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Joined: September 18, 2007 4:12 pm
Topics: 0 / Replies: 152

Sick of this deranged fanatical zionist animal that keeps hogging the board with her trite garbage. She must be unemployed or being paid to spit out t...

24 years ago

American L'menexe is a squirt of a little man. He NEVER disagrees with anything that his fanatical jewish girlfriend says! He's like a bi...

24 years ago

By L'menexe ( - on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 05:11 pm: BACON: "Despite what YOU think..." you have hounded the lady for o...

24 years ago

By Delenne ( - on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 08:15 pm: Conrad, I honestly believe that You (or anyone else), whose primary motivatio...

24 years ago

By Delenne ( - on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 - 12:02 pm: Conrad, You will like it. I don't know what you're blubbering abo...

24 years ago

Excellent education was always excellent, it has nothing to do with "chosennies" (for conrads, maybe). Does zionist propaganda also qualify as "exce...

24 years ago

By L'menexe ( - on Tuesday, January 16, 2001 - 12:48 am: BACON: i already told you kisako wasnt from the states. I believe yo...

24 years ago

You know I think Dr. Finkelstein's book (Verso Books; ISBN: 1859847730) is a hoax as well! LOL Book contents: Israel's brutal policy towa...

24 years ago

I sometimes think," writes the American academic Dr Norman Finkelstein, "the worst thing that ever happened to the Nazi Holocaust was that American Je...

24 years ago

P.S. Everyone is a critic, teaching Israel how it was, how it is and how it should be. I wouldn't mind listening (if it is worth it), but ... fol...

24 years ago

lynching two IDF reservists in the Ramalah Palestinian Thugs Station, chasing their already dead bodies after they had been thrown out of the window. ...

24 years ago

For over 1,700 years, the Jews have been bewailing their sad fate in that they have been exiled from their homeland, as they call Palestine. But gentl...

24 years ago

Pay some respect to Jesus Christ - he had had spoken it. True he spoke Aramaic too, before being betrayed to the Romans by Jews.

24 years ago

Or a new Bovine Conradiform Encephalopathy rampaging in Yorkshire? LOL Yorkshire in London? Geography, was never a strong point of the jews, unl...

24 years ago

Yes, because a-rab sources are known and documented clinical liars (Your example proves it). So! these a-rab sources have learned a few tricks from...

24 years ago
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