Should NATO leaders...
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Should NATO leaders also be indicted ?

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The Haag court was set up and paid by NATO countries, as Jamie Shea said, to prosecute war crimes in Yugoslavia. It is very obvious this court can not be objective towards Serbs. But that is not my worry. It is not being objective towards
NATO members leader that worries me. NATO has so far killed almost thousand people, left thousands and thousands homeless and jobless. And if there is any justice in this world, they would pay aswell. But I doubt the court they set up and are paying for will charge them. And that puts them above the law.

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Indite Nato leaders for trying to stop a mad man, No way. If Milosevic had been a good little boy there would not have been any reasons for Nato to start the bombing in the first place.

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A NEW OLIGARCH EMERGES? In an unusual article, the 27 May
"Kommersant-Daily" depicts Russian President Boris Yeltsin as
a weak, isolated, almost marionette-like figure manipulated
by those around him. It adds that since he was "banished" to
Sochi, he has been cut off from all information not provided
by his family. The newspaper goes on to allege that the real
powers pulling Yeltsin's strings and practically determining
cabinet assignments are Sibneft head Roman Abramovich and
business magnate Boris Berezovskii, with Abramovich in the
lead position, not Berezovskii. The article concludes that
"who the real figure is leading the government--Yeltsin or
Abramovich--will become clear today." JAC

Well, at least Yeltsin is beyond indciting. His heart might fail.....


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Zoja will understand me!This is not in english!
Zoja, ne lupetaj gluposti jer ti se javljam iz Beograda. Rodjen sam u Hrvatskoj(Zapadna Slavonija)-(po vasem-napao Hrvatsku), isteran iz sopstvenog doma, bio u Rep. Srpskoj kao izbjeglica, vidio "pravu demokratiju"
NATO saveza i dosao u drzavu mog naroda i tu cu ostati. Niko mi nikad vise nece pretiti "Srbokoljem". Sve je to bio dobro placen gradjanski rat(od 1990). Neka svako ide svome jatu kad vec mora tako i vise nece biti sukoba!Ne znam odakle si,ali znam da da je u Srbiji najbolje!Zasto? Zato sto smo najbrojniji, imamo vise sanse da prezivimo kako ekonomski tako i bioloski! Ni u BIH ni u CRO ne cveta cvece!
Plate nikako ne stizu u vecini slucajeva vec godinu dana. Kod nas kasne najvise 2-3 mjeseca!
I na kraju: ko god dosao kod nas, nece dobro proci, Turci su bili 500 godina pa su otisli, i tu su Srbi sacuvali necije dupe, tako niko pogotovo neki NATO nece moci ostati. Nasa drzava je nas problem kao i lideri! Niko nije plakao za 700 000 Srba iz Hrvatske!! POznajes li Albanski mentalitet? Razmisli debelo o svemu sto sam napisao!!Nema veze odakle si vidimsta lupetas!!

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Vuk, bojim se da te Zoja ne razumije. Ona kaze da je izbeglica iz Bosne kojoj su Srbi pobili muza i decu... i tako dalje, kako kot Jamie Shea. I doktorirala je u Bosni, vise puta, ali ne zna ni hrvatski ni srpski. Neka cudna Bosanka je ona bila. Puno lepih pozdrava u Beograd iz Ljubljane.

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By Walter J. Rockler

As justification for our murderously destructive bombing campaign in
Yugoslavia, it is of course necessary for the U.S. to charge that the
Serbs have engaged in inhuman conduct, and that President Slobodan
Milosevic, the head Serb demon, is a war criminal almost without peer.

President Clinton assures us of this in frequent briefings, during which
he engages in rhetorical combat with Milosevic. But shouting "war
criminal" only emphasizes that those who live in glass houses should be
careful about throwing stones.

We have engaged in a flagrant military aggression, ceaselessly attacking
a small country primarily to demonstrate that we run the world. The
rationale that we are simply enforcing international morality, even if
it were true, would not excuse the military aggression and widespread
killing that it entails. It also does not lessen the culpability of the
authors of this aggression.

As a primary source of international law, the judgment of the Nuremberg
Tribunal in the 1945-1946 case of the major Nazi war criminals is plain
and clear. Our leaders often invoke and praise that judgment, but
obviously have not read it. The International Court declared:
"To initiate a war of aggression, therefore, is not only an
international crime, it is the supreme international crime differing
only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the
accumulated evil of the whole."

At Nuremberg, the United States and Britain pressed the prosecution of
Nazi leaders for planning and initiating aggressive war. Supreme Court
Justice Robert Jackson, the head of the American prosecution staff,
asserted "that launching a war of aggression is a crime and that no
political or economic situation can justify it." He also declared that
"if certain acts in violation of treaties are crimes, they are crimes
whether the United States does them or whether Germany does them, and we
are not prepared to lay down a rule of criminal conduct against others
which we would not be willing to have invoked against us."

