Reputable Member
Joined: September 18, 2007 4:12 pm
Topics: 3 / Replies: 338

ULTRA, are you sure she was not faking? Hah-hah!

25 years ago

Fenriz, >>4) Tzar Nickolay II lost (!!!!!!!!!) World War I and later was killed by an assasination attempt I like this pearl the most! Number...

25 years ago

balalaika, really buddy, you are very sick and most likely getting sicker. I know what I am saying. Sorry, my friend, see your doctor soon. :-(

25 years ago

>>ne zanimaisya obostreniem mizhdunarodnoi rozni, kak govoryat v rossii, eto ne-prilichno dlya armyanina. And how muslim Balalaika would know wh...

25 years ago

To everyone, I am dying to see how Muslim balalika makes friends with ULTRA. IT IS ALSO IMPORTANT TO FIND OUT HOW SICK BALALAIKA REALLY IS. I AM CONS...

25 years ago

ULTRA, North Korea is even better! Sorry I forgot about this wonderful place! It also would be nice to see how U R N makes friends with one sick musli...

25 years ago

ULTRA, Since you are not in Cuba, could you please post your opinion on Balalaika's mental health? :-)

25 years ago

2 Fenriz Culto, >>>Judging on your deep posts on this board, I'm not really sure if I should respond to you at all, but since you are S...

25 years ago

2 Balalaika, >>you missed the target, try again Okay, then. When you go to bed tonight repeat 10 times to yourself: "Allah does not exist. I am ...

25 years ago

balalaika, >>People there have no manners. Is there just an absolute absence of manners? Is it really possible? You are basically saying (repe...

25 years ago

to Are you unhappy with your life or just feeling bad about the article?

25 years ago

Slovak, smokin' somethin'?

25 years ago

UTLRA, Another question for you. What was the difference between Stalin and Hitler? Who was a better ruler his people?

25 years ago

U R N, You haven't moved to Cuba yet as I see. So you can wait for communism, aren't you?

25 years ago

>>>no nato no russia no china............ I doubt this. It will be much easier to get rid of Slovaks like you. Don't you think?

25 years ago
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