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Russian response

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I agree with you. Those who encourage hate and denigrate other's ethnicity are the cause of all of this. Nationalistic fervor is a tool used by leaders in all of our countries to get the people to fight their battles over political and economic power for them. It is only when people in all countries refuse to kill each other for political leaders that we will have peace. I still have hope in the youth of the world. Young people all over the world need to unite in the cause of peace and refuse to serve in armies. I told my children I would be proud of them if they protested a war or human rights abuses and went to jail, but I would not be proud of them if they served in the armed forces. If they have to lose their life for a cause, being a martyr is a much better way to die than to die killing others.
"What if they gave a war and nobody came?" Idealistic, yes, but I believe that the God who created humanity has also put enough goodness and love in human hearts to save it.

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The jew hates nationalism it scares them there Talmud demands them to treat gentiles like we are lower than worms in the ground so belive the lies you see and read because they want there New World Order one race one religion! At the start of the bombing on Serbia the head general stated this in his press conference and this is documented! General Weasly Clark stated on CNN in the past that there shall be no ethical pure states anymore! What about the state of Isreal they do not want others than there race living there! Did you know that if you are a Ethopian jew living in Isreal you cannot marry there or be involved in major religious cerimonies! I do not hate other races except the jews and I have a right to this and when the day comes like in 1917 Russia and it's to late you will see! Read Behind Communism by: Frank L. Britton

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To lunatic fringe

I'm sorry I haven't posted for a long time due to some technical malfunction. But now I seem to be completely back on the board, safe, sound and ready to share some of the ideas that have recently entered between my ears.

I read your last message as well as Crazy Ivan's trash. That man is not 100% RUSSIAN - he is 200% OBSESSED.

I agree with you in most of the issues except the following:
1. China serves no example as far as the Balkan war goes. You see, China unlike Russia has no geopolitical interests in this region. I can just imagine China's reaction if NATO attacks, for example, Mongolia. I can only repeat what I said before: as the Balkan crisis is getting tenser and coming to its deadlock Russia is DOOMED to be getting involved into this war. Trace the latest events: Russian Duma has passed a decision to intergrate Yugoslavia in the Russia-Belarus union, some political parties have announced their pro-war ultrapatriotic position, the troops are being set aroused and alert...I, who is AGAINST the war and who is a professional historian, am extremely worried for I know the usual war preparation procedure. On the other hand, Mr. Solana seems to have overcome his "grief" over the killed albanian refugees and considers if ground troops should be sent. This "bravery" and unwillingness to discuss numerous Russian peace initiatives strikes one as a definite war escalation policy, which, by the way, as far as I know, is not at all supported by the majority of population even in NATO countries, let alone Russia, China, India and others. India has already answered a probable threat by having tested a nuclear compatible missile.
2. Getting Russia in as a member of NATO. Do you mean "let's gather those who have the guns and set our world order"? The problem can be traced back as far as 1950-60-s. Nikita Khruschov, who was the General Secretary of the CPSU at that time suggested all of a sudden that the USSR should join NATO. JFK was taken aback. He just couldn't say directly to the face of the Soviet leader that it would ruin the basic principles of the alliance, deprive it of its opposite and make senseless and needless. Of course, things have changed greatly since that time. Both America and Russia have got rid of that superficial "enemy image". But something is still as it used to be. Actually, it's not NATO who is bombing Yugoslavia, it's mainly the U.S. Do you think Greece or Italy sincerely approve of this war? They only pretend; they are on the team they don't want to lose. Of course I mean the governments, not the PEOPLES.

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NATO will tell Russia its role.

Russia will be a puppet in our hands.

Just watch.

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Jacky, it's so like you to put on that star-striped military power air and to get a great-big assault cannon out of your pocket. I don't know what your real appearance is, but here, on the net, you've been looking miserable and ridiculous since the time I read your first message. Sometimes you're even childish. I just remembered that famous phrase from "Mary Poppins" by Travers: "You've got something coming to you..."
As a child you're incorrigible, and as an adult - absolutely irresponsible. Bear in mind only one thing: Russia has NEVER been a puppet in others' hands being at the same time far more experienced in wars. That's why Russia doesn't want another war...Do you, Jack?

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I thought you were smarter.
No, really, could you remind me of the one who yelled about Russians supporting GENOCIDE?
Well, NATO is a hell of peacemaker. Instead of protecting poor Albanians, NATO's airforce hits Albanian refugees. Or, maybe sweeping a civil train off the bridge is a matter of strategy? That's what needed to be proven. NATO is not protecting anyone. Don't tell me about your FREE WEST. You support MURDERERS. Don't tell me it was a sorrowful mistake. I'm sure it doesn't really matter for NATO generals.
It's been a long time you told me the war was over. If it really were, then why keep bombing and get ready to send ground troops? NATO BLEW IT!
LIE and HYPOCRISY is what you live with.
P.S. Try to make puppets of somebody else not Russia. You may fart, you know.

