Reputable Member
Joined: January 17, 2000 6:59 pm
Topics: 4 / Replies: 382

Good Afternoon Mary, How are you doing today? Back to the topic! Top 10 reasons the Baron is rejected by women! 1.I think of you as a brother. You r...

25 years ago

A little story about BaronVonDickless, Friday night is very much love night for the Baron. Arriving back from the pub, having partaken of the traditi...

25 years ago

BaronVonWishIHadWhiteteeth, "Ugly Americans" come on bro what continent is full of people with rotten teeth? A;Europe! AHHH California the land of sun...

25 years ago

BaronVonDickBreath, Come on man you can do better than that! Ah I don't think I've ever aligned myself with allamerican, never had a convers...

25 years ago

Baron Von Moron, I know what your mom was thinking when you were birthed by the vet... "Acceptance of what has happened is the first step to overcomin...

25 years ago

mcbalvennie, Unfortunatly that looks like the typical little computer dork that I picture you. But then again I'm sad to say that is our long lo...

25 years ago

LordLikePissInMyMouth, Ok I guess I am egotistical you sorry asss little pricck!

25 years ago

thx Oh ya, I almost forgot. What purpose did Arkans Tigers serve during these conflicts?

25 years ago

Kim, Now not to argue with you do you really percieve the west as bad? Does my lifestyle/your lifestyle directly effect these small countries with cor...

25 years ago

Kim, Don't get me wrong in what I'm posting here. I completely understand were you are coming from. I probably didn't get it across tha...

25 years ago

Kim, I think thx is on his own wave-leangth, it would be impossible for him to take on views other than his own. If most of the world has seen the ser...

25 years ago

Gonzo, thx is a closeminded, blind, sexually deprived, un-educated loser. You are right though, the Cuba deal wasn't black mail...

25 years ago

Kim, Without a doubt all sides have commited atrocities. I think we will probably have to wait a long time for that certain person with balls to strai...

25 years ago

Cuban missle crises

25 years ago

Gonzo, I think only those little slanty eye'd bastards the Chinese use the nuke threat. As for the US maybe just the threat of "grave consequence...

25 years ago
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