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Joined: September 18, 2007 4:12 pm
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respected by whom? other Zionist fanatics? Larry the drummer and you. How noteworthy!

24 years ago

I think that Delenne basically won the debate, because she was actually able to argue back at you with facts and structured intelligent points, pepper...

24 years ago

L'menexe Your obsession with banning people is unhealthy. There is such a thing as free speech (visit Hyde Park on Sunday). You can't just...

24 years ago

I am the first to admit that I am not very technical but how on earth can the moderator ban a specific person? All they have too do is jump on another...

24 years ago

Allamerican, There was interesting documentary on BBC about Sharon, and that he should be tried as a war criminal. Kim H...

24 years ago

incapable of doing anything but trying to make it with my little yenta... he is afraid_ of her because he knows he's a stagnant lump of SHITE by...

24 years ago

Because they wet their pants, looking at the Mk-III. That is why they don't attack them, - to keep their pants dry. Do you also wet your "k...

24 years ago

* a roughy Hizbollah doing ... tizballah on the Queer Jihad site. Look who's THE Queer, you ABU Delenne ABU Delenne!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

24 years ago

Bagel girl is going beserk! she's started sniffing her own "kosher" panties. In the begining the little jew fanatic hooked (pun intended) L'...

24 years ago

By L'menexe ( - on Friday, March 16, 2001 - 01:38 pm: .....and if i do, will you dance with me? Down boy and Beg! Beg the litt...

24 years ago

SHe-Brew from the shekled sewer is chugging away..... This particular fanatical zionist animal (unlike so many of her contemporaries) is remarkably s...

24 years ago

American, Don't waste your time on this degranged fanatical zionist animal. Deep down this nutcase knows how much she and her stinking herbraic...

24 years ago

By Delenne ( - on Friday, February 16, 2001 - 05:03 pm: * like """"aegis """ all the sudden from semi-broken english. Wow! Is a good E...

24 years ago

By Chorny Volk ( - on Wednesday, February 14, 2001 - 02:56 pm: They sound like they are all saints over there never guilty of anything ...

24 years ago

By Delenne ( - on Wednesday, February 14, 2001 - 06:56 am: "Contrary to what has been claimed in various circles, the visit of Ariel Sh...

24 years ago
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