Russian response
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Russian response

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You are NO RUSSIAN !

A "passage from a Russian text"!

Here is "a passage from a Japanese text" : Ichido ni haru no hana ga mirareru no desu. Haru niwa o-hanami, aki niwa momiji gari."

Basil now that we have ESTABLISHED
that you are full of ••••.....
and you are NO RUSSIAN.

try new arguements to support GENOCIDE
You support Serbs and Genocide.

Give intellectual reasons why Genocide is good.
This is your point of departure
is it not ?

I'm timing you.

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Jack, you're getting more and more ridiculous. It wasn't only a senseless passage. It was a MESSAGE to YOU!!! Translate it!!! Everything is exactly as I said: you understood nothing. Go to Brighton Beach and have some immigrant translate the passage! As for what you call genocide, if you read what I posted before you should know my account for it and my practical suggestions how to stop it.
A spat'-to chochetsja!!!

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Jack, you simply killed me!!!!!!
I' ve never seen such an ignorant rerson. Every fool can use books, but first try to translate Basil's message in Russian. If you had anything resembling brain, you would understand that no textbook coul have contained those words.
They say stupidity is inborn.
By the way, it must be night in the US now. Don't wanna sleep at all?
Why "Alexei"? I AM Alexei. Do you think me and Basil are the same person? God help you poor chap...

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You are so incredibly full of ••••.
You can pull this off in your high-school.
Beregis! Basil, dikiyeh zuyeri zievoot lyesho!

You are an American.
You quote a passage - that makes you Russian?
Give me more.... I've known the likes of you.
Fake, fraud, phony.

Let's not drop the identity issue.
Meanwhile also anser THE QUESTION.
Again I ask you

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O.K. Agree - both Russians.
You have proven it.
That is settled.
Now we know who we are dealing with.

One/two Russians.

Score for Jack.

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From here on we have to keep
your opinion in context.

You have proven it.

Now, how do you Russians justify GENOCIDE ?

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On this board I am after:
1) Voting against violence.
2) Saying a word for state unity and respecting it.
3) world community's appoach to problem-solving.
4) defending the regugees and victims of military assault against mocks and the sort.
5) not letting JACK LONDONS dominate here.

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Sorry Jack gotta be going now.
I'll be right back.

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As I have promised, here is the answer to your question.
GENOCIDE is the thing I hate with my whole heart, not justify.
I'm not supporting Milo. I don't care about him. I know what type of person he is. I don't want my country to take part in this war. Our soldiers have had enough.
You probably know that during WWII GENOCIDE conducted by Nazis killed millions of people. Not only in Russia.
How could you think I wanted it back?
I am not trying to deny Russia itself didn't escape "taking part", like in Afghanistan or Chechnya. I think the latter is a better example (Wow, that rhymes!).
Though Vietnam isn't much different.
But Jack, tell me honestly:DOES NATO'S BOMBING KILL ONLY SERBS? The war caused even greater mess in Yugoslavia than it used to be.
My question is:
Isn't NATO practising GENOCIDE?
This inner conflict should have been left to solve between the Serbs and Albanians.
By the way, TV is showing Milo confident and smiling. His army isn't destroyed.Still alive. Isn't going to surrender.
Your GIs deserve some better job.

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First of all thanks for a sensible message. Though I realize I shouldn't be grateful to a person for his sheer being sensible and sane but I can't help it for I've had a disastrous experience of talking to and arguing with lunatics (I'm not hinting at your nick) on the board recently and it's most distressing. I've never had any prejudice against Americans as a nation and no Jack London will ever be able to convince me right in the opposite.
The problem of budjet money spent on armament and war is grave. It causes numeruos social problems not only in the States. The Subjunctive mood dominates in handling the issue in Russia as well.
If we didn't assign that money...we'd certainly get over...The ongoing conflict is making the whole matter from bad to worse. But it has to do with directly with the situation being discussed. As a tax-payer I'd prefer more money to be spent to child care, health and educational programs and I can't possibly approve of Russian nuclear missiles being re-aimed at the States. But as a citizen of my country I can see no other way out.
NATO has violated the international law and attacked a sovereign state. Who on earth can guarantee the alliance won't consider some issue of Russian internal policy unhumane in the nearest future? Russia is not Serbia. All the globe will get then is a world war. A nuclear one.
It doesn't mean we should step aside and watch indifferently if some government declares genocide policy towards an ethnic or religious group. The world has changed greatly. We shouldn't allow it. But the decision is to be made by U.N., not by a military alliance like NATO, especially considering the fact that Yugoslavia is its member. Otherwise it's a war assault and is to be resisted. This leads to ESCALATION of war, not to prevention of it.
Anyway, I'm deeply convinced we should stop it as quickly as possible. In such issues there's usually a date when it's too late. BEWARE OF DEADLINE!!! Russia must influence Milo to stop genocide and allow international inspectors. He should guarantee their safety. America must stop bombing immediately! An international peace conference is to be summoned. And we all must be most responsible for what we're writing.