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Alexei and Basil

Are you guys fuc-king each other?

For some reason

ALL YOUR MESSAGES are on the same day

and within the same time frame.

You either fu-ck each other

or you are the SAME GUY jer-king off infront of the computer.

You Russians ARE PUPPETS.

Albright will tell you what role to play.

Do you not see it?

We told you to shut-up until we are finished.

So you shut-up.

We will TELL YOU to go clean up the •••• we leave behind.

AFTER we finish.


We have you on strings - because you want our money.

You turn out to be good CAPITALISTS.

As your Cuban student Tony Montana learned :

"First get the money,

When you have the money you have the power

And when you have the power you have all the girls".

Russian women are crazy about the green.

Don't believe me.

Just watch how this all unfolds.

This is the time to learn something about POWER.


Not that bul-lsh-it ideology and idealism

that kept you guys in darkness for 70 years.

You are only now learning where the POWER is.


Your mama and papa work for it.

Maybe you should try to get a job

and try to get some of this power.

For now, while you are students,

just sit in your dorm with idealistic dreams,

you are allowed to stick to ideologies,

but use this opportunity to learn about POWER.


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Russia is a puppet.

We HAVE already used you as such.


We WILL continue to use you as we like.

THAT ..... is a puppet - on a string.

We have and will use you.

Even after we are finished,

you'll be called upon to clean up our mess,

while we make more money.

You are our employees.

Because WE have the POWER.

You have ••••.

We have the green power - that you will DIE for.

So sit down, shut up and watch it unfold.

ps. what are your ships doing?

Did they ever get to the region?

Should we send your sailors some food?

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JACK LONDON, whatever fowl language you might use later on, I feel obliged to teach you to tell the gist from emotions. I realize that you're so very nervous 'cause you've got NOTHING to say except your favourite GENOCIDE (the meaning of the word you don't know though). Behave yourself, Jacky-boy. This board has been designed to eschange ideas, not insults. Those who lack the former have to use the latter. I'll continue to teach you manners, poor chap. When you get so excited, I laugh. You're so hopeless and humiliated. I am sorry for you

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To Jack
Well, that's just what I expected from you: now I know that Jack London is actually nothing but some dumbhead who is trying hard to convince me Russia is a puppet. I knew that this "brilliant" and most professionally conducted operation on a column of refugees will put an end to your resources of argument against thesupporters of GENOCIDE. Yeah. That's a good sting in your fat butt.
Your **** pilots can't tell friends from enemies? OOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I'm so scared.
Watch out in the window. Isn't there any B117 coming to drop some
* on your head. (Don't get offended - the poor guy just confused you with a Serbian base.)
P.S. Sometimes it IS necessary to clean up all the **** after those who defecate uncontrollably, otherwise they sink in it.

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Who's sitting in who's lap?

RUSSIA is a puppet.

If you don't agree - give a hint of what you will do to help your SERB friends.

Whatever you do is AFTER Albright says its o.k.

You need OUR permission.

One month ago we TOLD YOU TO SHUT UP

..... AND YOU obediently DID.

We WILL continue to use you as we like.

THAT, dear Bolsheviks, is a puppet - on a string.

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O. you learnt, right?

Obviously you did not learn that wars are caused by people who scream while they don't know what they are talking about, AND, people in power who want more power. If you get your early history right, you may see the pattern.

I will not go into a lenghty discussion here concerning what I did and did not do in which country. This because you only have ugly words and not take the trouble to answer my questions first. As I already said: you are a poor conversationalist, no contribution to this board. But now I know where you come from I understand that. (if you don't where are you really from then?)In Russia there was no free press for so long, that generation after generation forgot how to formulate thair ow op[inion based on decent research on both sides of the conflict.

Just like I said to Maja, you have that freedom now, so use it. The Jews, the gays, and the gypsy's did not lie about the concentration camos either. The camps were there for the whole world to see, as it will be clear in the near future in Kosovo.

Good point about the HIV blood though. Pity you don't apply these good princples to the rest of the world, or do you like being bitter?

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I ask you AGAIN

What are your ships doing?

You were SO SURE early on they would shift the balance in your favor.

But did they ever get to the region?

Should we send your sailors some food?

Want to be objective ?

Answer the questions !

What is your position on GENOCIDE?

What is your position on DEPORTATION, RAPE and MURDER?

Should the Kosovar Albanians be allowed to return - with protection.

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Your absolutely right if you say that this board is for discussion, charing opinions.And i can even imagine the insult part, but please why did you try to insult me by asking me if i was a "real" refugee?
To tell you the truth you could have known from my earlier postings.To tell you the truth i get sick myself if i have to repeat myself with my own horrors.
For me yes, this too felt like an insult.


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are you still there?

Can we talk?

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