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Pictures were shown on the tv station. I am sure they will reach CNN soon.

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Can you get access to these pictures. I would like to see them. Could you post them to this site.

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Dear Brothers/Sisters,
The World is shown a picture that JUSTICE is served. How do we know if this is the truth? NATO is a military organization. It is a PROPAGANDA machine. They only let you see and hear exactly what they want you to see and hear.

On one hand we have Serbia's atrocity against the Kosovo Albanians. In the other hand we have 19 Nations dropping bombs on a single nation. But in the news, only the suffering of refugees from Kosovo is portrayed. Are they having parties in Serbia? They are being bombed? Don't you think there are women and children in Serbia?

Who passed judgement on Serbia? Certainly it was not The United Nations. NATO bypassed the UN. It was the same scenario in the case of IRAQ. What we have here is an organization(NATO), which has power to judge and pass sentence and carry on the punishment without the permission of the UN. Think! The next target may be your own country. And there is no one powerful to safe you.

And the news we get, from news agencies like CNN are biased. They are more interested in selling news. How and who will you turn to when you are accused of wrongdoing? NATO waits for no one. They bomb with or without the consent of the UN. And RUSSIA has been silenced. They are keeping quiet because of the loan promised by IMF.

Is NATO one of the BEASTS foretold in the BOOK OF REVELATIONS (in the BIBLE)?

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please let me know what areas ..cities...etc.. have been bombed and where can i find this info on the net ...thanks ....DUSHAN (DUKE) BALICH E Mail 2092980126 ..fx 2092981960...4665 E copper Clovis calif 93611..

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Clinton is Hitler of the last decade of our century. It's hard to face the
truth for a country that consideres itself "a civilized" one, but it's a
fact - America has become the bully of the world. They are doing whatever
they please because they can buy votes in UN, shut up prostitute countries
like Poland.
``We've seen innocent people taken from their homes, forced to kneel in the
dirt and sprayed by bullets,'' - said world's new Hitler. What wonderful
specimen of double moral !!! Serbs' police punishing criminals and bandits
is outrageous, muslim bandits from Afghanistan, Ichkerya, Iordania cutting
people into pieces - are innocent sheep, needing protection.
The multiple paranoid repetition of the fact that the war is not with the
Serbians but with Miloshevitch stands no critics. Been there already. Last
December, in Iraq. "It's not the people, it's Saddam we are after". Where is
Saddam? Where he was and has been and will be. Where are the hundreds of
Iraqi people? Gone down the drain of Hitl... sorry, Clinton's lust.

" President Clinton said in a nationally broadcast speech. ``By acting now,
we are upholding our values,"... - WHAT ARE YOUR VALUES? Sex in the oval
room? Or the values you get selling weapons, which is necessary to first
show in action? "... protecting our interests..." WHAT MAY YOUR INTERESTS
BE IN EASTERN EUROPE??? Polish immigrant Levinsky is not enough, Billy wants
"slavonic sex in natural habitat"?
The most immoral I think is US officials' sick idea of "Miloshevitch being
responsible", "Saddam being responsible".... all the world being responsible
for non-stop sexual harrasment in the States.

Really, sanity of an aged person who had his sexual life disposed to
millions for more than a year is an interesting object of study. For
pathologists. Maybey he's already obsessed with pathological desires to
harrass, oppress and destroy. The guy asked "what was sex". If he doesn't
know what sex is (and his married, has a child, a bunch of lovers) how can
you be sure he's doing the right thing now? He may then innocently ask you
what terrorism is.


P.S. I remember in winter when US pillaged in Iraq an american idiot sent a
letter full of f-words into a news group I read. The letter finished like
this: "AMERIKA UBER ALLES". Agreed. Is that what you wanted? Can I close the
window now? Because it smells terribly from up there.

"This letter not tested on animals"

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The seemingly objective CNN,AP,Reuters are reporting the Strike Against Yogoslavia aroud the clock.They do give audience "facts",but selective facts:they show us the Albanian regugees fleeing,but not much civilian damages suffered by Serbians with handreds of missiles and bombs flying down,do you really believe their reporting?
The Nato attacks have directly resulted in more regugees.In the name of humaniatarian action or peacekeeping,Nato's rhetoric is appealing to its members'domestic citizens at least for a while with western media reporting persisting.

