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Russian response

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Alexi and others..before you start knocking the IQ of Americans consider that many of us have our roots in Russia or what used to be Russia, so before looking at us as though we were the evil enemy, remember we are also Your relatives. If Russians still haven't learned that ethnic cleansing is not OK no matter who does it, then I fear we need to crawl a lot further up the genetic ladder and I mean all of us.

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To Jack London
I'd be real disappoined if you weren't Jack London. The matter of your name has become of real value for me. Communication with you is making me more and more conceited. Being positive that my last name should but scare you to death and bearing in mind you've found a suitable nick for me I still have to remark that the HUNGRY, COLD and SICK person who is hardly superior to animals (to cattle, you meant)turns out to be using your language, wich is the language of the cultured and civilized, and, unlike you, in a most decent way. Whereas your experience in Russian transliteration seems to be rather limited. Which is, however, not shameful at all, for Russian is quite difficult, especially for those who can't speak their native language properly. Now let's get down to buisness:
1. When I read that Russia, Serbia and Iraq have no future I remembered one letter of a compatriot of yours Lambert (published on the board not long ago). A quotation follows:

"The truth is that the most blessed country in the history of mankind has strayed so far from the foundation that it was built on that it has proven that it will follow the same path that all other powerfull nations before it has. It will self destruct".
He wrote this about the USA and its lawbreaking assault against a sovereign state. As he seemed to me a reasonable and responsible person I tried to comfort him for I consider such issues beyond national. I said I felt exactly the same when Russian troops were brought up to Chechnya. And I dare NOT hope America'll self destruct, because I realize the vital importance of its prosperity and vitality for the whole world. The same I can say about Russia. And you must be blind not to understand that.
2. Prostitute behaviour in general (I mean WWII medals)is to my mind a personal, not national, characteristic feature. If it's quite applicable to Clinton it doesn't mean it's an American value.
3. In one thing you're realistic - when speaking about a probable war with Russia. But I really can't figure out why you constantly add "in Europe". You are on the list, too. As for the "dead-centre accuracy of American missiles", here is something CNN failed to mention about "Storm in the Desert": Did they show an american A-10 attack fighter sending a laser guided missile into the manhole of an american armoured truck? And another A-10 burning down a platoon of Englishmen for the same reason? I agree with Maja that the war which is now going on will be won on the ground. Unless it's a nuclear war in which there hardly possible a winner at all.
4. Sasha Simon, people in Russia aren't looking at you as though you were the evil enemy. Russians know better than a thousand Jack Londons what ethnic cleansing means and the results it leads to. And none in Russia except a few fanatics supports genocide of any kind be it of Serbian (in Kosovo), Russian (in Chechnya)or American (in Serbia) origin. Violation of the international law shouldn't cause numerous violations as a response for it's a poor and uncivilized response. America shouldn't claim world's threat position for two evident reasons: 1) It'll be punished by other powerful nations; 2)It may cause self-destruction (study History).
5. J.London writes he just wanted to say a word or two against genocide. That's all. While doing it you, Jack, have failed to show any critisism to the point let alone common sense. With your initial good intentions you've been escalating the conflict, scolding instead of reasoning, renouncing compromises. YOU WANTED TO DOMINATE THE BOARD, old chap. And though you called me CHIKATILO - everyone can see now which of us is a MANIAC.

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Give me some sign you are really
a Russian, and not just some
pro-Serbian white trash neo-nazi
living in a trailer park somewhere.

Try it.

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P.S. Chikatilo,

You may have noticed that the
damage done to your Serb friends
already constitutes a victory for NATO.

There is no further reason to occupy
your Easter European friends,
because they no longer have an army,
We will let the RUSSIANS occupy it.

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I am an american who used to believe that the war in Serbia was good so that the people of Kosovo could have there human rights. I now think that we need to end this war in a diplomatic way very soon or we will have a bigger problem on our hands called Russia. I do believe Russiais still a force to be scared of in this world. I also think that now that NATO "accidently" killed those 10 people in that train that we need to end this war. I also think since Russia has that alliance with Yugoslavia that we really do need to end the war there. I think that Russia still has military equipment that they have in "storage" and they will us it if we do not find a solution to end this problem very soon. I do feel very sorry for the Kosovo's Albainan population because I do believe that human rights are being badly violated to the point that people are dying, but this bombing needs to stop because innocent Serbian people are being killed in the raids and it is not just that train accident. The media in the U.S. tells us that there has been people die in the other raids, but the media has really been reporting on this accident more and for that I am greatful because it made me realize just how bad life is in Serbia right now, wondering from day to day if you will die in an airstrike that night. I hope the people who are very pro for this war realize that the Serbians are not animals and that the U.S. is not the be all and end all of the world for military power. Look at our president, he was never in the military, he has had many scandals while in office, he has a new scandal starting separate from Kosovo, and that the U.S. and maybe even the world will always link him to a young woman by the name of Monica. I hope for the people who type here and who do not really like Americans, please do not base us on our leadership, because a few of us are nice, respect laws, and feel that maybe the
U.S. does not need to protect or get involved in other countries problems. Sorry for the length and not talking very much about Russia, which in my mind is still a great country with a glorious history.

