Should the captured...
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Should the captured U.S. soldiers face military court in Yug

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Rosie, you obviously can not be a part of the intelligent conversation. I have not seen you make one ( not even stupid ) argument. You can call me stupid and foolish all you want. You are showing what you are like and not myself. An intelligent person would introduce some arguments and try to break my position. What you are doing in pittying me. Well, I do not need your pitty. I know what I know and I am prepared to share it with others. And I never insulted anyone who didn't share my opinions if that person did not insult me first.

You did so i will put my mannners aside and tell you this. I do not plan to waste any of my time with people who's reasoning is worse than with a three year old and have never heard of a word argument. Not to meantion can not be polite to the people who are polite to them. Do not bother replying to my message. You would only be wasting you precious time.

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Josue R. - Obrigado

In the heat of arguements people will say
things that don't come out right.
I am guilty of that - I admit.

Sensitivity has been a casualty so far
on both sides of the arguements.

You are right.
It is certainly wrong to call all Serbs
butchers, rapists or murderers.
Just as not all Germans were monsters during WWII
I am sure the majority are decent people.

We say "SERBS" because it is their Army and Police.
But as we near the conclusion of this crisis
I think we can start being more specific
and refer to the Serb Army and Police.

We will become even more specific
when the war is over
and Crimes Against Humanity are investigated.
Because then we will know WHO DID WHAT
And the criminals will be prosecuted AS INDIVIDUALS.

We will call them by their names :
Arkan, Mladic, Milosovic, and so on.

(Your english is just fine).


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Thank you , finally someone has understand what i'm trying to say.
Yes i agre with you, that those people should be guilty of "Crimes Againt Mankind", but i dont have time for much more.
But i'll be around here tomorrow.

Adios, gracias ( creo que mí espanhol es mejor que mí Inglês )
Hasta manhãna

Josue R.

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I just got home (18:00 here)
Means you are starting your day.
Have a nice day.

What's the general mood in Melbourne
on developments in Belgrade / Kosovo ?

I am very sorry to say that here
people go on about their business.
Business as usual.

Most really don't care one way or the other.
We all have families in Europe,
yet "Serbia" here seems as far as "Siberia" or "Somalia"
It is so distant and thus "irrelevant".

And the suffering ? It happened in Cambodia
in Rwanda and now some place called Kosovo.
It really breaks my heart,
as islanders under Dutch protection and in the shadow of the mighty USA
we've known only beds of roses
and this makes it so difficult for all to grasp
the human tragedy at hand.

But your island is so much bigger.

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Dear J,

Fair enough! Your English is great.


Hi Jack,

Did you check out the message from Maja. I couldn't be bothered reading it all because she goes on and on and on. Anyway I created a temporary email address Write to me quickly and then we will swap email addresses.


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Just send you a note (23:45 here).

Can you believe some of these people
now pretend that NATO deliberately
bombed those poor Albanians?

The only one to profit from these deaths
is Milosovic and his gang of murderers.
that it was no accident.

But you know how it goes.
In about 10 years everybody will know much more
And many will feel they were really foolish.
Too bad it will be so many years from now.

Did you get my note?

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Que tal el dia hoy?
Como has estado?
En donde te encuentras
en Portugal o España ?

Si tu idioma natal es el
Español te combiene comunicar en tal,
pero tu ingles esta muy bien.

Da nos una señal cuando estes
otra vez disponible aqui.

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Hi Jack,

I got your note. I wrote back to you and you should receive it any second now.

As if Nato would deliberately bomb any civilian. God people are stupid. The only murderers around is the Big M, Arkan and those other idiots. You are right they are profiting from all of this.

