Estimable Member
Joined: December 9, 1999 3:49 am
Topics: 3 / Replies: 227

to pablo go see these and say your dad russian are innocent

25 years ago

to pablo// the wetback Water still driping from you back go take a bath, you smell sss. One day you will live under muslims kahlifa(means justfull r...

25 years ago

to WASP the son of swine, curse be on you. What you know about Muhammd( peace be upon him). Read the book title THE TOP 100 MANS BY MICHEL H. Auth...

25 years ago

TO RUDOLPH By Rudolph_X ( - on Saturday, December 25, 1999 - 04:36 am: Long live the Chechen freedom fighters! Comming soon INSHAL...

25 years ago

You all rassuina's and traitor's of Chechinya, you guyes are so weak that you can not fight with only 1500 hundreds Linons of the MOuntains ...

25 years ago

To victory to Chechinian, all pro russian, your end is coming soon, by the help of the Creator. To locc, you are dirty and low class human, wash you...

25 years ago

Croatia is in the midst of three days of official mourning for President Franjo Tudjman, with a state funeral scheduled for Monday. Next????????????...

25 years ago

RUSSIAN ARMY Gen. Kovlov, the commander for Russian controlled territories in the north of Chechnya, offered a rare glimpse at the military’s operatio...

25 years ago

To every one's information, The muslim never rely on Western media and their work, we rely on our Creatror and OUr only helper The Almighty ALLA...

25 years ago

The Chechen genocide is no more Russia's "internal affair" than the Serb genocides in Bosnia and Kosovo were Belgrade's. But as Moscow is no...

25 years ago

The LORD our God made a covenant with us in Horeb. "`You shall have no other gods before me. THEY TOOK 3GODS "`You shall not make for yourself...

25 years ago

locc, On the otherside of the story see what God said in the bible" And the LORD said to him, "Go through the city, through Jerusalem, and put a ma...

25 years ago

By LOCC ( - on Thursday, December 9, 1999 - 06:14 am: Look, Islam does not teach to muslims to kill innocent people. I GOT ONE WORD ...

25 years ago

To locc, I agree with you 100%, those rich saudis are the problem for the muslim society, because they are big time corrupted and they should be behe...

25 years ago

To locc and friends, My brother is he who practice Islam correctly, who give charity, who helps the needy and who STAND UP FOR JUSTICE. If my blood b...

25 years ago
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