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Joined: December 11, 1999 10:51 am
Topics: 3 / Replies: 226

Hot news from Grozny// WIRE:12/23/1999 11:40:00 ET Russian Forces Launch Push Into Four of the Russian Soldiers escaped with all their weaponry and ...

25 years ago

VÉRITAS did your father had sex with your sister, go find in bible chapter genesis 19-30. You are a swine so do your family. Your gods and godest ...

25 years ago

VÉRITAS ( - on Saturday, December 25, 1999 - 11:51 am You son of swine, go read your bible, you will see what God asked to eat your p...

25 years ago

TRUTH LOVER Christmas has noting to do with Jesus (peace be upon him) birth day, it is a pagan's holidy. Look saturday came form god SATURN, SO...

25 years ago

to igor ABDULLAH Keep chanting and telling stories I believe in TRUTH AND LIKE TO SHARE THE TRUTH. God told us in Quran, if you believe in God You ...

25 years ago

Freash and HOT news from Grozny In the suburb of Chernorechiye, where Russians have been battling the rebels for the past few days, there has been he...

25 years ago

MORE news The private Russian NTV said the military estimated the rebels to have about 1,500 fighters in Grozny operating in units of 15-20. R...

25 years ago

to igor, Thank you for not useing bad words. Here are some letest news from grozny Russian troops will be at a disadvantage in any street-to-stree...

25 years ago

to Igor, You should learn the lessons from the past. Do not you and your GANGS fell shame to kill poor civilians and raped them and kill their live s...

25 years ago

to igor, Truth hurts too much, I know your brothers are getting killed by the wolfs, let me know if you need some helps. THis is our holi months We...

25 years ago

Victory for the chechnian coming soon, if God willing. So all the russian's will be kicked out from the caucus.

25 years ago

VERSES FROM THE QURAN // 37 CHAPTER 51. And the Trumpet will be blown (i.e. the second blowing) and behold! From the graves they will come out quickl...

25 years ago

THE COWARD NATIONS AND RUSSIA Let us call it by its real name. What Russia is committing in Chechnya is the mass murder of civilians. Moscow's p...

25 years ago

If russia is a brave coutry why they so much warry about few muslims in chechnya. It proves that Russia is a coward coutry and these board those who ...

25 years ago
Replies: 99
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