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Like it or not,
We have more in common than we knew.

Very happy to hear you feel
This has been the essence of my postings.

1) I am also against violence.
Everything must be used to stop those that perpetuate it.
When there is a military machine and infrastructure in place,
which is used to brutalize its own,
and potentially its neighbours,
it should be destroyed or severely limited.
It's like toothache - it hurts,
but you have to pull it out.

2) "Saying a word for state unity and respecting it".
I don't know if we can agree on this.
I think when a nation/peoples do not want a government,
then the government should change or leave.
In this crisis the Government is forcing the people to leave.

3) "World community's appoach to problem-solving."
Exactly !
The community of 19 European nations plus USA
together solving the problem
of a state under the leadership of a man who has achieved nothing
other than war and destruction for the last 10 years.

4) "Defending the regugees and victims of military assault against mocks and the sort".
This is the second tier of my position.
I have confirmed that people like Kolina,
(who used to post here)
gives FREE THERAPY to victims of war.
Hands-on defense of refugees.....
Alas - she was severely abused on this board.

5) "Not letting JACK LONDONS dominate here".
As long as twisted facts
and rethorical arguements,
are used to defend the undefendable,
Jack London will be here to
highlight the errors.

In a sense it is my moral obligation
as a FREE MAN, in the FREE WEST
not to allow any arguement in favor
of rape, abuse, deportation or genocide
to go unchallenged.

Sorry - no censorship in the FREE WEST.

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Basil, I personally think that Russia doesn't have any need to fear a direct threat from NATO, of which Yugoslavia is not a member ( ). To get NATO involved in a war with Russia, there would probably have to be much more at stake than some human rights violations, as is in the situation in Yugoslavia. If the United States serves as a good model for NATO policy, then American foreign policy towards China might be worth looking into. Right now, Kosovo Crisis aside, I would have to say that America considers China to be a much worse threat to her than Russia. This is not because America considers China to be more powerful than Russia. I think that America fears China more than Russia because of the underlying philosophical differences in their governments. Also, China is a country portrayed in the United States as having a horrible human rights record. All this and yet America keeps promoting trade with China instead of promoting war with China. On the other hand, Americans need to consider how they would feel if Russia decided to overthrow Mexico because the drug lord driven government was serving an injustice to its people and America as well. I don't think I would be a happy camper.
Unfortunately, I don't think that you will find a UN solution to these types of situations in the near future. I'm sure that President Woodrow Wilson saw the same future as you when he proposed his League of Nations, but the world still isn't ready for it yet. NATO has the guns, and they don't want other people, especially under-developed countries, telling them how to use those guns. As an example, the American government probably wasn't all that thrilled about having to put together a US led coalition force to take over an operation started by the UN in Somalia. I think that it would be more immediately beneficial to get Russia in as a member of NATO. It seems like Russia's government and military fulfills the requirements adequately. And even if one considers NATO to have a negative impact on the world, Russia would be in a better position to exert influence on NATO policy.
I wish I could see the best solution to the problem in Yugoslavia, but I can't. What I do see is NATO pushing the patience of involved countries in that area to the limit in order to impede and hopefully stop Milo's policies. We might be close to that limit on patience now. Hopefully, it will amount to nothing more than a rough ride.

I didn't intend to make addressing a message to me so difficult. I hope to have assisted in giving you more American input, and I hope our conversation serves as an example of how to exchange ideas as opposed to insults because these situations are ultimately resolved with people's heads as opposed to people's hearts.

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I think Russia will have to finish the war America started. And for that Russia will demand more money. So in the end American tax payers will be paying for the bombs, the bribe and war damage.

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The problem here is the Jew the White House is full of them they want a corner stone in the Balkans so they can enter into Russia and consume it's assets They are like locaust eating up a field I pray for my Serbian brothers and pray for God to send the jews to there father Satan! If any feel this a wrong statement read there Talmud and see the truth yourself! For any non-jew we are lower than worms to them! I am 100% RUSSIAN and any others who post and read this board who claim they are Russian and do not support the Serbs then must be a jew and Christ shall deal with you on the day of judgement!

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christ will deal with you too! all of us! jews are ok people, i think serbs are ok people too!the people doing the killing each and everyone will get theres,it does come around!i wish life for all.please no more killings

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