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Messages 3-28-99

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If I can send a message to your relatives let me know

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Can anyone send us daily news (not propaganda)from Yugoslavia? We have a lot of serbian friends that who is afraid for their family. They can`t get contact with Yugoslavia because it is problems with the telephone lines!

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America can be proud of its present administration. I wonder if Clinton actuallly thinks before taking serious decisions about bombing a sovereign country, that has Russia, still a nuclear power don't forget, as a traditional ally. Then again what do you expect from someone who lies under oath, or allows military secrets to seep out into China. For now Nato will prevail, but for the not so distant future the strike against Yugoslavia is one major blunder. I think Russia, already a highly unstable place considering the fact that they have nukes and a very volatile political situation, has been alienated from the West completely by this action...and for what? Answer: for nothing. The key problem in the Balkans is Milosevic. Surely there must be another way of neutralising him? He will not only drive Albanians into disaster, but his own Serbs, too. Unforunately now the Serbs have been driven into a situation, in which they'll be forced to unite behind him.

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To OLGA Miseka. I read your touchy letter I AGREEE with you this is a difficult situation for you and your people in Yugoslavia, we as an outsiders dont have all the facts about whats going on, the only thing that I can appreciate on TV is smoke, flames and pieces of chattered metal from presumable planes, the only way taht we can help at this point is praying for a peaceful solution between Yugoslavia, NATO and Kosvo. our simpathies are with you and your people, from a university professor. Cardiovascular Anesthesiologist Javier

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Olga - Its a terrible situation, but haven't the Serbs brought this on themselves. America is trying to do something good for the world. This may be misplaced, but all of this ranting about America's motives is just a lot of hogwash. What does America gain from this other than a lot of cost in money, material and lives.

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You may be right delftman, however I am not sure the western policy in yugoslavia will succeed. We are fighting serbs here, not arabs. That is a big difference. The land mass is so much harsher in a strange way ( you can hide much better).
I agree that there are atrocities going on, but is this bombing just making things worse? To suceed we must send in ground forces, but we dont havethe will. One thing I would like to say as well is that we owe alot to the serbs from two world wars. Some 500 allied pilots owe there lifes to them.

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Adding to my previous message, if there is any truth inthe reports coming out of Kosovo now, I am slowly deciding which side I am on. If women and children are able to escape, where are the men? These are terrible times. All good people of the world totally abhore ethnic cleansing. I shall watch the reports closely. Serbs have been our alies in the past, but we are living in the present. May God be with all, and remember, there are many paths to God.

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In the UK I wish to raise the following important points and questions:

1. It is wrong to single out any ethnic group as the Serbs are doing to the Albanians and try to kick them out of the area in which they live.

2. NATO attacks are the wrong way to stop the crisis in Kosova.
3. Molosovitch is misleading the Yugoslav people, especially the Serb majority.

4. Clinton, Blair and co are wrong if they think western populations support NATO air strikes; they want a better way.(58% against, Guardian newspaper survey)

5. Why are the Yugoslavian people fighting amongst themselves? Together they have a wonderful country, rich in culture and heritage. Why throw all that away for the sake of outdated beliefs in ethnic superiority?

Writing from here in the UK, the attacks in Yugoslavia are a hot topic of conversation, in that the majority of people here horrified by what is happening there. In the UK we had very little idea that there was really going to be a NATO attack if the negotiations with Molosovitch failed. But equally important, why are a civilised European people, which the Yugoslavs are, waging a war on the Albanians in Kosova? This is something no-one here understands, so it is very hard to accept that it is wrong to try a way of stopping the crisis there. In particular, why are the families, women and children being made a target by Serbs? Or is this not true?

Why, in a the modern world after two awful world wars, have Yugoslav people of all factions failed to realise, there is no such thing as differences between people, that no group or faction can be superior to another? People need to forget and forgive the mistakes made in the past by our ancestors, who undoubtedly did many awful things in the name of imperialism, nationalism, and sovereignty and lots of other outdated concepts. Personally, I do not feel that I am responsible for the mistakes of my father, nor do I hold Germans, Japanese or any other national guilty because of their fathers actions. Rather they are welcome as my friends. Viewpoints like these are obtained as a result of being able to enjoy a good education which has left me able to see events in the past with a clear conscience, but a sense of responsibility for the future.

