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I am an American mother staying up all night, worried about bombings hurting innocent people. I shall pray for us all. Seeing pictures of soldiers and civilians in Yugoslavia make me wish they could come to my home. I don't have much but would welcome them. Not all of the world is filled with hate. I don't understand all of the problems, but feel this bombing will only create larger problems. Please feel free to contact me with any news at Know I am praying for us all and wish no one any harm.

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Hallo from Italy!

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I feel very sad about all that is happening with the muslims in Kosovo. I am a muslim in Nairobi Kenya and at the moment i am so disgusted with what the Americans and everyone else who is associated with them are about to do and what they have been doing in the past years. Killing innocent people is not the way to help or solve a problem.

We shall pray for all who are in that crisis and hope that Allah will repay all these fools who are doing this to their feloow humans.

Rabia Mohamed

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Wolff posted:
(By Wolff on Wednesday, March 24, 1999 - 08:17 am:
Bomb Serbia now. )

Who are you Wolff??? I'd like to know were you are?
Administrator! Please remoove this idiot from your user list.

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How would you solve this problem?

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First of's NOT only about muslims....
It's about Albanian, Macedonian, Christian, etc...
And about what NATO is going to do, I think I did not ever reed a history book where the Americans, the Brits, the Canadians, the free French, and all these other allies were contemted about there violence againsted 'mr' Hitler...
Yes......I do compare Milosovic with Hitler...Same story...same killing...So I cry for the serbian people, but this lonatik must be killed like a dog....
Greetings from Amsterdam.

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For FMcDonald..not that i am against the air attacks against the Yugoslav. I know Milosovic deserves to be killed in the most horrible manner..he is the one who is doing all this..imagine all the other people ( innocent people who will die cause of this ). Have you any idea how many people will die cause of this stoopid idiot...

MW: I agree with you that Milosovic is equal to Hitler and deserves to get the most ruthless punishment in the book...but what about the innocent people?? Cant they just deal with the real perpetrators on their own...shedding blood wont help solve anything.

regards from nairobi

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William Cohen says in his statement that he is not attacking any civilians only the military infrastructure. If that is true, then, they should continue with the stirkes and finish off milosevic completely.

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Clinton, Sloba, Julka - what's the difference?

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Water supply facility ??? Have you seen that on CNN, BBC, NBC ???
Don't tell me that they inform correctly

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The west has a collective learning disability. If you haven't learned, in nine years, that by backing Serbs into a corner you only make them more obstinate, more determined, more alive... then you haven't learned a thing.
How will this bombing fix anything? Who, cowering in shelters, is even thinking about Milosevic or overturning his regime right now? If nothing else, even his opponents are behind him..."even the devil is an ally sometimes" says an old Serbian proverb... faced with NATO strikes, Milosevic looks good to a lot of people now. They hate NATO and the US much more than they hate him, right now.
And if Mr. Clinton feels that he has a moral obligation to act now with air strikes, does that mean he has acted amorally in his treatment of the Kurds, or NagornoKarabakh, or Chechnya, or Northern Ireland, or Palestine, or East Timor? Just wondering.

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>I would like to here more information about the conflict in Kosovo than the news is providing. Is there a chance that this could lead to a third world war?

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>Is there a possibility that nato involvement in kosovo could cause a third world war?

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The possibility of war is frightening in any respect. I can only imagine the horror of it. Why is there not a better way to solve national and world conflicts. We teach our children to "STOP THE VIOLENCE" and yet look how men have always resorted to violence when there is conflict. Is there no better way?

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Americans, I would say the vast majority of them have no idea what the kosovo crisis is, or where kosovo is located. or just not give a damn.
I'm from the USA, and fell we have no buisness in this bombing campaign, we are sticking our noses in something that has been going on for over 600 years. Man will always be stupid enough to kill themselfs over rediculous prejudices, wither it be race, religon, or nationality. I feel, and history is a good teacher, that this will probally be the beginnings of another world war. The Balkan states have been the beginning of two world wars and probally the next. I fell that most armericans don't care untill their sons and daughters come home in body bags. War today is waged miles away with missles and bombs at a fingers push of a button, never nowing or seeing your enemy. so, humanity has become numbed to the aspects of what war really is. bloody, ugly, burning of cities and looting, raping, maiming and geonocide. If men who went to war and faced this i think the prospects of starting war would diminished. but war has became istitutionalized, you can turn on the t.v. and see at present the bombings going on, but never the sickening stuff that really takes place. If all the horrors would be shown, man just might think and talked to one another and work around their grieviences.
i believe in the phrophecies in the bible and all is coming together. If this is the beginning of WWIII, so be it. Don't worry about the USA and Nato they will be the first to fall later. But when the walls of Jeruselum are surrounded you will know the time has come. This is what I'm wanting for. For I wish for the day Jesus returns, for man is so stupid, without his second coming man would destroy himself. Inclosing, at the present he is doing a fair job now!

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