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Joined: 26 years ago
Posts: 16

Thursday, March 25, 1999
7:20 PM

I would really hate for the rest of the world to read your messages and leave thinking you represent the American people.

First of all Jesus, in my humble opinion, is not coming back to establish a kingdom on earth and certainly not timed with the surrounding of the walls Jerusalem . The bible was, once again in my humble opinion, written by man as a social placebo to placate the unthinking masses.

Next, this is a social-economic-political war precipitated on the pretext of genocide but on the reality of a complex massive economic-industrial-power movement to gain control of the world society by installing a non-violent, human rights oriented, economic system.

The great economic institutions of the world are using the military complex to systematically eliminate renegade leaders who attempt to usurp power and use it for personal gain (i.e.: personal gain which is not in line with the world economic institutions). The USSR was dismantled. Iraq was dismantled. Now Yugoslavia is being dismantled. Russia is in compliance. China is being conquered via economic means.

The problem with many Americans is that their belly-button is the center of their universe and surrounding their head is this vague illusionary believe that there is life after death. The fact is that mankind is not the center of the universe and certainly God did not create the universe for our benefit. We are a small, insignificant, animal part of a magnificent whole.

This campaign is just the next step in world domination and control by global economic entities. There is no room for boundaries in a global economy. The Euro was a step toward a global economy. This campaign is just removing another road block down that path.

You say you are an American but you predict that America will be the first to fall. That is scary.

I am a disabled veteran and I served my country and I preserved freedom in the world. I know the value of freedom.

Maybe you don’t agree with economic institutions ruling the world but it seems like a better alternative than egocentric dictators who slaughter hundreds of thousands of innocent people.

I just want the rest of the world to know that not all Americans are mindless morons who predict the downfall of the very institutions which gave them their immense freedoms and prosperity’s.

What the free world (NATO) is offering is the opportunity for the enslaved persons of the world to be free to join in those freedoms and prosperity’s.

My suggestion is that you elevate your standards to a level higher then your belly-button. That you muster up a little faith and believe in the institutions that gave you all you have today, including your right to believe in Jesus Christ.

This is my perspective on the situation.

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How soon the world forgets! I'm sadden by the reaction of the international community who blame America,Britain,France, and other NATO allies for the crisis in Yugoslavia. Did the world forget why NATO was established in the first place? WWII is why.

Hilter's domination of Europe and all the countless atrocities his regime committed during his reign of terror. The Serbs are no better. What they are doing is immoral. If left unchecked and unaccountable for their actions then what?

I'm tired of hearing that America is bad because they are involveing themselves in another countries affairs. America is not the one committing ethnic cleansing. The Serbs are! This is an international effort to stop the madness, not an American effort.

I don't have any illwill towards the Yugoslavian people nor the Serbian people for that matter. I have illwill towards the Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic. He is the one too blame. Not America,Britain, France, Germany. Atleast we have the guts to stand by our moral convictions to stop the ethnic cleansing taking place in Kosovo. Don't blame NATO for the mess in the Balkans. Blame the Serbian prersident.

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Joined: 26 years ago
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I would like to say that I hope that your man in Kosovo is found dead during all this attack. Because he is another hitler and if he was any kind of christian he would not be doing this in the first place. God will take care of him in the future or in the present for what he is doing. Eather way, he will pay for what he is doing! I just hope that everyone comes out alive and that none of our americans get killed and that there is no ground war! if so let's take clinton on this trip on the ground since he dodged out the last go around.

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