.

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I am a father of two and a husband and I see the pictures coming out of this area and say how can this happen. We must unify as caring humans and help these people. We have tried reason with this man and it is not good enough. Milosovic is a beast as was his predecessor!

To you the people of Kosovo we feel your pain.

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our thoughts and our prayers are with you. we support all the albanian people who have been forced to leave their homes and who have lost loved ones. please know that there are people all over the world who care.

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Our hearts go out to all people , both in Belgrade and all innocent people affected by NATO bombs but most of all displaced Albanians, who are
being treated worse than anyone would treat an
animal. Please try to stop Mr Milosavic from any
further cruel treatment. We can all live together
in peace if we really want to. Our prayer for you
all is for peace. B.Carter. Australia

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Best wishes to everyone involved with B92. I will keep it bookmarked against the day when you are free to broadcast again.


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Register Missing Persons in Kosovo

The Kosovo Relief Organisation has provided the Missing Persons Newsgroup for the purpose of registering the names of family and friends you may be searching for in Kosovo.

Please contact the Kosovo Relief Organisation at or contact the newsmaster at

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A tutti i fratelli del Kosovo e dell'Albania :
l'Italia sta facendo il possibile per aiutarvi,
ognuno dona dei soldi in base ai suoi mezzi,non
morite,non perdete la speranza...
Ai Paesi della NATO vorrei dire che ritardare
l'intervento di truppe terrestri fa il gioco di
Milosevic,che in questo modo può portare a termine
questo genocidio che un esercito potente potrebbe
impedire.Quando li avrà fatti fuori tutti,allora
potrà scendere a patti con la NATO,ma sarà difficile ridare la vita ai morti !

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The Serbian peoples actions in Kosovo disgust the U.K. and all freedom loving peoples of the world. Whatever the outcome Serbians will be international pariahs for many years to come much as the German people have had to deal with thier actions earlier this century.
Let's not get lost in the propoganda here Slobodan isn't alone thousands of you are as guilty as sin
may god have mercy on your souls.

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Tactical Nuclear Weapons are to be deployed in case of the use of nerve agents by Serbian forces against nato ground troops....Believe it, we ain't playing softball no more boys...

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I pray daily for all the people of Yugoslavia and especially those displaced by the politics of their government. I cry at the site of young children being displaced for seemingly no reason at all. Those of us in the US have literally no concept of ethnic hatred that runs so deep.

I am a single male living in Denver, Colorado in the US and would very much like to correspond with a native of Yugoslavia. Perhaps someone from Kosovo, or maybe an ethnic Albanian now living outside their homeland. I would like to offer you strength and courage during what must be the worst time of your life. Please know that there are people all over the world who think about you and pray for you daily.

Thank you B92 for all you do!

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Milosivch or however u spell it must die. some one just has to shoot the basterd. If he thinks its ok to kill albanians i think its ok to kill him.

J.distaulo/U.S.A/New Jersey

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Poc`o rat!
Jos jednom smo dokazali da to sto smo mali nema nikakve veze sa kolicinom gluposti,ne obrazovanosti,stroke i primitivizma koje ljubomorno cuvamo i ponosno gajimo.Smrt nam je draza nego dogovor sa neuporedivo jacim "trecerazrednim saksofonistom" koji ce nas sve jedno popisati posto nas prvo pobije.Svi su protiv nas,pretvoreni u beskicmenu neman koja,noseci stare,lose,fasisticke cizme,zlocinackim atakom na demokratiju i nadaleko poznatu miroljubivost jednog(?!?)naroda(sekte)predvodjena americkim svinjama,djubradima i njihovim satelitima(ovo je ipak neuspesna parafraza nadasve objektivnih medijatj.jedinog medija-vraca),pretvara Hitlera u Kosovku devojku.Dok se Gebelsu kompleks nize vrednosti posthumno prepisuje,(ne)uglednim predstavnicima raznih beogradskih udruzenja,njihove taste,prije i snaje na bratskim jezicima salju reci podrske.Dokaz o duhovnosti koja ide do heroizma je i zivi zid-drvored ili bolje reci govnovod proletera,svih mesnih zajednica Kragujevca koji se ujedinjuju i svetlaju obraz palim dedovima i babovima zbog kojih vredi popadati i biti gori od samog zla.Mi smo mali al`smo zato glupi!Posto nas tehnologija i savremenost provociraju i nedaju mira,proklinjemo sve faze i naizmenicne struje podmetnute od stranih placenika i domacih Tesli.Nama je dobra i ova nasa koje vise i nema jer je prodajemo,al`imamo mrak i blato,to nam niko oteti nece,mozda bas zato sto nikome i ne treba.Iskonski,do jaja.Nedamo nasu kolevku,jer smo nedorasli smo nedorasli za neki prostraniji i udobniji lezaj;a kada budemo utvrdili da je KOsovo cir na dupitu Srbije,a ne srce kao sto besumocno i neinteligentno insistiraju hidrogenom ofarbane opajdare na pijacama srpske provincije,bice dovoljno gnoja da se svi u njemu podavimo.Sto volim da mrzim!
Inspektor Majer se bas okomio na Dzordza.Sesnaest hiljada svetskih policajaca...a bole njega za policajce.
Jednoga dana kada budem bila svajcarka i rodim svajcarce,ici cu u vojsku da branim svoju svajcarsku domovinu od ideoloskih ratova i zombi-dedova koje zloupotrebljavaju njihovi najgori unuci.Da su idioto radioaktivni,Srbija bi bila Cernobil.


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