So to sum up, there should be a truce in Kosova. The NATO attacks should stop. The Albanians should be asked, what do you want and they should be given it within reason, as they have as much a right to be heard as any other group. The Serbs should stop all action against Albanians, not because of attacks from NATO but because of pressure from its own people.

G Smout.

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It is unbelievable what's going on against Yugoslavia, in the name of democracy, peace and protection of Albanian terrorists. Is any difference between terrorist groups? What about Arafat, Mandela and many others? Who cares about Cyprus, Algeria, Corsica, Nicaragua and many other countries? Do you remember what the civilazed army from Holland did to the Indonesian people? Or the British to Indians, Pakistanis, Cypriots? Or the French to Algerians, Vietnameese Or the Portugeese to Angolans and Mozambicans?

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Russian TV NEWS AGENCY. And you are talking about help to those dirty Muslims!!!!!

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Bengt Svensson
I am agree with you and when Albright(pity citizen of USA) tell us that Miloshevich will pay if he will fight against KLA so where is a clear reason that USA help terrirists to otherthrow legal government.

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Where did the brave Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) fighters get their weapons from?
Who trained them and gave them those shiny uniforms? Who provided the logistics, command and control etc?

How did KLA come about in the first place?

There is no "guerilla army" without a major sponsor. The KLA was created by the CIA and BRD (German CIA).

A similar destabilization scenario has been developed and tested in South America, Asia, Bosnia etc. -

The intelligence goes in first. It establishes bases in a neighboring country. "Retired officers" start training the able bodied guerilla
volunteers. Use Russian origin hand weapons. Select good spots for border crossing, send insurgents in. They use own villages as transit
points. The "freedom fighters" do death and destruction and rush back
over the border into base. This invokes reaction from the police, which
starts prosecuting supporters. The extremists on both sides are in
control now. The circle of violence has been established.

The situation keeps escalating. The West starts clamoring about Human
Rights. Media are now employed to manufacture consent of the domestic
populace. Pictures of crying children are splashed regularly over TV
screens (all news are centrally sourced on the global basis -

Next, calls for intervention are now engineered - "Stop the massacres!
We have to do something! ..." scream the front pages of newspapers and
readers' letters. This is the time for the bombers to start flying.
Since it is not safe yet for the Western troops to move in - they start
openly arming the friendly ethnic guerilla force and continue supporting
it from the air.

Finally, the "peace keepers" roll in to preserve the "peace" won.

Looks familiar?

P.S. The USSR used to do a similar show before it fell apart and went
bankrupt. But, the US and Germany are the masters of this game.

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This is not only arms but media war aswell. And of course NATO has more opportunity to get it's message across.
NATO officer said Serbs are dividing families, sending women and kids out of the country and taking men... wherever. Even BBC journalist admitted that wasn't true. Even if it were, maybe they want to stay and fight, what they are doing all along.
Fake pictures are nothing new. We can see pictures from the "same day" all made near Macedonian border. On ones you can see almost 3 feet of snow and on others now snow whatsoever. What strange weather Kosovo has.
An Albanian woman said they were woken up in the middle of the night and were forced to leave immidiately, bare footed even. If she didn't have the time to put shoes on when did she get the chance to put all that make up on? She looked like she attended Hollywood party.
Clinton was asked if Albanians are not leaving Kosovo because of the bombings and not alleged actrocities. He said no and sounded very sure.
NATO is throwing bombs all over the Kosovo. Kosovo is such a small country. They all are in immidiate danger. They have no shelters, of course they are leaving.
My opinion is NATO realised planes won't be enough and are trying to prepare public to the idea troops will be sent in.

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To smout:

The reason for the Kosovo conflict is the separatist war waged by the KLA terrorists with innocent civilians in between.

The Serbian government agreed to give full autonomy to Albanian Kosovars allowing international observers as well as some UN peace-keeping troops. However NATO countries decided that Serbs should sign off Kosovo in their so called "peace deal" thus granting rights to succession to Kosovars with NATO troops in the territory. There was no alternative, nor peace talk, no discussion of the agreement, just plain ultimatum.

If in doubt about any of it, ask for detailed information on the Rambouillet proceedings.

Kind regards


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Why NATO can not be sent in Kosovo as a peace keeping troops?
Peace keeping troops that are currently in Bosnia and helping NATO with bombings. What kind of a peace keeping troops are that? If we have NATO peace keeping troops in Kosovo soon they will serve Clinton for the further war in Yugoslavia.

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