Is Kosovo another V...
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Is Kosovo another Vietnam?

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What is your source for this info? What papers was this reported in and do you have a link?

Greek daily: 221 Yugoslav soldiers
surrender at border with Macedonia.
They say bombing is killing and wounding
many of their friends.

Athens, April 8 (Tanjug)-The daily said it
had obtained information that many more
are trying to get to border. >>

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Where is Puff the Magic Dragon?
Maybe the Serb ground troops in Koroso would like to meet him.

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Look at this moron, he cannot even spell the name of the place where the war is but is ready to destroy the Serbs. Daft punk! Go and jerk off some jizz on your mother, you cunt.

I see a lot of armchair generals and loud-mouth cunts here. Come to Serbia, pussies.

Americans...ts-ts-ts...the world's pussies.


General Ratko Mladic

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To Degenerate Mladic,

The spelling (Koroso)in the other post was a typo, I was very tired .
However the spelling of your name in this post was not.
Talk about pussies, it seems all that the Serb police and Army can kill are unarmed men, woman and children.
Want proof, they even killed Slavko Curuvija as he returned home from Easter lunch.
Was he a armed KLA member? I think not!

Remember this was going on before Nato started bombing and Milosevic was warned many times.

Come to Serbia, there won't be any Serbia left. Milosevic's policies are destroying it as he destroyed the rest of Yugoslavia.
I really do feel sorry for the Serb people that are being punished because of his brutal and inhumane treatment of others though.

P.S. Don't underestimate Nato and U.S. Ground Troops.

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Djeneral Mladic,
I dont think your a general, a general would be pretty stupid to underestimate an enemy.

as far as sending in troops, I dont really think you would want something like that. Or then again mabey you would. Then you could cower behind Russia.

All you Nazi freaks are alike.

as for russia
Its ok we got somethin for them too!!!



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Vietnam is a bad example.

Unlike the Serbs in Kosovo,
the Vietnamese were defending THEIR HOMELAND.
SERBS are INVADING the land of Kosovars.
And kicking them out.

It is the land of the Kosovars !
Serbs lost it to the Turks in 1389
Then regained it in 1929 when
it became part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia
which later became Tito's communist regime.

Serbs are the invaders here.
Just like the Russians were the invaders in Afganistan.
This compares much better with Afganistan
and Serbs play the role of the Russians.

There is nothing historically,
geographically, politically, militarily
to compare this to Vietnam.

On thing DOES already compare to Vietnam
That is the burning of villages
.... by Serb Search and Destroy Missions.

If you want to use the Vietnam trauma
to stop NATO from bombing Beograd
or to arouse anti-war sentiments
think again.


If you don't like the COLLATERAL DAMAGE

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Hi, Jack! It's me again. Although I've offered not to pay any attention to you, there's something that prevents me from it. Yet.
1. The suggestion hasn't been accepted by the majority yet.
2. This is a different discussion.
You turn out to be far more nationalistic than I thought before.
We are NOT to speak of NATIONAL boundaries here. It's most ridiculous nowadays. If we start applying the term to various countries we'll soon find out that YOU are also an invader. I don't think you'll ever be able to prove the territory of the States (modern variant) has always been such. The colonists INVADED it. We ARE to speak about STATE unity, mind that.
Still there IS a lot of resemblance to Vietnam in the ongoing assault. First, as you put it, POLITICALLY, what is happening in a province of a sovereign state is its INTERNAL AFFAIR. Unless it is severe genocide. Then it's the world community's concern and has to be discussed and prevented according to the international law. Any violation of the law brings but more genocide.
Second, militarily, you didn't expect the Serbs to resist, did you? You didn't place them high as warriors, huh? And now you don't quite realize the gravity of your mistake only because no ground troops have been sent yet. And still NATO's "invincible" bombers are being destroyed. I don't know whether it's their national feature or not. It isn't that counts. What really matters is that they are defending their HOMELAND, exactly as you write.
The same was in Afganistan, I have to admit it.
So, don't mix up things.
I am expecting everyone's reaction to my suggestion that JACK, MAJA and other extremists of all kinds BE EXCLUDED and PAID NO ATTENTION AT.

