Honorable Member
Joined: December 24, 1999 12:52 pm
Topics: 5 / Replies: 548

Chechens claim big victory CHECHEN rebels claimed last night to have killed 80 Russian soldiers and destroyed 18 tanks in an ambush in the Vedeno gor...

25 years ago

Enjoy, as many russians still do...

25 years ago
25 years ago

By mini basaev ( - on Friday, April 14, 2000 - 01:44 am: BALALAIKA's father UKrainian colonel SAVCHENKO Gee, even though I have no...

25 years ago

Hello, palata nomer 6! Still fail to get discharged?!! What's the matter with you, boyz and gals?

25 years ago

>>> What has Russia forgot in that Council? I don't know. You are right - Russia "forgot" nothing in the Council, since Russian input ...

25 years ago

I feel so sorry for Europe... Just imagine - Europe WITHOUT the GREAT RUSSIA - would you call the former "Europe" again?!!

25 years ago

Russia to be suspended from Council of Europe over Chechnya rights!!! STRASBOURG, April 6 (AFP) - The parliamentary assembly of the 41-nation Counc...

25 years ago

Gee, the same staff, the same circus... Any news (yawning)?

25 years ago

Hungry russian soldier gets desparate, and kills himself Âî Âëàäèìèðñêîé îáëàñòè â îäíîé èç âîèíñêèõ ÷àñòåé çàñòðåëèëñÿ âîåííîñëóæàùèé. Ñîëäàò îõðà...

25 years ago

In Russland waren seit jeher die Nächte kalt, die Menschen roh, die Suppentöpfe voller Wasser und die Wassergläser voller Wodka. Seit Menschengedenken...

25 years ago

Èäóò áîè. Âñå áóäòî ñîí. Ñòàëüíûå ïòèöû â íåáå êðóæàò. Âäðóã ãäå-òî âçðûâ. È ÷åé-òî ñòîí. Åìó íè÷òî óæ íå ïîìîæåò. Âäðóã ðåçêèé ñâèñò. Óñïåëè ëå÷ü. Êî...

25 years ago

Ãëàâà ×å÷íè Äæîõàð Äóäàåâ â êðàþ ðîäíîì ìÿòåæ âîçãëàâèë. Íå÷åñòíóþ îí Ðóñü îñòàâèë è óëüòèìàòóì èì íàïðàâèë: "×å÷íÿ - ñâîáîäíàÿ ñòðàíà! Âñåâûøíèì ïðàâ...

25 years ago

Ìîñêâà ïîçîðíàÿ ïûëàåò, ñòîëèöà ðóññêèõ àëêàøåé. Íàðîä âàø ìåðçíåò îò ãîëîäà è òàì, è çäåñü. Õîòü ìàëî íàñ, ìû âåäü ÷å÷åíöû. Ïðåêðàñíî çíàåøü áîÿ êëè÷...

25 years ago

1. Horry up, and thank Mr. Putin 2. I wonder if these faggots survised subsequent clashes with chechens. 3. This one did not ... 4. Neither di...

25 years ago
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