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Messages 3-26-99

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What do the trade unions say about milosevic?

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President Bill Clinton is the anti-Christ

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The only anti-Christ and murderer in the world is
Adolf Milosevic.

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In light of the current situation in Yugoslavia I must confess to knowing nothing about the Balkan area of the world.

Out of curiosity I scanned the Internet and found a site which was able to give me some background information.

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I Think Russia should shut the hell up! They are nothing but a bunch of pussies whining that the U.S is wrong. In fact, Russia should get bombed next for blasting the U.S.

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What's up with all this crap about mass procreation? That's the biggest load of racist, ethnocentric, gender bender crap I've ever heard.

People in this forum are so rightgeous about THEIR cause or opinions. Believe me there is no prize in being full of "right."

Fat lazy albanians who spend most of their day having kids who don't work???
What is that anyway???

Been there done that. Heard that here in USA. Its call Racism.

People here in US central cities have bars on their windows to protect themselves from the drug crazed criminals who perhaps should be behind bars.

In the "land of liberty" both criminals, and good, honest people have very little rights or freedom.

While in the USAF, I dropped bombs on people I never met thousands of miles away from my own backyard in the Persian Gulf, I didn't care about anyone else's rights but MY OWN! So I'm better than Hitler?

It mattered little to me whether it was right or wrong, or who's side I was on. God's, Buddha's, Saddam's, war against mankind is a selfish act of indifference and self preservation.

When I lie awake at night and hear the roar of jets overhead, I realize it was always about me. I exercised my right to choose.

I am saddened to say today, I had the choice, I made the choice, and the choice was wrong.

I wish I never had the freedom to make the choice.

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I'm an American who doesn't believe in outright aggression. Nor do I believe in cowardice. We would be cowards, as we were prior to WWII, when we ignored the deaths of innocents, if we did choose this action. The armies can fight and die, the innocents must be protected. Our nation did little to protect the Rwandan genocide or the Bosnian genocide, both State-sponsored genocides, not random acts of terrorists. If we do not protect the lives of civilians in Kosovo, we will have again turned our backs on the future, to appease the past. You self-rightious defenders of State-sponsored genocide can point to US shortcomings, and there are many, but until your yugoslav press is truly 'free', you will never take responsibility for the genocide you have and are committing. Our personnel are doing a noble thing by not catering to the evil racism spreading throughout the world. America is not perfect, but we LOOK DOWN UPON ALL RACIST BEHAVIOR. That is the difference, there must be something we have in common...

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you bunch of ignorant bastards.
this asshole is digging mass graves an filing them with the body's of innocent people.
bomb his ass till we get him i say.

and to hell with has my damn tax dollar's that has been feeding them ignorant foolish people..russia better look to see what side her bread is butterd.

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To John Paul,
at least we can see that maybe Europeans should take care of this situation on their own. John Paul's letter at least reflects an understanding of European affairs and history unlike our rednecks who sit in their trailers, eating burgers and telling everyone who the good and bad guys are. Like the rest of us are stupid and can't tell. Europe is US occupied territory, just like Eastern Europe was by Russia.
America merely needs a an unstable Europe, so that the flood of brains and educated people can keep their colleges filled and their technology going. Otherwise the brains would stay in Europe.

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By the way, while I'm still in the swing of things, to Bomber from US....Until yesterday or so: did you know what or where Kosovo was, or has CNN already given you a crash course on it? Last American who asked me about Yugoslavia (where I've spent two years of my life), thought it was a neighbouring country of Brazil.
Good night. I'm going to bed now.

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Maja -

I am interested in what you have to say - for the record, I'm not taking sides in this, because, frankly, I don't know enough of the histroy to have an opinion.

So, Maja and anyone else currently in the Balkans Could you contact me? I'm a journalist looking to hear from all sides.


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My concern is directed towards the endangerment of innocent human LIFE. The flood of refugees in Kosovo can only get worse. These peoples, Albanians and Serbian alike, have serious needs that CANNOT be met by the surrounding nations.

Before the NATO offensive, the needs of the refugee population, numbering over 250,000 at their peak last summer, were successfully met by dedicated international relief and development groups, like Mercy Corps International ( and Doctors Without Borders.

These groups were forced to leave Kosovo, leaving an entire population without adequate food, shelter, and medical care. The NATO offensive MUST come to swift close, so that the relief agencies can move back into the country and meet the needs of an innocent civilian refugee population.

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Dirk: Do not judge the comments of a few as the judgments of the many. Your superior European knowledge should have taught you how to avoid such fallacies of logic.

Sure, right, Europe's a victim of the US. If you were in the US, we'd commit you to a trailer in the desert with 2 mean dogs and a case of budweiser. It would give you a real sense of how little we care of your affairs, until it involves our friends and family.

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And before I really go: everybody knows what to do about the situation in Kosovo and the perfect solution for it in this forum. Bravo! You guys should all get honourary political science degrees or even doctorates for that matter. On a serious note now though, the point I'm trying to make is that this situation is very complex and most of you know squat about it.


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I think this whole thing is getting way out of proportion.

Keep in mind that this whole area is about the size of the state of Maine.

Keep in mind also that the Illyrians, Albanian ancestors, arrived in the region about 1200 B.C. so I think they have at least some right to be in the region.

Keep in mind also that “ethnic cleansing” has been going on since 1345.

Keep in mind also that NATO conducted 750 separate air strike sorties in 1995 so this is nothing new. The only thing different is that this time we are doing it right.

So after 3 days of air strikes you want to stop the fight and send in relief aid? These people have been conducting primitive racism and killing each other since 7000 B.C. Killing millions of people in a small area of the world.

Don’t you think we can allow just a few days to surgically remove their weapons?

NATO is jumping through hoops to conduct surgical bombing without endangering the population.

It is the Serbs who are continuing to massacre the Albanians even now! At this very moment!

No … I do not vote for humanitarianism at this time. I vote to get in there and get the job done correctly and completely.

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