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Joined: September 18, 2007 4:12 pm
Topics: 0 / Replies: 7

I am on the island of Guam. We the people of guam send our Condolenses. Hang in there. God be with you! chris

23 years ago

Im on the island off Guam. And on behalf of the people of Guam, We send our condolenses. May God Jehoavah, Yaweah be with you in the name of our Lo...

23 years ago

hi! i am looking for my nephew and his wife. crispian or amber delarm please contact your aunt chris or your dad in st.louis mo. love y...

24 years ago

hi! i am looking for a cousin of my moms. my moms last name was koenman here cousins maidens name would of been mcfarland and her dads name was joe mc...

24 years ago

I would like to comment on Hertz. Some Hertz dealers are not connected to the corporation as others. Some are franchised out. If you think you have...

24 years ago

The Red Cross Donation appeal telephone number is +44 171 201 5250. Donations can be made by credit or debit card

25 years ago

Rights & wrongs do not matter. Human life matters. My heart goes out to all who must be terrified. They must be in such shock asking themselves...

26 years ago