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Messages 3-26-99

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I support Yugoslavia and it's people one hundred procent. I hope they stay as stong as they have always been. We have seen so many disasters that America created using stupid excuses that tend to be the same. Listen to Madeline Albright once and you have heard them all. 50% of Americans support the actions. Do Americans even know where Kosovo is? Back in the summer when America bombed Sudan
( Madeline Albright, I am still waiting for evidence that medical factory was producing weapons )Americans online were asking me If I live close to Sudan. After I have told them I live in Europe. If Sudan is in Europe, Kosovo may aswell be in Japan. I know the posting is bitter. But I am bitter with the world and with my own country who is sucking up to the no good NATO and lets their planes fly over our country to bomb the nation who in the ll. world war helped to free us.

Maja from Slovenia

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By the way, people in Yugoslavia are not enslaved. About ethical cleansing? Clinton said that Milosevic was the first to gave that word it's real meaning. What kind of a history do they teach in America? What did Hitler do, showed Jewish people the real meaning of the word treated nicely? And Albanians, if they hate it in Kosovo so much they are very welcome to move to Albania. It's not like somebody will miss them. Though in Albania there is not social security and no hard working farmers to support their 15 kids per family.

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i just cant beleive the people in this world, you torontonians who think you are canadaian but are from yugoslavia need your head read. if you beleive in this war , why are you here. get your ass back to your own country and fight for your rights. my opinion...turn that country into a parking lot..bomb the •••• out of the country then ask the big question...wanna fight some more!!!!right on canada go get em keep up the good work

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why shud we care about those foreign countries,sadam dont care about us and whats his name from albania, he dont care about anybody. They should be treated as they treat everybody else. Who cares, bomb the ++++ out of them. Dont stop till they cry UNCLE

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Get your ass back to your country? I don't know who this was meant for, I can guess though. About going to ones own country... Let Albanians go to Albania and we won't be talking about this anymore. I hope somebody will be saying bomb the •••• out of them when bombs are flying above your head.

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do you care about albania??? i dont!!!! they wanna act like jerks then they deseve to be treated like jerks.who cares?

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Your goverment is helping those jerks, as you called them. But even though I have no love for Albanians ( I blame them for all this )I don't say they deserve to die.
People like you, intolerant and ignorant, are the reason why all this is happeing in the first place. As long as I am safe everybody else can die. What an atittude.

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what do you mean people like me. i am canadian and i dont think i need to put up with albanias tactics they need to be taught how to live peacefully and not kill innocent people. how else will they learn. i am safe, do as your told and you too can be safe.

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I am safe but that doesn't make me be ignorant to other peoples unhappines. All the Yugoslavia used to live in peace under Tito ( that Clinton and Albright now call dictator ). Yugoslavia broke cause of the outside influences, nobody wanted it to be a storng country. I do know you are from Canada, believe it or not I know where Toronto is.

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I do not blame you or any people living in canada that are from that country but dont say its all our fault or america fault that this is going on. we did not start this war albanians just dont listen to what they are being told. i cant beleive that a country can be so ignorant as what is to be expected of them. they cant live like that and im sure they dont want to live like that. i dont know where you are from maja but to be living in canada and hear what goes on in those countries is is boring boring boring as its the same thing day in day out...fighting, shooting, killing, riots and the list goes on. we have had enough

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I am from Slovenia, I stated that above. I am not really sure you know what this thing is all about. America is not punishing Albanians, it's punishing Serbians. Eventhough Kosovo Albanians started the whole thing. They started this fight for independance in brutal way that in the end forced Serbians to fight back. I understand you find all this annoying and boring. I wish Americans would aswell. I don't blame them for the crisis, I blame them for helping with bomb. They are saying they want to stop the war but this is making the war even bigger. They want to stop the humilitarion disaster, it will only make it bigger. They want to throw Milosevic out of power. They are only making him stronger. So what are they doing but killing people?

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can they not overthro milosevic and try and stop this!!dont get me wrong im not totally infavour of this action from the start but if it has to be done so be it. Somebody has to be the cause and somebody has to end it. anyways it is late over here and i must go to bed.nice chatting with you maybe again later!!

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They have no right to ovethrow anybody. If what they are doing now is against the law that would be even more against the law. I will be here tommorow, for sure, so I might see you. Take care.

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You say you have no love for albanians because they want their own independence? How is this? Everyone deserves their right over their land. You are angry cause you are slovenian and the people of Kosovo are your enemy. You say that they started the whole issue of fightimg and war...HOW DID THEY DO THAT?..arent u supposed to fight for freedom in your own land.??

You support that fool Milosevic..he is just another Hitler who is full of •••• and has no way of reasoning...what he has done to the people in u think that is right...killing people ruthlesslly and brutally..the sucker needs to be stoned to death or burned to death. I dont know why you can support such a human...its the same as you supporting Hitler.

What i agree with you is that no one deserves to die ( meaning the civilians ). The one who really has to face the wrath is the stoopid perpetrators who kill others.

One thing i would like to clear is this, not everyone is ignorant, if they hear there is a war and bloodshed people would like to know. You saying that no one cares where Kosovo is or where albania is. The thing about Sudan, what America did was totally wrong.

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I do not think that there is a right or wrong here. Terrible things are happening on both sides. One side is not good and the other bad.
From here, Colorado, USA, it appears that the Serbs are very ruthless. But we get only that side. If I have to choose, I will side with the
Albanians. I believe they have a right to decide what should constitue Kosovo.

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