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Refugee: A coward who doesn't fight for their freedom.

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Why is this a NATO mission and not a UN mission?

NATO is a Military Pact of countries, not an economic or political body, but a MILITARY group. A group that are freely attacking a country with an INTERNAL dispute, without 66% of the world's support for the action.

I could care less if there are reports of "attrocities". I'm sure both sides have their stories. War is ugly, that's why peace looks so good.

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How Many Airplanes Shot Down?

How Many Children Killed?

Survival of the Strongest, right?

Power is the Truth, right?

It is not the question of whether the human-right
should be protected, but the question of who's
human-right should be protected.

If you give up resistance, who will protect your
human right for you? The police? The police of
NATO? They are "protecting" someone, right? Who
are they protecting?

God help those who save themselves.

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I do believe that the bombings are necessary. On e cannot tollerate that people, be it kosovar albanians or really anyone else are being terrorized and killed for no good reason. If Servia won't listen to reason, it will have to learn the hard way. It IS a question of protecting Human Rights. Serbia is obviously terrorizing other human beings and has no right to do so. The bombings and a possible ground intervention have been provoked by the Serbs and will stop as soon as they get reasonable. NATO is not a terrorist organization, and is not violating any rights. The freedom of the Serb nation ends where other people's freedom is being threatenend. Denying another culture's right to live independently is called FASCISM.

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I don't know how, but all of us who are deeply troubled by events should come together to do more, to find a way to act. I believe we can begin to put a stop to the killing, no matter who does it, by together using our intelligence, our passion, and most of all our compassion and empathy to formulate a visible, unified, nonviolent action that the leaders of nations and CEOs of corporations will have to pay attention to. To me, the Internet may ultimately be our one remaining way to reach people all across the world. Many of us (not me, personally) have knowledge and experience that could be put to use in a much broader way.

To communicate like this, with people of many nations, is a wonderful thing. How can we use this medium to begin to make those changes we hunger for?

I'd love to hear from people with specific ideas on this. I don't want to buy or sign up for anything, so please, no advertisements or offers of that sort. It's time to get down to basics, not for advertising. If all our opinions in the world won't stop a single bomb, then what will? For all our differences, is there something we can agree upon -- such as the brevity and beauty of simply being alive? How can we get through to people who are capable of killing others and having a sound night's sleep afterward?

please write me at


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1a. NATO has no right to attack Yugoslavia.
1b. NATO is attacking Yugoslavia. Why?

2a. United Nation has every right to intervene and stop the fighting Yugoslavia.
2b. United Nation is not intervening Yugoslavia. Why?

3a. NATO is attacking Yugoslavians.
3b. NATO is not attacking Milosevic. Why?

"Smart Bombs, Stupid Users"

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I am sorry for what US/NATO is doing to your country. I am a citizen of US. It is not easy for a government to say "I am sorry". We citizens must say it. We will do everything in our power here to get US/NATO to try diplomacy again. Keep us informed of what is happening. We need your (Serb) perspective on all of this. It helps us very much to achieve balance. Thanks again for all of your communications. I'll return later this morning to join in.


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NATO has the right to bomb Yugo as milosevic aint signing that treaty. If the reason behing him ti signing is because of a clause saying that forign troops will be sent in to Yugo and he does not want that...too bad for him cause he is the one who is killing his own people. He deserves to have troops there..the man is dirty killer...he actually buried 3000 people alive in a mass grave...he is torturing people in Kosovo as if he created them..the fuckin asshole deserves to be burned to death..what the hell r u talkin about when u say that NATO has no right to attack Yugo...

If this man had a heart in him..he would pity his own people and stop the bombing by signing that treaty. IT CLEARLY SHOWS THE MAN DOES NOT GIVE A HOOT ABOUT HIS OWN PEOPLE...killer..killer...killer...

UN should not dare intervene and stop the attacks..GENOCIDE is an international crime and whoever practices it needs to suffer.

I feel sorry for all the Yugo civilians who are suffering because of their stoopid leader..they should realise that their leader does not care about them and he even cares less if they are mass killed...HE IS USED TO GENOCIDE...ITS IN HIS BLOOD...THE MAN IS A MURDERER!!!!!!

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I don't disagree with you that Milosevic is an asshole. But why force the common people to suffer for his crimes?

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