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Buenos Dias Jack,
Hello Rosie,

I'm Portuguese, so i speak in portuguese, but i spend much time in Spain ( almoust every week-end ), so i understant Spanhish very well.
- Solo más una cosa, como és que tu ablas tan bien el espanhol ? -
Now it's about 10:30 am and i'll be here for about 8 hours ( i'm at work )

I'm sorry if i was rude to you in my other message, i didnt mean it, i was just trying that anyone listen to my point of view.
(and i hope you understand it now)

Now please, both of you, what do you think about this?
- Here in Portugal the Tv said Serbian Army is runing attacks on refuges, and then blaiming NATO for it, on CNN, Us army said that is probably that they hit another convoys my mistake ( 2 )

Some other thing the newpaper said that "Us army once again " bomb Iraq ( 2 times ) at Bagdad ( an anti-aircraft batery ) and at north at a factory, Bagdad said they will hit them back. do you know anything about this ????

El dia hoy está de lubia, no está muy bonito.

Josué R.

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To all:

I've to go, but i'll be back next monday.

Jack and Rosie:

Do you please tell me your opinion about that matter in the weekend?
Next Monday i'll be serching it OK?

Gracias, volvemos a hablar Martes.

Josue R.

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Now the US has a POW, a Army Lieutenant, he is about 20 years old and was a member of the Prva Ceta Drugi, he was captured by the KLA near Junik. He had commanded about 20 men, an equivelent of a US platoon leader, nothing was said of his men.

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Insulting people again! First, I knew the difference between Bosnia and Kosova. When I was talking I was talking about Yugo as a whole not the ethnic little bounderies that now make up the different countries. (Former Yugoslavia)
Second, you insult anyone who does not agree with you. I was asking you questions to become informed and you definitely informed me that NATO made the right decision, unfortunately.
I will not be posting anymore b/c at this time I do have other obligations and will not have the time to be here. Maja, I'm very disappointed with the way things turned out but I did get to meet a real Serb who does not behave the way you do and supports his country. No insults, no condemnation, just actual talking where the main concern for all is peace.

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As to the question of holding the Americans or releasing them. Serbia can not benifit at all by holding those three or any more they may capture. There is no value in holding them. They will not gain any public support. They certainly will not gain support in America while holding Americans. They would gain considerable support by releasing them. Serbs would be seen as reasonable and peaceful. If any harm comes to the three, the attacks will never stop.

Jim DeMatteo

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Josue R.
Com todo o gosto contesto
su pregunta de Abril 16.
Lamento muito no haberle contestado primeiro.

I would not be surprised if the Serbian Army
did attack refugees then blame NATO.
As Sue said - NATO has NOTHING to gain from it.
Absolutely nothing to gain from it.
Pues nao acredito que las bombas son de NATO.
Not even the Serbs can give a reason why NATO would do it on purpose.

But the only people that would gain from it
would be Serb Police, Army and Milosovic.
And they did.
SERBS were FAST and LOUD in exporting that news.
They even threw some of the victims in piles on a wagon,
and left them there without medical assistance,
so that they would still be bleeding,
and their burning flesh would still be visible
to the Western reporters that were taken there 3 HOURS after the incident !

Regarding NATO hit on convoys by mistake.
I can understand the mistake.
It happens in war.
Considering the number of attacks conducted,
it surprises me that it did not happen more often.
Accidents are one thing.
Systematic, deliberate and structural mass murder is something else.
One is called collateral damage - the other GENOCIDE.

Regarding Baghdad,
At the risk of being insensitive,
Hussein is like a coffin that has to be burried,
but everytime you strike a nail in the coffin,
another nail comes up.
And when you strike that nail, another will come up, and so on.
The good thing is that it provides Class-A training for American fighter pilots.

Josue - lamento muito - tenciono dormir porque estou cansado.

Ate logo.

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To Jack London:

Yes, i beleave in that too, later on that day i saw on TV, Kosovars saying that, the Serbian army bombed then, make them say it was NATO and then left them without any medical suport.
(it's a shame, what they are doing !!!)

Today Belgrado said that they hit 3 Nato Planes, they even show a audio record of the NATO pilot saying he was going to eject.

But what about the US soldiers captured ? Does any one know any fresh news ?

Jack, fico contente de saber que também falas bem o Português, onde aprendes-te ? Já vieste alguma vez a Portugal ?

Até Já
Josué R.

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