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Messages 3-26-99

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I suggest you to read the "Peace agreement".

It´s nothing but a ultimatum. No sovereign state in the world would ever accept foreign troops on their own ground. To bomb Yugoslavia in that direction is primarly an act of war. The U N has not been able to agree with NATO:s decision. And that makes the bombings A CRIME AGAINST INTERNATIONAL LAW.

It´s not like it was in the Gulf War. This time NATO is acting without U N:s approval. Consider this when Clinton acuse China for crimes against the international law in Tibet.

Now, Im not a fan of Milosevic or the Cinese goverment and I do feel for the albanians but this NATO outrage is a shame. A shame for democracy. This is an act of "democratic dictatorship". "The free western world" shows us what real political weaknes means.

The main reason for NATO strikes against Yugoslavia is to weaken its military capacity, so that the internal conflict will stay inside Yugoslavia and hopefullu not spred to neigbourghing countries in Balkan. In fact NATO doesn´t give a dam about the humanitarian suffering of albanians in kosovo.

NATO:s interest is only to "keep fire within bounds", to achive strategical purpose. And this makes these actions so tragedical, with unknown consequenses for Europe.

My opinoin about this is that the NATO demand of ground forces could be replaced by AN ORGANISED ARMY OF UNHCR. Consider a Kosovo with about 200000 observators. Now, where is there to hide a massacer with so many eyes watching and reporting.

Well, let us pray that all the good forces could co-operate and some how build up a new Yugoslavia.


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I am basically done here. My only intent was to shed a few facts on a terrible situation. I really do not want to argue or debate, only to express my feelings. It is certainly a problem much bigger then my capabilities. All I can say is that I trust in the American leadership and I am proud to be a part of a 200 year old heritage whose goal is world peace and who has the courage to stand up and say the buck stops here.

Thanks to all of you for sharing your thoughts and feelings, however divergent they might be from mine.

The best to all of you and I sincerely hope for an end to blood-shed in all sectors of the world.

It is my fondest wish for world peace and harmony and peaceful coexistence and I wish harm to no one.

May we all learn from our mistakes and strive to make this a better world in which to live.

My heart and my love are with each and every one of you, regardless of your ethnic heritage, and I wish you all only the best.

I have faith that the wisdom of mankind will prevail as we all evolve into a higher state of being.

Take Care

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Thank you John Paul for best wishes. I have to comment on you being proud of 200 yrs old heritage. You might have 200 yrs old heritage, as innocent you think it is, it's still full of blood. Serbians have 700 yrs old heritage in Kosovo, that is also bloody. But nobody wants to give Serbs the right to be proud. If they signed the peace agreemant, that wasn't an agreemant but deal that America came up with, they could say goodbye to their pride, country and sovereignity.

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In the know,

Virtually everyone on this planet believes that the USA are considering two things when it comes to intervention in a foreign conflict:

1. Is it worth it ?
2. Is it dangerous ?

I think you will agree that Iraq applies to question 1. As far as number 2, all you need to do is tune in to CNN to hear Congress members and public surveys asking the question: is this worth the life of ONE AMERICAN SOLDIER ?

Indeed one could argue that the reason NATO denies that any of their planes was shot down is because it would not quite know how to handle subsequent criticism from the US public. After all, these raids are quite a big gamble: no matter which way we look at it, reports of alleged massacres by Serb forces are inconclusive. As I recall, Finland forensics were unable to come to a conclusion whether the victims involved were executed or killed in combat. Is not NATO betting (bluffing ?) that Serbs did kill civilians in order to justify their attack ?

Do not lose sight of the fact that an assumption should never be sufficient grounds for NATO's ill-fated decision in a dangerously unstable region. You think USA "look down on racism"? Strange, I recall your country also said that about terrorism. Should not that apply to Albanian separatists ?

Your gamble has already cost the lives of over 120 civilians in Yugoslavia, not to mention the economical, ecological and psychological trauma which no doubt will scar people for life. So you think Serbs are only interested in looting villages of their own territory, murdering its inhabitants? God help you if you are wrong, if the NATO move results in themselves being the murderers that Serbs are thought to be. God help you if war breaks out in the region, we all know who will have made it possible.

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What are your feelings on the matter ... straight out do you feel that things shoud be handled? Whom and what and when should things be done, from this point forward, to resolve this situation?

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I would give Albanians more authonomy but would not tolerate separation. The money spend on weapons I would give to help Serbia and Kosovo build factories, schools... If people had food, jobs, everything needed for decent life they would not need to fight so much. Now they don't have anyting. Schools, hospitals, businesses all bombed. There could be people monitoring but not NATO troops. Mostly humanitarian organisations. I think there was a way to sattle this peacefully. It is now gone. Cause this bombings, CNN and TV Serbia propaganda have put so much hatred to peoples mind... To be honest, at this moment I don't know what can be done.
All the chances for peacefull solution are gonna. Serbian people who never before hated Albanians now hate them with passion and vice versa. No bombs ever brought peace, just more and greater war.

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