The United Nations Charter views aggression similarly. Articles 2(4) and
(7) prohibit interventions in the domestic jurisdiction of any country
and threats of force or the use of force by one state against another.
The General Assembly of the UN in Resolution 2131, "Declaration on the
Inadmissibility of Intervention," reinforced the view that a forceful
military intervention in any country is aggression and a crime without

Putting a "NATO" label on aggressive policy and conduct does not give
that conduct any sanctity. This is simply a perversion of the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization, formed as a defensive alliance under the
UN Charter. The North Atlantic Treaty pledged its signatories to refrain
from the threat or use of force in any manner inconsistent with the
purposes of the United Nations, and it explicitly recognized "the
primary responsibility of the Security Council (of the United Nations)
for the maintenance of international peace and security." Obviously, in
bypassing UN approval for the current bombing, the U.S. and NATO have
violated this basic obligation.
"To initiate a war of aggression, therefore, is not only an
international crime, it is the supreme international crime differing
only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the
accumulated evil of the whole."

At Nuremberg, the United States and Britain pressed the prosecution of
Nazi leaders for planning and initiating aggressive war. Supreme Court
Justice Robert Jackson, the head of the American prosecution staff,
asserted "that launching a war of aggression is a crime and that no
political or economic situation can justify it." He also declared that
"if certain acts in violation of treaties are crimes, they are crimes
whether the United States does them or whether Germany does them, and we
are not prepared to lay down a rule of criminal conduct against others
which we would not be willing to have invoked against us."

The United Nations Charter views aggression similarly. Articles 2(4) and
(7) prohibit interventions in the domestic jurisdiction of any country
and threats of force or the use of force by one state against another.
The General Assembly of the UN in Resolution 2131, "Declaration on the
Inadmissibility of Intervention," reinforced the view that a forceful
military intervention in any country is aggression and a crime without

Putting a "NATO" label on aggressive policy and conduct does not give
that conduct any sanctity. This is simply a perversion of the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization, formed as a defensive alliance under the
UN Charter. The North Atlantic Treaty pledged its signatories to refrain
from the threat or use of force in any manner inconsistent with the
purposes of the United Nations, and it explicitly recognized "the
primary responsibility of the Security Council (of the United Nations)
for the maintenance of international peace and security." Obviously, in
bypassing UN approval for the current bombing, the U.S. and NATO have
violated this basic obligation.

Nor can a great deal be expected from the media. Reporters rely on the
controlled handouts of the State Department, Pentagon and NATO, seeing
their duty as one of adding colorful details to official intimations of
Serb atrocities. Thus, the observation of a NATO press relations officer
that a freshly plowed field, seen from 30,000 feet up, might be the site
of a massacre has been disseminated as news.
The notion that humanitarian violations can be redressed with random
destruction and killing by advanced technological means is inherently
suspect. This is mere pretext for our arrogant assertion of dominance
and power in defiance of international law. We make the non-negotiable
demands and rules, and implement them by military force. It is all
remindful of Henrik Ibsen's "Don't use that foreign word `ideals.' We
have that excellent native word `lies.' "

Walter J. Rockler, a Washington lawyer, was a prosecutor at the
Nuremberg War Crimes Trial. This essay originally appeared in the
Chicago Tribune

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About the Balkan war:

I still think, that one should never throw out the baby with the water! If one is trying to save souls: save even more by doing no harm first.Today the civilized world has incredible amounts of humane,effective and legal resources to deal with bad guys.The question is: who is heading the good cause and what is the hidden agenda?
As we mature morally, we learn the number one rule in life:nothing is more precious than happiness and peaceful life. If we don't respect others' lives, we can't expect others to respect ours'. I don't think that any supporter of the NATO campaign would offer to sacrifice the life of a loved one! Would you sacrifice your spouse, parents or friends? Would Clinton sacrifice his daughter or himself? Would a Kosovar Albanian willingly die for you -especially when his or her death would not save you? It is always easy and cheap for leaders to let other people pay for their questionable glory! We do not save lives by bombing innocent people! We only add numbers to the toll! And before we sacrifice innocent people, maybe we should first ask them if they really wanted to volunteer to die without actually helping one single Kosovar Albanian! We can,and have to help other people! We need to stop monstrous regimes! But NATO and Clinton are not morally mature enough to realize the hypocrisy and wickedness of their military solutions! When you are a hammer everything looks like a nail! When you are a military leader you will try to convince yourself and the world that bombing is the remedy for violations of human rights! But how about the human rights of those who perish or get crippled innocently and needlessly in this Balkan war?

