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Joined: December 11, 1999 10:51 am
Topics: 3 / Replies: 226

5.Amnesty International's Secretary-General, Pierre Sane, met with UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan in NY on 2nd November and expressed grave conc...

25 years ago

Here are a few samples of some published international comments regarding Russian action against the civilian population in Chechnya: 1.Professor Jo...

25 years ago

HUMANITARIAN STATEMENTS: Russian Officials Claim There Is No Humanitarian Catastrophe: The Following Statements Are The Tip of the Iceberg Which Say O...

25 years ago

- on Monday, January 17, 2000 - 09:05 pm you are doning fine, thats al you can do, our faith is not like yours. You are helping 1000...

25 years ago

I feel so sorry for the russian chicken that they are sleeping in cowshade with cow dungs.

25 years ago

Russsian chicken drunken eagel can show their strength to only civiians and wet THEIR PANTS WHEN THEY SEE MUJAHIDS.

25 years ago

Alkhan Yurt Massacre: Testimonies vs. Russian Claims of No Wrong Doing Russian authorities continue to deny what refugees report time and again regar...

25 years ago

When Russian Soldiers Loot, Kill and Get Drunk In Russian Controlled Villages Just over a month ago, a Chechen woman carrying a white flag in front o...

25 years ago

In Recent Weeks: Amnesty International Publishes Report Of Torture & Harrassment for Chechens Sent to Russian "Filtration" Camps or Detained in M...

25 years ago

Russians losing the propaganda war in Chechnya By Patrick Cockburn in Moscow The Independent (UK) 17 January 2000 The conflict in Chechnya is con...

25 years ago

GOOD NEWS Afghan govt recognized CHECHNIA as a INDEPENDENT COUNTRY. way to go Chechnia.

25 years ago

igor ( - on Monday, January 17, 2000 - 06:20 pm: How are your pits? Ask yur mom first son, come see her often. You are our son so co...

25 years ago

HOT NEWS russian chicken aka eagels are living in cow shade per abc raw news. They also did not get paid for 2months and generals are asking them t...

25 years ago

Igore, your dady is here so you know how to talk, or I will ** Ass** dady

25 years ago

By igor ( - on Saturday, January 15, 2000 - 05:39 pm: There will be another Arkan. Why didn't you join Jihad you coward ABFOOLAH?...

25 years ago
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