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Messages 3 -29-99

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Where are men? That's the question journalists are asking today. Many answers only one and very obvious doesn't come to hand. If they were translating everything refugees are saying you would also here : I BROUGHT THE FAMILY ACROSS THE BORDER AND I AM GOING BACK TO FIGHT. MY BROTHER IS IN WOODS WITH KLA. There ware few live interviews with refugees. And most of them when asked if you think NATO is doing something good and should continue said No, they should stop. But when CNN was rerunning those interviews the showed only parts. The part that NATO should stop was of course cut out.
Maybe CNN could show a videos from Pristina hospital, one that still wasn't burned down. Serbian doctor treating 23 babies in incubators. Mostly Albanian babies. Treating them, not murdering. In conditions nobody would want his child to be treated. In dark. Not enough medicine.

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Economy is doing great. Dow Jones finished above 10.000 first time in history. Serbian economy of course doing shitty. But still Albanians didn't starve to death in Yugoslavia. They are about to now, when good guys have them. Macedonia, Montenegro and Albania are pleading for help. The only country that has actualy send any is Italy. The only responsible person that actualy came there was one of the Italian ministers. EU minister for humanitarian catastrophies will come on Wednesday. It doesn't take a week to come from Brussels. America, England, we are so happy you are worried and able to talk about that all day long on TV. Where is talk about helping with something else than bombs, food, medicine, blankets, clothes? I didn't even see promises, let alone actual packages. It only takes 12 hours for the B 2 bomber to fly over from Missouri with bombs. How long does it take for the planes with help packages to come? And economy is still doing great.

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We see a lot of two things in this discussion: (1) Serbs who think that NATO are terrible to bomb their "innocent" people, and (2) Americans who discuss among themselves whether it is "right" or "wrong" to bomb the Serbs.

What I would like to know is: Where are the millions of Albanians? Are they not a part of this discussion? The reason they are not posting and not getting their voices heard is, of course, that all their men between 16 and 60 are being slaughtered by the Serbs, their homes burned down, and their women raped and murdered. It is so easy for you Serb people on this list to sit here and talk about the terrible bombing that's going on in your cities. And I wish it would not happen. But tell me, are you also thinking about the Albanians? Or are they just "animals" in your opinion?

A lot of people are asking: "By which right are NATO bombing the Serbs?"

But nobody is asking: "By which right are the Serbs murdering Albanians?"

I do not wish any harm on innocent Serb civilians, women and children. But I think the world made a big mistake by not stopping Adolf Hitler earlier - and now it seems to me that Milosevic are doing to the Serbs the same thing that Hitler did to the Jews.

Of course most Serbs will protect Milosevic and say "he is not a bad man", but if you look back at the history books, you will find that most Germans in the 30's also said about Hitler: "he is not a bad man". And in fact, they did not see it that way, until many years later.

I think you Serbs should look within yourselves and think about what it is that your country and your leaders are doing - instead of complaining about your own misery. Nobody speaks for the Albanians here - and that is the Serbs' doing.

I think the root of the problem is that the Serbs think of the Albanians as "dogs" and "animals", and therefore, their suffering doesn't count - only the Serb suffering counts. But the Albanians are human beings too. And after this, I think the Serbs should look inside themselves and think about this.

A Human Being

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Name one Serb user on this website who called Albanians "dogs" or "animals".



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Name one user on this website who called Albanians "dogs" or "animals".



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To everyone:

This is the message I received a while ago on my personal email address:

Mon, 29 Mar 1999 17:15:57 -0500
"Eldars Mamedovs"
"my address"

you, dirty, stupid fascist serbian scum and trash. Let s kill you all. serbs are not people. What a pity Turks did not kill them all many centuries ago. That would be a wonderful solution. But wait and you will see. So, subhuman, if you want to get in touch with me, write I will be more than happy to start with you.
(end of message)

All because I am against this war.
And I am not even Serbian.

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Dear Nancy

I can recommend this site ""

Select first discussion,then Yugoslavia or Kosovo

I particularly recommend all messages written by
Igor Balkanski.

Kind regards

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Just like Nick I am not Serbian either. And just like Nick I have been getting threats ( not via e-mail though ) saying we will send a nuclear bomb and kill you all. And just like Nick I never said Albanians are animals and I never said I wish them any harm.
All I have been doing was explaning my opinion. And since I live near where this war is going on and know the history of those countries very well, I think my opinion counts for something. And by all means I have never been rude to anybody or wrote I wish anybody any harm. If you don't believe me you can read all my postings.

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How does a hypocrite like the draft-dodging Clinton have the authority to send troops into a soveriegn nation? He is killing as much if not more innocent people than the war was itself. He has intensified the situation......and for what? I wonder who is lining his pockets. I just wonder what price he sold his soul for.

It makes you wonder, huh?

As far as the Western media, they are brainwashing the public into believing what the government wants them to believe. The real facts will eventually come out. Is it a coincidence that many countries are demanding the instant stop of NATO's slaughter against the Serbs? Maybe they know something we don't. Or maybe they have common sense and can put their ego's beside. It will be interesting to see all of the countries that speak against the bombings led by the HYPOCRITE named Clinton.

By the way, Dole is of Albanian decent, so he is biased. Don't expect him to tell it how it is. He has allegedly taken illegal funds from the Albanian mafia towards his campaigns....HMMMMMMM????????

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