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you bastards serbs please realise our CARE workers, they went to help you bastards and you are arresting them as spyes?? they are there to help you bastards, you do not deserve it , i hope if not NATO but God will punish you bastards.
. how would you like if the australian gov. arrest a few innocent serbs here from the street of SYDNEY and charge them as spy?

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you bastards serbs please realise our CARE workers, they went to help you bastards and you are arresting them as spyes?? they are there to help you bastards, you do not deserve it , i hope if not NATO but God will punish you bastards.
. how would you like if the australian gov. arrest a few innocent serbs here from the street of SYDNEY and charge them as spy?

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I STILL don't consider SERBs warriors
I was a marine for two years
Warriors are those that fight armed men
Those that use tanks and armour against civilians are COWARDS.

NATO's invisible bombers are NOT being destroyed.
Where have you been ?
ONE was shot down - by pure LUCK
It was LUCK because hundreds have since
flown over BEOGRAD dropping their load
And NOT ONE has been touched since!
Unless and until you repeat performance
it is just SHEER LUCK.

Maybe pilot error
then shot at the wings
as they lay on the ground.

Yes, Nick - the last resort of people who can not argue or justify their point is always censorship.

Censorship works well in your country
does it not ?
Alas - this is the FREE WEST AT ITS BEST.

So you can continue with your nonsense, and just
as I have shot down everything you said so far
I'll keep doing that - with or without response.

You are free to keep trying to get your twisted ideas through
Keep trying to justify GENOCIDE
I'll be right here waiting
Then allow others to judge who is right.

Keep pitching.

p.s. As I am not North American
I'll let them speak for themselves
I simply detest what your beloved Serbs
have done in Kosovo to the Kosovar Albanians.

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Milosevic wants a Greater Serbia, OK, deport all the Serbs in the NATO countries to
Kosovo, give the displaced Albanians the Serbs homes and property. They should be
given no more than 15 minutes to get what they want to carry to Kosovo, that's
more time than most Albainians got, also take all of their jewelry and money . We
must not forget to get to destroy all of their papers too.

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Did you get my E-message of April 18?
I received yours today.
No I am not originally from here.
Paternally, the family arrived in the Caribbean
at the turn of the century from France (hence the name).

They established in Haiti
But then Jean Claude Duvalier (Papa Doc) took power,
one of ours (a military officer) tried to opposse
he disappeared.
The family fled : half to the USA, half to other islands.
Everything was left behind.
Yes, my grandfather arrived here as a refugee.

Forgive me for asking,
but did you arrive in Holland as a refugee,
or did you leave before that became necessary.
Were you of the Zutphen / Zevenaar group?
(Do I remember the names correctly)?

When the Bosnian part of the war broke out
I was a student in Delft, later in Leiden.
Believe it or not, one could tell from the outset
that "talk" would not stop Milosovic.
I remember Lord Carrington's doomed attempts at talk.
Milosovic manipulated European lack of resolve like a jojo.

This summer I am going to visit
the Burgers Ocean
at the Burgers Zoo.
For real.
I enjoy late summer in Holland.
I'll be in Germany and France too.

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Something funny just occurred to me.
I realized that I send a message on another site to a person using the name "Vojvodina".

For some reason I assumed the person was a lady.
I was predisposed to think so because
the name used is female in this side of the world.
But I know that that is not necessarily the case in the Balkans / Eastern Europe.

I'm sure if I insulted anybody I will hear about it soon enough.
No harm was intended and I don't think any was done.

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Jack, Vojvodina is a noun that has a female form. But it is usually not used as a name, atleast I have never heard it. Vojvodina comes from vojvoda that means duke.

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Thanx Maja.

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