Messages 3-27-99
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Messages 3-27-99

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Dave, my prayers are with you...I just feel this whole thing is wrong...what I can do is pray and put an improvised bumper sticker into the back window of my car...if I knew of any demos, I would be there....God be with you
John Paul...statistically, bombing only stiffens resistance, unless you bomb the country to a rubble and practically wipe it out....just remember that a man convinced against his will is of the same opinion cannot bomb honorable intentions into cannot make anyone do what they do not want to do...of course you can kill the person, but they still will not have done what you wanted to make them do....

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Instigators for World War 3 says:


And, we are not giving up anything for nothing because we have never, ever had enough of anything, or something- which is nothing!


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I am a Greek citizen, an Orthodox like any real Serb and I would like to let all the Yugoslavian people surfing in the net know that we, the Greek people, are with you, at least with our hearts. We are the only one who can understand your feeling of that crucial moment for your nation.
I can't understand why the US or NATO don't do the same (bombings) against Turkey, a country that does worst things than all that against the Kurdish people, or for what does Turkey against the Cypriot nation. Anyone out there who has an answer to my question, please make it clear to me!
Orthodox brothers stand still to your legal rights.The Greek nation is with you!

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Will the Serbian armed forces please
promise to stop shelling villages, rounding
up and machine-gunning males of all

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It is sad that at the dawning of the 21st century we sit on the brink of a world war. My eleven year old asked me today whether he would be alive at the end of the year. As we live next to a dockyard in Britain he is afraid that it will be one of the first places to be bombed if the crisis escalates. Its also very hard to explain the reasons for the conflict to children as they cannot see past the killing. They are very afraid as we live in an area which was bombed during the second world war.
I pray for all those involved that the situation is resolved as soon as possible.

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Why are Americans so quick to judge who is right and who is wrong? Do you guys have wings behind? Are you any better? How can the nation involved in the genocide of native americans and blacks judge about this war in Kosovo? Why are you so sure that your way is the right one?
That is a civil war in Kosovo, ugly and evil war. Just like any other war. There is no place to mercy, morality and humanity. In such war every side is worse. Only power and brute force make sense. Serbs have the right to this war. It s their land, their history, their roots. I really don t know how to explain this to you. You guys never had even a feeling about that. How can the nation without a history, but with so hypertrophied ego understand this?
Do you know how many people were killed in Kosovo during a year of conflict? About 300. Do you know how many people were killed during 3 days of NATO bombing? More than a 100. How can you be called peacemakers after that?
Western media are always reporting about peaceful Albanians killed by evil Serbs. But transformation from albanian peasant into a member of Kosovo Liberation Army is so easy. If he is burning orthodox churches and shooting police he is a fighter for The Great Albania. If such guy drops his kalashnikov gun, he suddenly becomes a victim of cruel Serbs. Take a chance and talk with american soldiers of the Vietnam era. Maybe they will answer you why they did kill peaceful citizens.
Kosovo is not your fucking business! Only Serbs and Albanians can solve this problem. If they decided that the war is the only way - so it s their war, not yours. Go home and solve your own problems.I guess you have a lot of them.

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What are Madeline Albright, Bill Clinton, James Rubin and others doing on every damn American television few times a day? That's not how usually things are done. Only people who know they are telling lies feel they have to repeat themselves over and over.
And so NATO doesn't lie to you anymore. There is proof that NATO planes went down. If democratic western media will show you the pictures you will see them yourselves.

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The unwarranted military attack on Yugoslavia, unquestionably an act of war, appears to be designed to achieve two ends: first, to divert the public attention from the clear evidence of treason on the part of Clinton and his friends in selling military secrets to China; and second, to allow Clinton's friends in international finance, the ones who contributed all those milllions of dollars in campaign contributions, to acquire control of the rich mineral and coal deposits in Kosovo.

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CNN reported it but NATO and Pentagon won't confirm.

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Topic: lack of professionalism by journalists from USA (CNN), France, Italy, Germany and Spain.

We have only heard one side of the story so far: the only evil in this conflict is Serbs. Indeed they loot, rape, kill/massacre and as of today, also torture (?). The Albanian separatists have nearly disappeared from the picture, leaving NATO to deal with Serbs. The only witnesses reporting on CNN are Kosovar Albanians, or just Albanians: how convenient. Any information reported by Yugoslav media is of course propaganda. The civilians bombed in error (oops), the pharmaceutical facility destroyed, the NATO planes shot down, all this has only got one aim: to reassure the Yugoslav population that all is not lost and that NATO is not having a picnic.

The control NATO enjoys over the media of the above mentioned alliance countries ensures that no "bad news" jeopardises their good deed they love to label humanitarian. Well, those who want to hear both sides of the story will be wondering how NATO will manage to conceal the shooting down of one of their billion Dollar stealth planes earlier on today. As I speak, the rest of it is burning live on CNN. About 30 minutes ago, my friends and I noticed that the part where the Yugoslav pilot reports shooting down the same plane was very skillfully removed by CNN. Now that plane is not going to be as easy to hide as the others shot down in the previous three days.

There is going to be a time, hopefully soon for the sake of everyone, when NATO comes clean and remembers that the reason Yugoslavia is attacked for the crime of protecting their country is that nobody wants Albanian refugees on their territory. Italy has already had their share. Greece will not hear of it, Germany, France, UK ? So perhaps said refugees should be "parked" in the space where most of them already are, Kosovo, how convenient. The recipe to do this: get NATO and Albanians together at a table, devise an agreement to force Yugoslavia to give up Kosovo which you call "peace deal", throw it in the face of Milosevic threatening to bomb his country if he does not sign it. Then carry out your threats under the good cause of punishing the Serb villains, stir up division by spreading political unrest in Montenegro and Vojvodina, bring troops in Macedonia, et voilà ! You no longer look like the bad guy since Milosevic is the scapegoat, after all nobody can prove his police did not massacre civilians.

Congratulations to TV5, a Swiss-Belgium-Francophonic coverage of the Kosovo situation. These people have achieved what very few other NATO journalists have (with the exception of a few BBC consultants) and that is fair, unbiased, objective reporting of facts taking place. If you tune in to TV5, you will notice the key words "alleged", "unconfirmed" and "seem to" when describing casualties. CNN and others, watch and learn.

Nicolas Blanc

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Maja, if you have got CNN, for Christ Sake tune in now.

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The USA is the war criminal in this conflict
the Serbs are doing nothing different than the
USA did during Vietnam. I wonder if the American pilots know that they are carring out unlawful
orders and should be treated as war criminals.
As pilots operating under NATO thay are violating
Nato`s charter by taking offensive operations and this attack was not UN approved before it started

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