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Messages 3-27-99

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Spiro: you hit the nail on the head.
However, as far as the Serbs are concerned: what goes around comes around...painful, isn't it...having your country bombarded. Now you know what it was like for the Croats and Bosnians when you waged war on them....ouch!

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One more thing, Spiro: liberal fundamentalism or not, but you must admit more comfy living under that type of ideology than communism for example. At least it can feed us.

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I apologize to the peoples of Yugoslavia and Kosovo for the deaths of innocent civilians,but this is always a consequence of bombing. The crimes perpetrated by both sides of this conflict must be stopped. The only answer now is to send in NATO ground troops and eliminate the Serbian army, because NATO has only succeded in uniting the Serbian people with their insane president, against NATO.

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To Chasm:

If kosovo albanians were so oppressed under Yugoslav government, how did they manage to become such a majority of 90% in that region ?

Also, what happened to the serbian majority in Kosovo,before they started hosting albanian
people ?

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I must admit I don't know what the number of Albanians was after the II. world war but it
was very low. They came from that number to
90 % with great help from the country they are
now accusing was always opressing them. Dictator Tito, I don't agree he was a dictator, Americans call him that, even offered to be a god father to every 12th child in the family. Talk about not being wanted. They were always on wellfare if they couldn't support their family ( think, how can one working man in the family support 10 kids ), they all had social and health security, retirement and all the rights Serbs had. And yes they always had a right to vote. One of Americans accused Serbs for not giving Kosovar Albanians a right to vote.
I informed that person, who wants to throw a nuclear bomb on Kosovo and Serbia, that Kosovar Albanians got the right to vote long before black people had it in some states of America. Talk about a hypocracy.

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It must be very comforting to the Albanians, as they are being lead out of their houses and shot, to know that they have the right to vote.

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Well here we are on the edge of full blown war. Are we in NATO right to intervene? Probably, for if one knows of ethnic cleanising going on and does not intervene we are just as guilty. But is this going to be an easy intervention? Do we have the political will? Only time will tell. As a member of the Canadian Air Force, I will say one thing. War is worse than Hell, for war affects good people, Hell only affects the bad. God bless all the good people on all sides. Maybe someday the good will prevail.

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I don't appriciate the sarcasm. We are discussing reasons why the whole thing started. I am trying to explain the oppresion wasn't one of them. They wanted big Albania and they are determined to get it. Once they get Kosovo they will want Macedonia. And they thing will happen again. Will Clinton help them again?
I am afraid that NATO will help start the third Balcan war that can lead to the third world war. Don't forget these are small countries all ethincaly mixed? In these last four days hate is spreading like fire. In Macedonia, Greece... Not only bombing civilians will not stop a humanitarian disaster it will only make it greater. It's not like White house really cares. Whatever happens, they will go back to America and find another vicitim. What will happen to these people, Serbians, Kosovo Albanians and others when the bombings are done? No hospitals, schools, factories, houses. appartments, water and electricity supplies... How will this people live? Do you know how much time and money it takes to repair everything? It's much easier to destroy than to build. If nobody cares about Serbia then think about Kosovo. There are bombs falling on the region for four days and there is no sign they will stop? How are you helping Kosovar Albanians by destroying "their" region? You might think you have perfect weapons. I must tell you all the dollars in the world don't make them perfect. They miss their targets by 5 miles and destroy the whole village instead of the weapons factory.

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The U.S. should get OUT of Kosovo & Yugoslavia. It is only being used to deflect attention from the sellout to China. And it worked...ChinaGate is off the boards now.

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You tell me the answers to your two questions.
I would like to hear your opinion on these issues.

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I just don't see why it is all right to intervene in some countries and not in others. Someone said on tv the other night, "We have to pick and choose where we will intervene." That does not seem right--we should either help everyone, or help no one. Also, I think we should get out now. The next step is ground troops. We are still in Haiti and Bosnia...Clinton is spreading our military gossamer thin while gutting it at the same time. Something more is going on here than just the immediate area and "activities." I suspect all his motives all the time.

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Don't we all suspect his motives. I don't trust him at all, but as a member of the military I put my life on the line and just pray that the other western leaders are correct in this.

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The attack of forcing them of "NATO" is unfounded coward and these attacks must stop now!
USA must stop of if they to find the policeman of the Universe... are not nothing beyond idiots and cowards... the opinion is this that I have as Brazilian...

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Nato is far more than the USA.

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It is being considered that it might take six weeks to complete the bombing ... I don't think in 4 days the full effects have yet been felt. Of course the bombing would stop if certain persons came to the peace table with honorable intentions.

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