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Jack, I should really be offended if I didn't feel superior to you (as I don't to animals). Your lack of argument has made you sound ridiculous several times now and you can observe the result - people who are posting seem to have stopped taking you seriously. What makes you doubt I'm a Russian? The language I use? It has evolved from my "bad" habit of reading books. Aquiring this habit is a matter of proper upbringing. And it's those to whom this habit is alien (not who give their real names)who are fully exposed on the board. I AM a Russian and an Orthodox Christian. I am proud of it but no more than I am proud of being a citizen of the world where people have learned to use their brains, knowledge and historical experience to handle present and incoming contradictions. And I'm deeply convinced Russia shouldn't side with Milo only because the country he rules is also Slavonic and Orthodox no matter what policy he pursues. Exactly as U.S.A. shouldn't play the world's threat role only because they have ingenious war machinery. What sign can I possibly give you, Jack? If you expect me to scold using the famous Russian slang which is far more expressive than English (or American) or call you names I have to disappoint you here. I shan't. Don't want to be laughed and mocked at. I know you've got some other associations with my country, but how can I render via I-net the way caviar tastes and vodka causes no hangover?
As for NATO's victory I really can't see any. What I can see is thousands of refugees who seek assistance all over Europe and are doomed to living in concentration camps for a long period of time. Yeah, old Europe has been suffering both ethnically and morally. As for the U.S., I wonder how does Clinton manage to account for the necessity of military budget expanding to tax-payers. This money could have been spent to rural education improvement, health care programs so on an so forth. It seems to me America has vital economic reasons to continue the war. It has already been called "The war of the DOLLAR against the EURO". So, I'd real like to hear some AMERICAN RESPONSE. But before that I SUGGEST THAT SUCH EXTREMISTS AS JACK AND MAJA WHO ESCALATE WAR AND SET RUSSIA AND AMERICA AGAINST EACH OTHER BE EXCLUDED FROM OUR CONCERNED EXCHANGE OF OPINIONS.

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Basil, as an American, the only economic benefit I see for America is the continuation of a strong relationship with Western Europe; and maybe, just maybe, the prevention of a European war. As far as the military budget is concerned, I hear you. It costs about 2 billion dollars to build one B-2 Stealth Bomber. That is approximately what the federal government spends each year on special education programs in the entire country at the elementary and high school levels. Maybe we're up to spending 2 B-2's on special education, but I doubt it. These programs include spending for gifted and talented students as well as the mentally and physically challenged. Now these programs also get support from local state governments, but it seems to me that you could probably do a thing or two by investing in your or someone else's country instead of building an extra B-2.
As a literary critic, which I'm not, I never realized that Jack London and Charles Dickens have (had?) lower linguistic intellingences than an unknown fellow named Basil. I mean, I'm thinking "this guy probably really knows his Russian." But I'm afraid that Jonathan Swift's message takes the cake. Not only does he prove that English can be as expressive as Russian, he also makes some fairly interesting commentary if you can stomach it.
It's not so bad to be mocked or laughed at, or even spoken down to, as long as you laugh in return.

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Some days ago a couple of guys around here were wondering why on earth Russia is protecting Milo. Well, speaking frankly, I don't care about MILO. What I posted here before was nothing but my desire to say that all this bombing is A DIRTY TRICK.
Sending Russian troops in is the LAST thing I want today. I don't mean they're no good. Good enough when it MATTERS. All this should be finished the sooner the better.
The only thing constituted is the approximate amount of the killed, but no victory, sorry.
By the way, Jack, you seem to be absolutely mad about mere printing the words "NATO WINS / SERBS LOSE".
Come on, print it again, SATISFACTION IS SO SWEET.
P.S. And after that you call a guy CHIKATILO ???

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Those defending GENOCIDE
are no better than those that commit it.

To me they are all MANIACS
Hence the name CHIKATILO

p.s. You noticed I called him Chikatilo
but you failed to notice his threat of
physical violence and other insults
in his foregoing message.

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Gospodin Basil,
I ask you again,

Etoh gospodin Pavlov?
Vwi amerikanyet !
Vwi idyotyotye ot dvieri ka stolo!

If you are Orthodox Christian
then I'm glad to be "unorthodox"
yet Christian.
We don't defend BESTIALITY i.c. GENOCIDE

Try again,

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I'll try to be objective.
Unfortunately I can't call Basil's suggestion to exclude either you or Maya a threat of physical violence. "To hit somebody in his insolent red face" isn't yet a threat either.
I suppose Basil is really Russian. Need he tell lies? The point is - his English is rather good, better than mine, and (SORRY) much better than your Russian.
It took me long to figure out what you had attempted to post in Russian, though I swear to God it's my native language.
You know something? First I thought it could be possible to do without calling names here, at least personally. Basil could easily use some Russian "taboo slang" here which is really far more expressive than in any language. The reason he didn't do that is obvious: the guy is just well bred.
Can't say the same about you, pal.
Lack of arguments is a tough thing, right?

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What did I say "Alexei"?

I challenge you in Russian, French, Spanish, Dutch,
Italian, Portuguese, German.

Go for it.


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I apologize for the following. A brief passage of Russian text is enclosed for Jack London's use only. Please ignore the message. I'll post something to the point a bit later.

Jack, pishet tebe tvoj samyj krovnyj drug i ochen bolshoj pochitatel tvoego ned'uzhinnogo talanta.
Ty, konechno, podumaesh, chto ja zaplatil kakomy-to gore-perevodchiku is sosednego trailera, no nichego drugogo ia sdelat' ne mogu - ostalos' tol'ko dushu tebe otoslat'. Ty prekrasno znaesh Pavlova, iz etogo ja delaju vyvod, chto libo ty vrach grebanyj, libo vse u teb'a na urovne reflexov. Privet is serdza Rossii - yejo Zolotogo Kol'za.

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Jack, don't take long to make it out. You're evidently fast asleep. Get another cup of espresso. Jack, you ARE ridiculous. Calculate the time if you are either a mathematician or a fanatic. Do you really think I can possibly be sitting in front of the screen all night through just to prove you something?
Ja prekrasno vyspalsja, seichas 10.35 a.m. Good night!!!

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