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Aerial danger in Belgrade 04:18

Live from Belgrade -

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I never thought I would see the day in my life when I would support Russia and be opposed to my own government in the US. I am absolutely opposed to our involvement in the Balkans. We have a hypocrite for a President who opposed the Vietnam war for the same reasons he supports war in Yugoslavia.
Loren P

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Loren P
That sounds pretty lame. Could you be a little more specific and a little less emotional before you sell out your country and undermine the men and women in uniform who are trying to stop massive genocide between ethnic groups who all share a small area about the size of the state of Maine?

Or are you just shooting your mouth off without engaging your brain? What is your solution Mr. Armchair Diplomat?

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Is there anyone out there from Boka? I want to know how Boka Kotorska is affected if at all, and hopefully get in contact with someone near where my Uncle lives so I can find out if he is alive.

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Two questions embarrase me:
Why can a leader, who orders crimes against humanity systematically, not be arrested and be judged by an international court? In stead off being begged to stop these crimes by bombings, and so killing probably innocent people.
The other question is: How is it possible, that exiled people from Servie, who are informed by the same newscanals as mine (dutch-news), totaly ignore the cruel crimes against the Kosovarians with an Albanian origin? These crimes are systematically planned en committed, with an political aim: possessing Kosovo for Servie, in spite off genocide on the Albanians who live there. In the interviews I heared on the radio the Servies people in Holland ignore questions about it and only see the good things of Servie. I can understand the feelings of sorrow and anxiety, their feelings of nationality. I cannot understand criticless thinking, wenn you are informed about all facts. I think this antipathic agaist the Servian people. They better can explain their problems, they have with the situation in living with Albanian people.

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have you ever been to Yugoslavia? Different peoples, different mentalities. The Balkans are where barbarian behaviour is obviously a normal way of behaviour. As for the Serbs in Holland. Don't you think they know their country a bit better than you do, and after all it's their country. Do you really think they'll condemn their own people? We, in the West, always assume that other people think like us. Wrong! Did you hear about Borneo in the news, where in the ethnic strife taking place where heads were cut off and used as soccer balls, and no one seemed to consider that perhaps slightly abnormal. My blood froze when I heard about that. The Balkans aren't too far from that behaviour. And once Serbia is brought to its knees, what is the West going to do then? Commit large segments of the population supportive of Mr Psycho, also known as Milosevic, to psychiatric treatment and send them to sensitivity school? Come on. We in the West better make sure we keep that type of people out of our countries or if we do assimilate them as quickly as possible, otherwise we'll have to deal with Balkan/Indonesia type of situations in our own homelands soon.

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Doing nothing and just receive that hard kind of news is all that we all can do, and I don't like it.
If any of you thinks that having an e-mail exchange with un unknown, foreign an not so far away italian "friend" can help passing the nights a little bit better, please write me back.
All the best, as soon as possible.

Ciao, Stefano

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The might is right!
War is called peace making, occupation peace keeping!
We kill children to save children!
We do not have an issue with your people (it is the tyrant we aim to kill) but people just keep getting in the way!
I saw it on TV - therefore it is true!
The prosecutor is the judge and the jury and the executioner!
The judge has got the biggest gun - so the judge can judge!
If you only do everything the way you are told - you will not be bombed!
He can always call us if he really wants peace, our phone lines are open
(Ah, Madeleine... you pretty little flower)!
We will teach you to behave - you brutish people!
We give you options - would you like to be occupied, or first bombed and
then occupied?
You are not allowed to defend yourself - that is an act of aggression against us!
I always bomb my terrorists, but my enemy's terrorist is a "liberation/freedom fighter"!
We bring you democracy by bombing you!
Inflame a civil war, then send in the "peace keepers"!

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When Hitler engaged in “ethnic cleansing” the world stood by and “honored” his “sovereignty”.

The world learned a lesson.

The center of the battle is 70 miles from Italy and 120 miles from Greece.

The world will not make the same mistake again.

Sovereignty dissolves with “ethnic cleansing”

Albanian’s came to the region in 1200 B. C., 3200 years ago!. They have a right to be there.

No matter how loudly the Serbian’s say that it is “their” country and “their” sovereignty, the Albanian’s have a right to be there.

