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Joined: September 18, 2007 4:12 pm
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Mandy or Amanda Jo, (or her family) I do not know who you are or what your struggles may be. But the night of Sept 11, the Holy Spirit told me to pray...

23 years ago

The sheer horror of what has occurred can never be fully, nor eloquently, expressed. The sense of helplessness we, that are so many miles away, feel i...

24 years ago

I am paralyzed by such profound sadness, my support and prayers go out to all those who are left wondering at this time and who have lost someone. I a...

24 years ago

I am looking for A1C Ryan Mason. He is suppose to be at the Pentagon. Please email me and let me know. Andrea

24 years ago

searching for Sancili family living in Derince Kocaeli Dumplupinar mah. Ozkan sok. F block daire 4

26 years ago