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Joined: April 15, 2001 2:24 pm
Topics: 0 / Replies: 5

My heart goes out to all victims and their families. My prayers and thoughts are with you everyday. May god be with you! They will pay for this! Comer...

24 years ago

Looking for 25 year old Australian named Luke Kendall. Arrived in New York on Sunday night at 7:40 from Montreal Canada to Grand Central. Was supposse...

24 years ago

For anyone trying to locate information on Marsh employees, please check out the following website for updates/contact information/phone numbers etc.

24 years ago

My heart goes out to all of you in this tragedy. My prayers will be with you. I am looking for any information on a guy in the NYPD. His name is Kei...

24 years ago

hi i was wondering to what extent should polictical and military leaders be held account for decisions and actions taken during time of war and civil ...

24 years ago