Estimable Member
Joined: December 20, 1999 1:07 pm
Topics: 1 / Replies: 227

And after visiting this site please tell me what in your opinion would be a justifiable measure to stop it.

25 years ago

Saul, "...The stories of Chechnen gangs kidnappings, cutting off fingers, and killing people is very disturbing..." The stories?.. Please take just o...

25 years ago

Roger, telling you: learn more words. Obviously nobody will take the labor to count how many times you used "beggar" (although I see the progress - yo...

25 years ago

"...I don't think he's even an American..." Somehow I don't believe he's an American either. To everybody: to really understand...

25 years ago

Igor, what did you do to me.., man I am sick. I went to see

25 years ago

Igor, we can't get rid of all of them and you know they are poisoned. look at their women, children - they all infected with hate. I really thin...

25 years ago

Right on, George.

25 years ago

The very same bastards if not finished off now will eventually crawl into Nagorni Karabakh (not sure if it means anything to western participant of th...

25 years ago

AAS, with bitterness I admit that the years of communist rule turned a lot of my compatriots to vulgar materialists. But the substitute of spirituali...

25 years ago

Dmitri, no problem buddy..

25 years ago

Muslim I rest my case LOL!

25 years ago

I meant to say "surfing" of course..

25 years ago

Chechen fighter, And one more thing, if you are indeed chechen fighter, shouldn't you be fighting right now instead of serfing the internet?

25 years ago

VÉRITAS said: "To all Russians, congratulations on this brilliant victory which is shaping out from the news little by little. You carried out with co...

25 years ago

Veritas, veux-tu que je traduise ca? If Veritas doesn't mind I'll be happy to do so.

25 years ago
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