Was the Chinese Emb...
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Was the Chinese Embassy really bombed by accident?

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Too many MISTAKES...
Too much BLOOD...

Now nothing can conceal NATO's true goal. Though it was clear from the start.
The Chinese Embassy is undoubtedly an object of extreme military significance. And the killed surely were spies, bad guys, bloody murderers and protectors of genocide.

It was called a mistake...a tiny mistake on a glory ride to victory. Sure, accuracy of bombing is second to the idea itself. OK, right, who gives a damn?

Oh, which embassy's the next?

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Hopefully the Russian.
They are our puppets ... remember?
They do what we tell them to.

They won't move even if we bomb their embassy.
So next thing we'll tell these puppets to bend over
so we can fire our missiles - with precision.

Let Michel Strogoff try to fight an
American Black Bear instead of Siberian pussycats.

Sorry for the sarcasm.
But to date NONE OF YOU has given a MOTIVE
for the bombing to be anything other than a MISTAKE.

Too many mistakes - true.
Too bloody - also true.
But how about killings by Milo & Company.
Just as bloody BUT BY DESIGN .... NOT MISTAKES!

If it takes explosions to put out this fire
(explosions are good at it)
Then let the bombs fall until the fire dies.

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NATO's putting the fire out with gasoline.
That's a good go.

It has been a couple of weeks since I posted last. I felt bored : talking and giving reason to stone walls is no use.

A BEAR, my dearest Jack, is a symbol of Russia. (You have probably forgotten about that). Not America. You should have mentioned another animal instead :an eagle that feeds itself on dead meat instead of fresh blood. That's it.

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Alexei, if you were Russian,
you would know Michel Strogoff fought a bear.
The Black Bear is as American as the Eagle.
It is often used in the same context.

Stupidity : "...eagle feeds itself on dead meat
instead of fresh blood".
Yes - your bears are good at killing
that's why you support millosovic?

If it takes explosions to put out this fire
(explosions are good at it)
Then let the bombs fall until the fire dies.
Soon there will be nothing left to burn.....

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To Jack London

"We" will tell, "we" will fire...
What at all can such an impotent as you are likely to be tell or fire? Stinking is your credo - everyone on the board knows it.

You're going to bomb the Russian embassy, imbecile? Fire away, that's the exact thing Russia is waiting for to get rid of the world's star-striped itching spot and the fleas crawling around - England and Israel. Not only the Serbs are targets, keep it in mind.

You want a MOTIVE for the BOMBING other than MISTAKE? I can give you one, the most truthful one, though I'm sure to waste my precious time on a THING like you.

NATO military officials ORDERED to attack the embassy TO ESCALATE the tension and NOT TO GIVE WAY to Russian diplomatic efforts.

The U.S. is indending to be the world's sheriff (The Forth Reich), that's what a DESIGN!
ANY Siberian pussycat has been trained specially to bite off Jack London's p##ck in emergency.

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Come on, BASIL, give it a rest. Even the Chinese themselves are returning on their hard language. Affraid as they are to get their HUMAN RIHGTS SITUATION questioned. Read the report below. (BTW WHO pays YOUR online time??? Answer: The poor Russian citizen!)

China backs U.N. role in resolving Kosovo crisis

05:44 a.m. May 20, 1999 Eastern

BEIJING, May 20 (Reuters) - China said on Thursday it backed a U.N. role in a political solution to the Kosovo conflict, but reiterated that Belgrade's consent should be sought and NATO bombing of Yugoslavia should stop immediately.

``The Chinese side has all along advocated a political solution to the Kosovo question,'' Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhu Bangzao told reporters.

China ``also supports the United Nations playing its proper role in the political solution,'' Zhu said when asked if China backed a U.N. resolution being drafted by the Group of Eight (G8) in Bonn aimed at pressing Yugoslavia to make peace with NATO over Kosovo.

Foreign ministers from the G8 -- seven Western powers and Russia -- took a first step towards reconciling their sharp differences two weeks ago when they agreed to work jointly on a U.N. resolution that would lay out terms for Yugoslavia to agree to a peace settlement for its southern province of Kosovo.

The seven Western powers are the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Japan, Italy and Canada.

The G8's plan envisages an international ``civilian and security presence'' in Kosovo, the withdrawal of Serb forces and the return of ethnic Albanian refugees.