The ethnic hatred in the region is thousands of years old, we cannot change that … but we can take away their club so they don’t beat up on their neighbors, Italy .. Greece … etc.

When a nation engages in genocide it loses its sovereignty.

NATO is to be applauded for taking a strong position in stopping the atrocities.

Okay Spiro .. now you can go back to leisurely eating your breakfast and conducting Arm Chair Diplomacy. I am sure that is much easier to do then to defend the integrity and human rights of your fellow man.

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John Paul
What a load of ... interesting ideas. The fact that the US corporations are earning couple hundred million a day from this operation squares well with your noble sentiments. In fact, you could be on their payrol. They have got many more on the Capitol Hill.

In Western countries people care so much about their fellow men and about noble principles that you can't se a begger or a homeless person on the street. If such person appears they all rush to help the poor soul - take him to their home, feed him, cloth him and so on.

When the West is doing something, this is out of cold blooded interest, not out of noble principles.

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I am trying to learn as much as I can about what is happening in Kosovo. I understand it is a very complex situation going back many, many years but I am confused about the difference between Serbia and Yugoslavia. Is Serbia an independent nation? If it is part of Yugoslavia, please explain how it is part of Yugoslavia. Is it a province? Thanks.

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Spiro ... your an idiot.

Priscilla ... here is a web site that will give you background information

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Serbia is one of the two last remaning states in what used to be Yugoslavia, the Federal Republic of six states. The disolution of Yugoslavia started in 1991 and is now in its 8th year. The West blamed Milosevic for this, the head of Serbia at the time. Serbians claim that this disolution was part of the US and Germany's grand plan for the Balkans.

The Western alliance currently has troops in all parts of former Yugoslavia, except in Serbia and Montenegro, the two remaining Yugoslav states.

Hope this helps

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It is fashionable to compare your opponents with nazis, fascists, Hitler etc. Both Clinton&Co. and Serbs call each other such names.

However, Nazism and Communism are both all but gone. Liberalism is ruling the world right now. Its shining representatives are: Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Goerhard Schroeder and Jacque Chirak. The basic postulates of liberalism are:
1. Free market
2. Strong economy
3. Human rights
4. Individual freedoms

But, upon achieving a complete victory, liberalism is becoming unfettered. Like many other ideologies before, it is becoming extreme, exclusive and dogmatic. This resulted in the following:
1. "Free market" turned into a license for capital to do whatever it pleases (e.g. obliterate Asian economies)
2. "Strong economy" became a goal rather then means to an end - better REAL standard of living (corporations overwork employees for a couple of years and then throw them out on the street)
3. Liberals kill humans in order to protect "human rights" (Iraq,Yugoslavia)
4. Liberal ideologues start curbing individual freedoms (Zero Tolerance) whilst overdosing on freedoms themselves (Whitewater affair)

Further, the liberals have heavily simplified the ideological vernacular to facilitate mass consumption of their ideas. Their favorite expressions are: democracy, human right abuses, ethnic cleansing, human catastrophe, rule of tyranny, freedom fighter, user pays etc. They rely on the media to dispense their manna from heaven. They also organize ideological police (Human Rights Watch) and courts (War Crimes Tribunal). Of course, to give legitimacy to these organizations, they occasionally criticize some of their own "achievements", but their goal remains the same - show trials and ideological purges.

The whole world is ruled now by a single ideology - the liberal fundamentalism. Any challenge to its rule is labeled a "right-wing conspiracy" (Mrs. Clinton). Liberalism is becoming more and more similar to nazism and communism.

The great German philosopher, Fridrich Nitche, once said: "God save us from the liberals with whips! They are the most dangerous lot."

Perhaps, after this ideology is exposed one day, to insult somebody we will say - "You liberal".

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Thanks to both of you who answered my message and suggested the web site. I am a teacher and my students are very interested in learning about the conflict. I wasn't sure whether I could break into the conversion and ask such a basic question. I'm learning a great deal just from reading the messages that are posted. I do agree with what one person wrote earlier and that is that we here in the U.S. (or at least where I live)are getting a one sided view of the conflict. The view I am getting is that the Serbs are the ones causing the violence and the Albanians are the victims.
Anyway, thanks for answering my question.

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