Bill Clinton and Milosevic are war criminals along with everybody actively participating in the terrorizing and murdering of human beings in the name of humanity (or nationalism, or military pride) anywhere in the world. These powerful people will probably weasel out of legal punishment most of the time, but they will always have their conscience to torture them for the heartless crimes against humanity they committed with the mindless, blood thirsty support of the majority of morally immature people. These monsters are the champions of the inhumane world order. Humans are just not to be trusted with power,because they will always abuse it! All unwise leaders had bad role models! They think that historical leaders are to be emulated,instead of learning the single most important lesson from the past: war and violence will only lead to war and violence. Please don't be proud of heartless military success, because it is nothing, but getting away with murder and terrorism! Bill Clinton,Milosevic and all their accomplices are immature children playing with destructive toys and they will be the wrong role models for the next generation! They demand attention by bullying peaceful (and not so peaceful) people!

Gabor Kovacs, MD

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To Gabor Kocacs

I think it gets even worse. Clinton and his predecessor used Milosevic to get the Dayton agreements for Bosnia while they all knew he was a war criminal, together with Mladic and Karadic. The two last guys were indicted for crimes in Bosnia years ago, but are still on the loose because the UN/Nato, whatever is to chicken to apprehend them,. So, they gave Arkan a home base to start his crimes in Kosova.

Everybody knew, and many people warned the rest of the international community about Milosevic, but nobody cared to listen, meaning now everybody is stuck in this fix.

As early as twelve or thirteen, or maybe even more years ago, Milosvic, Karadic and Mladic's powers rose and rose. Their opposition, too. The rest of the country, and later on, even the rest of the world, were warned over and over again for the war like, and 'ethnic cleansing' thoughts and plans of these people, but nobody listened. Not even when under the command of these people the killing started.

Throughout the years, when it was way too late, negotiating was tried. In the face of concentration camps and ethnic cleansing going on, you could see the toad faces snugly sitting at the table, gloating over their 'importance'. And to no result, I might add.

I think the only way to prevent the idiots in this world getting to power is when the people refuse to let them. But I am affraid it will take centuries before people globally learn not to let themselves be polarised by anybody, or anything, like money and power, and do away with hatred and bias. Hatred and bias are powerful tools.

I think a start could be trying to smother every fascist tendencey when it starts, and not wait unill people die.


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What Zoja discripes holds a lot of thruth, but i think even today we should look at a lot more historical facts.This not to use them as excuse for whats going on now, but to undertstand the underlying.

I do agree how ever that it is long time that nato stops his bombing campain and arrest Milosevic and Clinton cause he broke his own constitution saying if you are in a conflict you "may" have troops there for a period of 60 days and no longer.


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Both Clinton and Milosevic should go to jail. People are only pawns in their sick game of who is the cleverist and most cunning war monger. If President's are going to wage war they should have to be willing to fight in that war - on the front lines along with the rest of the people they send off to be slaughtered. Both these men, and several of their henchmen have alot of blood on their hands. They are not going to die peacfully. In fact they'll go to their own personal hells for eons of time while they burn off their sickining karma.
In the meantime, my prayers are with those who suffer from the ignorance of our so-called leaders. May some kind of understanding and growth develop from this insanity.

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I don't think, I want to see Milo in court, unless in close company of Saddam, Clinton, Blair, etc. (you're free to add more). (Jus' don't even try to tell me, that the last two are innocent sheep, and wings grow on their backs. Something grows on their heads, though.) Then there will be some semblance to impartiality. Otherwise it's a lynching campaign. Louise Arbour is an Albright's protege and is not impartial. UN is a sick joke.

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Gabor Kovacs, you wrote a beautiful posting. And the When you are a hammer, everything looks like a nail sounds so true. I have one more for you: In a rat race, even if you win you are still a rat. That's how I view all these leaders who play with lives of innocent civilians. Like I said before, I would like to see them all as roomates in The Hague.

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NATO, Clinton and his cronies all guilty of terrorism and war crimes

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Serbs roamed the Balkans freely
they raped, killed, pillaged,
burned, looted at random

Serbs started the VIOLENCE
and for 10 years we tried "talk" and "diplomacy".
10 years of strong words

But words failed to persuade them to stop.
Because they felt so strong - oh so very heroic
when they were fighting women and children
They felt like heroes,
living by the sword,
fighting civilians.

of watching from the sidelines,
finally NATO stops the barbarians.

It took 70 DAYS of action
to achieve what 10 YEARS of words
could not achieve.

SERBS yield only to the sword.
We used the sword
we stopped them - GO NATO !

Sweet surrender.
Good defeats evil.

And now .....
now that we finally used the sword,
now that we stopped 10 years of murder,
now they cry
because for a change - it is they who are wounded.



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William Walker should be executed for starting this THIRD WORLD WAR.
Yes, I don't think it is over.
Bill Clinton has lied his way through so much, whitewater and lewinsky. What's a few thousand serbs and albanians. Robin Cook and George Robertson are a pair of well spoken, astute gangsters who are just looking to raise the shares values they have in the UK weapons market blair is a happy fool led by the nose like an english soccer hooligan that just wants to fight any fight will do.

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