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This is the precious present.
The DEVIL moved to Belgrade
and soon Slob Milosovic will take
his place in HELL.

Start the EXORCISM now
And don't stop until it hurts.
Make Serbs PEOPLE NON GRATA in the world.

Just like they don't want us
in their country,
we do not want them in our world!

Their brave army
.... that fight women and children !

Their rich culture
.... that has no value for humans !

Their rich heritage
.... spoiled forever by Slob Milosovic !

Keep the bombs falling
until the Devil goes back to Hell.

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Follow the latest news and opinion on the Kosovo Crisis at http://www.commondreams.org/kosovo/kosovo.htm

A service of Common Dreams' NewsCenter - Breaking news & views for progressive-thinking Americans.

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keep on bombing until all the green •••• is out and then kosova will be safe.

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I'd like to know what you think about the news agencies:
Reuters, AP, AFP, BBC, CNN
which of them do you think are biased, pro-nato, pro-slab, which is the "best" international news agency. On this not-war-but-bullying I disagree and pass on this:

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UNICEF-USA Friday launched a special Web feature to provide the latest news and updates on its humanitarian relief efforts in Kosovo, and in neighboring countries where tens of thousands
of refugees continue to flee toward safety. Located at http://www.unicefusa.org/kosovo/ , this Kosovo site features official UNICEF press releases and status reports, information
on UNICEF’s relief efforts in the region, an Alert! mailing list to join to keep up to date on critical issues affecting children around the world, and a secure online donation form where
visitors can help provide urgently needed assistance.

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Many Serbians provoke another people asking, if Prishtina is worth of any american life.
In 1939 many people were thinking "they were not going to die for Danzig (where the war started)". And, because they did not want to die for that remote city, they later died for Paris or London.
1) Better to sacrify 100 lives now than 1000000 later. For this reason I, and many people in my country think as follows: The best way to prevent big wars is to cut their reasons AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, maybe by making small war. This is the lesson from the past.
2) Also, my Serbians, try to find better friends than Russia, which is the greatest imperialist of 20th century. If I did not know anything about war in Yugoslavia, I would be for bombings ONLY because Russia is against them.

Thanks to God, we are already in NATO.

Kraków, Poland

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Italian news on Kosovo crisis, with images and real player.

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Why is it that Kosovo is one of the richest
mining regions in the world,and that aspect
of the story seems to be ignored?
Read the story Kosovo:'The war is about the
mines', 7-30-98,Workers World News Service


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Please ! It is not about mines. These mines were not discovered yesterday. Has the West been sitting in wait until some Slob started killing people so as to have an excuse to take over Kosovo and control the mines? Do you REALLY believe this?

It is not about mines. It is not about occupation, annexation or invasion. Nato can hardly hold-together as an alliance ; how can they in heaven's name design and execute this master conspiracy to take over an insignificant and poor little country ?

If you are right - if this is the conspiracy, then Milosovic is a puppet of the West!

Should we keep going in these circles ?

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Please visit the Project HOPE Web site at http://www.projhope.org/macedonia.htm to learn about HOPE's relief efforts.

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Sarah: Maybe you should read the above link....much interesting background... It's not all black and white!!!

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You must see what is ACTUALLY hapening in Yugoslavia. See this "MILITARY TARGETS"

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Recalling law's dedication to the peaceful resolution of disputes, JURIST: The Law Professors' Network has posted a special "Peace Plans for Kosovo" Web page at:


The page, part of our "Legal Guide to the Kosovo Conflict" ( http://jurist.law.pitt.edu/kosovo.htm ) links to the latest news stories on the peace process as well as to special resources on the history and challenges of that process. We are also asking members of the international legal community and other JURIST readers for their suggestions on how best to achieve peace for Kosovo; selected suggestions will be posted on JURIST for discussion.

Bernard Hibbitts
JURIST: The Law Professors' Network

Associate Dean for Communications & Information Technology
Professor of Law
University of Pittsburgh

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Este es un mensaje de respeto a la soberanía de cada Estado y a la tolerancia de cada derecho como ejemplo de paz.
Que la OTAN ataque Yugoslavia no significa que el conflicto de Kosovo se resuelva. Más allá de buscarle solución lo que USA y Solana quieren es hegemonizar el vil poder de un organismo de defensa que no tiene razón de ser a una década del fin del mundo bipolar.
Si tanto le temen a Milosevic, porque alimentan a otros tiranos igual o peor que él. Aceptemos la masacre de Palestina?. O acaso la del Sahara Occidental.
Seamos serios. Si la ONU propugna por la paz, será con violencia conque termine este conflicto?
Eso nadie, ni Clinton, lo cree.

Francisco Paz
Panamá, Panamá

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Mil disculpas señor Paz,
pero el hecho de que un niño en las calles
de Panama no tenga comida
no le sirbe a Usted como excusa
para no darle de comer a su hijo.

Las injusticias que usted menciona,
son injusticias sin mas.

Pero el "GENOCIDE" que se comete in Yugoslavia,
el abuso de niños y viejos
la violacion de mujeres
ni Usted , ni yo, como Hombres Latinos
lo podemos tolerar
ni en casa - ni donde sea.

No hay respeto a un estado
que no respeta a su ciudadania.
Hubieramos respetado al estado Aleman bajo Hitler.
Seria yegar hasta la puerta de los campos
de concentracion ..... y no entrar.

Yo digo - no respeto criminales.
Ya basta con el ABUSO de humanos.
Ya basta.


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