Reputable Member
Joined: September 18, 2007 4:12 pm
Topics: 3 / Replies: 338

Igor, I hate CNN and never go to their board. Unfortunately, there is no alternative to CNN on TV here. CNN is corny, primitive, and politically corre...

25 years ago

By FredLeDingue ( - on Sunday, February 6, 2000 - 04:57 pm: >>That' exactly what he means: "There will be 100 next day".....

25 years ago

By abd ( - on Sunday, February 6, 2000 - 01:21 pm: >>Igor it is not over yet fool, you kill one mujahid there will be 100 next ...

25 years ago

Allah is a dead meat. I believe in Allah no more. Where are my Muslim friends? Where is that gay CB1? What happend to Ultra? This board is melting dow...

25 years ago

oh.. oh I want to BELONG soo badly.. oh please dear kind good Russians accept me as one of you. I will do anything to belong. Look I am not a Caucus b...

25 years ago

piss_onn + CanadianBacon = Camel Stop Thugs >>By CanadianBacon on Thursday, February 3, 2000 - 02:52 pm: Once again to all new people: Who is ...

25 years ago

By Ibrahim on Thursday, February 3, 2000 - 07:18 am: >>>What is the problem if somebody is a gay?!! I know a few Chechen fighters, in fact, u...

25 years ago

to It's not over, >>>5. The Mujahideen's goals in Grozny have been fulfilled. Yeah, right! We are retreating! Enemy's running ...

25 years ago

By CanadianBacon on Thursday, February 3, 2000 - 07:30 am: >>Where the hell did this baboon BILLj.barufi come from? What the hell are you doi...

25 years ago

2 Albanian, >>Hey when you bad mouthed the Albanians you finally went overboard! Albania - what a pittiful place to be! Stay there, my buddy.

25 years ago

2 Ulra, Zyuganov does have any balls. If he did, he would be hang by them. So Zyuganov is a "no balls man" (read "no-balls-it"). Happy elections, Dusy...

25 years ago

2 jamman, As native American to native American let me shake your hand. We did not have your high school diploma for nothing. So HEAR we are, my frien...

25 years ago

By xyz33m ( - on Tuesday, February 1, 2000 - 08:28 pm: >>>It's a very sad day today for people all over the world What...

25 years ago

Admin, I am in US. cb1, Germans are nice people. I agree. It does not make you a nice person though.

25 years ago

2 cb1, You are still here, aren't you? You even have a few boddies, Muslim ape. Camels like you should go to Grozny and help your lousy fated bro...

25 years ago
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