Honorable Member
Joined: September 18, 2007 4:12 pm
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I agree with George Szamuely 100%. Pretty well sums it up.Kim USC is not slow must be your system.Get rid of the stuff thats running on the side of th...

24 years ago

Kim saw your message on ULTRAS board ,no problems please do maybe we will all come back then, just tired of all this pakis rambling

24 years ago

Shut your orafice ya dumb fuuck Paki.Better still come by so I can road test you or give you an intro to the pavement.

24 years ago

Who is going to make the Chinese do it this chimp?

24 years ago

Agreed Delenne

24 years ago

You are all invited there.I have invited people over from other forums as well .Actually there is a rather large group there all the time now.

24 years ago

Them muslims are all the same remember abdullah the foolah that we had here.That one was a lobotomy that went seriously wrong.

24 years ago

We already have 16 votes to ban that muslim monkee even the Americans want him gone .It's a done deal once Toyman comes back from Moscow. Tazhole...

24 years ago

Just for you Antonio

24 years ago

Yeah come and see USC and what the camelhumping arse smelling skanky muslim pig is doing there.bloody fuucking muslim garbage

24 years ago

Hamoud you need a fuccking beating ,come over I'll give it to you smelly Paki camel humper

24 years ago

L'Menexe I found that song thanks.It's a really good one. For anyone else who is interested group is MAKADAM and song is " DA MI JE ZNATI " ...

24 years ago
24 years ago

american paki and his family want you to watch this

24 years ago

go fack your camel again american paki,make sure you use the right hole this time

24 years ago
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