``The Chinese side believes the most pressing matter now is for NATO to immediately stop its military action against Yugoslavia,'' Zhu said.

``Any plan aimed at resolving the Kosovo crisis should solicit and respect Yugoslavia's views,'' he added.

It ``should also be discussed thoroughly by the U.N. Security Council,'' Zhu said.

China is one of five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council and wields veto power over any resolution presented to the council.

``China is willing to make its own endeavour to help resolve the Kosovo crisis,'' Zhu said without elaborating.

NATO's bombing of Beijing's embassy in Belgrade on May 7 has complicated the search for a solution to the bombing aimed at stopping what NATO describes as ``ethnic cleansing'' of Albanians in Kosovo.

Zhu repeated China's demand for a thorough and fair investigation of the embassy bombing, the publication of its results as soon as possible.

China has also demanded a formal apology and the
punishment of those responsible for what NATO said was a tragic error stemming from the use of outdated maps.

Zhu sidestepped a question on whether the government believed the bombing, which killed three Chinese journalists and wounded more than 20 other people, was deliberate.

The Chinese people ``would not agree'' unless all of China's demands were met and a ``truthful explanation'' of the embassy bombing were given, Zhu said without specifying the consequences if the demands were not met.

Chinese state media whipped up anti-U.S. fury by declaring the bombing deliberate.

With the blessing of the government, tens of thousands of incensed Chinese took to the streets in more than 10 cities for three days this month, shouting anti-U.S. slogans and pelting the American and British missions in Beijing with rocks, paint and petrol bombs.


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Basil's reason for the "intentional" bombing of the Chinese embassy :

"NATO military officials ORDERED to attack the embassy TO ESCALATE the tension and NOT TO GIVE WAY to Russian diplomatic efforts."

Basil, now that time has passed,
Now that the Russians are on NATO's side,
have YOU learned anything?
Can you see the errors in your thinking?

Or should we wait a little longer?

Go ahead - state your case - put it in writing,PLEASE
we can always look back at it
and LAUGH !@

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Meanwhile .... after all your BLA BLA

China steps aside,
and joins the ranks of Russia et al.

Big countries, big mouths
Or has common sense taken over?

Reason step aside
Power commands here!
The working word here is POWER.
We have power because we are better than you are.

You have no power
And We Have It ALL !

So while here you can piss against the wind
and enjoy the smell
and the moist
while you get wet,
in the real world
we beat the @#!$%! out of you

And soon we'll hang your leaders
and use his money
to help the people you abused.

Pus-sy face Arkan
will get 10 million years community service.

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Well, I want to tell something:

The aggression war against FRY leads by clinton and the others nato members is over but, FRY is still alive, clinton and mates couldn't defeat FRY, oh poor boys!!!!I feel so sorry for them and their mistakes.

Congratulations Heroic Serbian People.

Long Live Great Serbia!!!!!!

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The embassy was bombed because one of the little black locator boxes, which guides the missiles to their place of detonation was placed there by a double agent who knew exactly what to do.

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Yes it is ... but smaller than ever.

Croatia is out.
Serbs have no power there.

Bosnia-Herz is dominated by foreign soldiers.
Serbs have no power there.

Kosovo is dominated by foreign soldiers,
Serbs have no power there.

Montenegro pays no respect to Serbia and will soon be independent.

But now it is a single-state confederation,
consisting only of Serbia,
its starving population
dominated by war criminal Milosovic
bombed back to 1921,
isolated from the world,
stigmatized as criminals against humanity.

Congratulations "Heroic" Serbian People.
Your heroic fight
against civilians, women and children
has ensured that you will NEVER EVER
get to the promised land you call
"Greater Serbia".


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Well only a short remark here.For all the Serbian people who became to see Milosevic's true face and all the other true faces i have great respect.For people who are still walking after him like dogs NO.NO i can't have respect for that.And let me be clear its not "ONLY" about Serbian people here, but more about so called slovenian girls who don't write their names according to "there'Own languages.

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Jack London won the BSiest Post Prize on that. Period. The court is ajourned.

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That is not for you to say "Kissie".

When in disgrace with fortune
and men's eyes
you all alone beweep
your outcast state.

Your troubles deafen heavens
and your boothless cries
look upon yourself
and curse your faith.


You were wrong
we were right.

Dumb ...

Can I make it any simple
so you too can understand ?

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