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Messages 3-26-99

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InTheKnow: thank you for replying. I do concede that you are right as far as Europe being plagued by spineless, corrupt leaders (I take it that was what you inferred) is concerned, which is exactly why we can't sort ourselves out.
Your nonstandard parts employed in your trailers will surely provide me with a great education in non-metric systems of measurement.
PS: Do you have any idea what the price ranges for trailers are in the States? As for the dogs I already got two, and no thank you I don't drink alcoholic beverages, but if you like I can bring some good, hearty grappa.
So long.

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I can see where the bombing of a hospital or a school might be a misplaced bomb ... but what of the 20 Albanian educators who were lined up and executed yesterday? ... was that a misplaced bullet? Ethnic hatred is an abomination.

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you must admit though that the Serbs are just getting a taste of their own medicine on the other hand. Remember Vukovar 1991, when the chetnik troops under V. Seselj captured the city's main hospital and massacred hundreds of wounded patients? How about Sarajevo? As far as the Balkanians barbarian behaviour is concerned (ref. John Paul, (the Pope?!?)), sure you can bomb them and what then. Give the entire population lectures in how to behave in a civil manner, or hit them on the head, which will make it even worse. I say let them sort their problems out themselves. In that spirit we could say: may the best man win.

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By judging from what people on this board thinks, about there fellow earthlings and the animosity that seems so ingraved, One could easily say that we are in deep ••••. And on top of that we have the prophecy from Nostradamus telling us that WWIII will erupt sometime in april. Let us hope for mankinds sake that it´s just a very^999999999 cruel joke and no apocalypse.

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Have you seen bodies of those 20 teachers? Have you? That's just a story made to justify the bombings. No evidence, no proof. But I can prove hospitals and schools were bombed.
Missed? They might. But what do you expect when you bomb the city?

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When I see pictures of mass graves with 3,000 bodies in them I don’t seem to have a problem visualizing 20 dead educators. I am referring to the Srebrenica graves found in July of 1996, filled by Serbs with Muslim bodies, mostly unarmed men.

As I said ethnic hatred is an abomination ... and payback is a bitch.

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Newly reports form US!

A rebellious group of hispanic origin,

...has all of a sudden revolted against the federal goverment, in the state of Florida...

...with armed strikes against lokal police forces and terror actions against lokal military units they have concurred several strategic objects.

...Public persecutions and threats against the anglosaxian minority has now increased in Florida,

...the hispanic rebels demands...

...that The State of Florida should gain fully independence from U.S,

...and i long termes become an autonomus part of the republic of Mexico.

...The official language is to become spanish, and likewise,

...only etnical hispanishans can take possession of main govermental postes...

...This is an outbreak of an ancient conflict within the U.S that now occurs live on our TV-moitors in Europe...

...We can follow that president Clinton has ordered...

...special troops to strike down the hispanic act of evil...

...and to assist the threatened anglosaxian minority in Florida with some brutal success..., time goes by...

...and, 8 months later...

...after a time of diplomacy, the E.A.F.E. (European Allied Forsces Expanded version, including Russia and China),

...are fed up with Clinton and his obstinate opposition to accept the...

...E.A.F.E:s constuction of a "peace agreement"...

...Clinton strongly opposes that foreign troops should stand on U.S. ground...

...and the american people considers that Clintons intervention in Florida... an internal conflict within the borders of an sovereign state, no matter the suffering and the tragedy that faces the hispanics...

...Now the rest is fully known to us... Clinton rejected the "peace agreemnt"...

...the European missiles are to day hitting strategic targets around...

...Washinton D.C,

...New Yorke,



...The show is on,with...

..."intelligent missiles of Peacemaking"

This is Johan from Sweden...

...hear my prayer...for...

...serbes, albans, russians, makedonians, bulgarians, romanians, moldavians, georgians, azerbajdzans, armenians, greeks, turks, cypriots, bosnians, ukranians, belarussians, kroats, hungarians, tjecks, slovanians, slovakians, polacks, litauians, letts, ests, finns, swedes, norwegians, danish, germans, austrians, swiss, italians, spanish, portugisians, french, beligians, netherlands, english, scottish, irish and islanders...and don´t forget the people of america.

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Johan Forsblom

Your scenario is cute but it won’t fly … and I will tell you why.

When a minority group enters the United States … such as Mexico is doing now, in great numbers, the United States and its people embrace the immigrants, set up schooling for them, absorb them into the communities throughout the United States.

My computer was installed and is being maintained by a person of Hispanic heritage who came to the United States, went to technical college, and is now making a better living then I am!

You see, in the United States we do not repress people, we help them, we incorporate them into our society, and we respect and enjoy their unique heritage. We are a nation of free people and we encourage every individual, of their own volition, to be the best that they can be.

If a group of people are unhappy we find out why … and remedy it by helping them.

We do not believe in ethnic hatred, we believe that ethnic differences enrich our culture. We believe that although people may have different heritages, they are essentially the same, they want to have a home, to raise a family, to partake in the community, to be a part of the whole.

That is why your scenario would never happen in the United States.

Sorry … nice try though.

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John Paul said: No … I do not vote for humanitarianism at this time. I vote to get in there and get the job done correctly and completely.

You are exactly right. This scenario will play itself out and as soon as NATO constituents can swallow it, they will be told that ground troops are needed. How strategic would it have been for MAd. Abright to tell this to Americans during the congressional debates??

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John Paul, if I remember correctly there would not be an USA if somebody didn't kill all those Indians? How asked them if they were happy? And black people? It was not so long ago when you treated them as animals. And McCarthianizem. All that had for people who didn't do anything, just believe or were accused to believe in socialism. And Hispanic, Portorican and other minorities if you want to call them that are still very hated, I know that for a fact. Atleast in New England. I have witnessed that hate.
Just remembered, Albanians had a right to vote in Yugoslavia way before black people got it in America. Talk about democracy.

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In the know

I am not sure if what you are saying is tongue in cheek or not but the Dayton, Ohio treaty signed in December of 1995 by the presidents of Bosnia, Serbia, and Croatia called for the placement of 50,000 NATO troops in Bosnia … so I don’t think this will be a surprise to the NATO constituents.

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Dayton happened only because at that time that land was basically no mans land. Now we are talking about Yugoslavian land. They won't tolerate NATO troops there. Even Milosevic said he would be okay with UN troops but not NATO. Though now, when UN is only watching this catastrophy, even that won't work.

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The United States certainly is not perfect but we are learning from our mistakes.

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You are learning under bombs like Serbians? Not so. Your country is showing everybodies elses mistakes if that's what we are calling them to devert peoples attention from what's happening in their own country. They think they can hide everything behind the two words; good economy and world power.
Why doesn't Clinton walk the streets of big cities and see the suffering there? Homeless, hungry, diseases... Why don't you spend your money helping them? Most Americans complain about paying taxes so unempoyed are helped. Complain about 40 millions Starr spent. Does anybody know how many people you can feed with the money you spend for arms. To "help" in countries most of you never even knew existed before Cliton started the war.

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